APUSH chapter 29-30 Test Review

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Wilsonian Progressivism to the beginning of the Great Depression

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Underwood Tariff

Substancial Reduction of rates(Gained Money through 16th Amendment or the Income tax)

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Federal Reserve Act

An act establishing twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks and a Federal Reserve Board which oversaw the banks and tried to maintain sustainable economic growth.

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Federal Trade Commission Act

This appointed a federally elected commission to investigate into illegal business practices like false advertising.

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Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Law which extended the anti-trust Protections of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Exempted labor unions and agricultural organizations from antimonopoly. Sought to exterminate Holding Companies.

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Holding Companies

Companies that would hold above par or all of a companies stock to extend monopoly control.

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Workingmen’s Compensation Act

Granted assistance to people working in federal jobs during times of disability.

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Adamson Act

Establised the 8 hour work day for people working in Railroad Companies.

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Jones Act

Promised the Phillipines independence as soon as they form a stable government.

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Tampico Incident

An arrest of American Sailors. Spurred Woodrow Wilson to dispatch the American Navy. Even though war was avoided, tensions rose.

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Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria

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Allied Powers

Great Britian, Russia, France, later joined by Italy, Japan, and US.

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German Submarines, or Underwater Boats

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British passenger ship that sank because of a German Torpedo killing 128 Americans.

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Zimmerman Note

German Secretary Arthur Zimmerman sent a Note which secretly proposed a alliance with Mexico. It promised them the return of their old territorries. Intercepted and published by the British.

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Fourteen Points

Wilson proposal to ensure peace after WW1. End of Secret Treaties, Widespread Arms Reduction, national self-determination, new league of Nations.

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Committe of Public Information

Led by George Creel. The commision tried to the sell the war to the Americans through Propoganda. These included movies, posters, billboards, etc. He oversold the War in the end.

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Epsionage Act

A law that prohibited interference with the draft. It was paired with the sedition act which added penalties for abusing the government.

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Schenk v. United States

Upheld the epsionage act, saying that America was in a time of Distress

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War Industries Board

Led by Benard Beruch. Set production Quoatas, allocated raw materials, pushed companies to increase efficieny and eliminate waste. Industrial Production increade by 20% because of it.

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Industrial Workers of the World

Also known as the “wobblies” and sough to build one big union. Advocated to the people who went through the worst of the worst working conditions.

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General Strike

A large-scale work stoppage in Seattle. Many blacks took the jobs during the stike, meaning that it cause no damage and they all returned.

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Great Migration

The movement of 6 million African Americans from the South for job oppourtunites and to escape racial persecution.

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19th Amendment

Gave Women the Right to vote

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Sheppard-Tower Maternity Act

Federally fincanced instruction to maternal and infant health care to mothers.

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AEF(American Expeditionary Forces)

Commanded by John J. Pershing who was deployed to Mexico to capture Pancho Villa, but was called back because of rising tensions in Europe. The AEF was deployed in Europe as the main people fighting.

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Battle of Château-Thierry

The first significant engagement of American Troops was in WW1. The Americans Encouraged the French soldiers on the west front with their joyous attitudes.

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Meuse-Argonne Offensive

The AEF’s offensive which aimed to take down the German Railroads, which was their supply lines. It was still underway when the war ended.

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League of Nations

It was an organiztion of National Governments to try and ensure World Peace. It did not work because isolationists opposed the idea.

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Treaty of Versailles

Every single country opposed the Treaty because it was not good. It basically blamed Germany for the war and got rid of almost all of their rights. Was not based on the 14 points like Germany wanted it to be like. Establied the League of Nations, but the US did not join it.

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Led by Senator William Borah of Idaho and Hiram Johnson of California. A hard-core group of military isolationists opposed the idea of the League of Nations and refused to get it ratified. This led to WW2.

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Louis D. Brandeis

He was the first Jewish American to be elected into the supreme court. He served in the Muller v. Oregon case in which Women could have more than a 10 hr workday.

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Victoriano Huerta

After the revolution in Mexico, he took over. He was a dictator and the Americans did not like that because they belived in Democracy. He was very violent. The US liked Carranza better.

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Pancho Villa

He was a violent who marched into American territory and killed innocent Americans as the was a rival of Carranza. He was assassinated, but Pershing was sent after him, but went back after tension rose in Europe.

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Arthur Zimmerman

He sent the Zimmerman Note through the transatlantic cable, which the british intercepted because they own it. Zimmerman proposed to have a secret alliance with Mexico to turn against the US.

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George Creel

He was at the head of the Commitee of Public Information. He oversold the war to the American Public, which in the end made them dissappointed in the outcome of the war.

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Eugene V. Debs

He was a socialist who was convicted under the Epsionage Act and sent to jail.

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William D. Haywood

He was the leader of the IWW or the industrial workers of the world. He was a target against anti-leftist legislation and was very radical and feared.

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Herbert C. Hoover

He was the head of the Food Administration. He belived in public service and not the government forcing their policies onto the people. He did greatly, even creating small gardens in places like parks to same rations.

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Alice Paul

She was the leading Suffragist and an anti-war activist. The cofounded the National Women’s Party which advocated against war and equal rights. It was unstable and sort of shaky because of the 19th amendment.

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Henry Cabot Lodge

He crusaded against the League of Nations and proved to be a thorn in Wilson. He was an isolationist.

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Scientific Management

A system of industrial management with encouraged efficiency and improve factory performance.

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A system of assembly line manufacturing and mass production named after Henry Ford.

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United Negro Improvment Association

Black nationalist orginization which promoted blacks to “return” to their home country. Marcus Garvery led and founded the Organization.

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Bolshevik Revolution

The revolution of the Bolesheviks in Russia ending the reign of Czars.

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Red Scare

An intense period of anti-Communism. General A. Michell Palmer led the Palmer raids with resulted in the deportatino of over 6000 people suspected of communistic behaviors.

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Criminal Syndacalism Laws

This outlawed the mere advocacy of violence to try and bring social change. People argued that just merely saying something does not mean you will actually do it and it went against their freedoms.

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American Plan

A Business Oriented Approach to defeat unionizaition. They would try to increase the relations with managers and wage earners with things like insurance.

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Immigration Act of 1924

This established immigration quotas on the united States. It used the 1890 census to take 2% of a nationality. That 2% is the total amount of people that could immigrate into the US. It basically closed the doors on immigration from Asia and banned Japan from getting in.

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Indian Citizenship Act of 1924

It gave American Indians citizenship if they were born in a US territory. It was signed into action by Calvin Coolidge.

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Eighteenth Amendment

It prohibited the sale, manufacture, and transportation of Alcohol. This resulted in an increase of crime through bootlegging.

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Volstead Act

It enforced the Eighteenth Amendment.

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People who gained money illegaly by fraud, bootlegging, gambling, or threaths of violence.

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Scopes Trial

Also called the “Monkey Trial” because Teacher John T. Scopes, who was an subsitute, taught the theory of Evolution in School. It was illegal in Tennesee, so he was brough to Court.

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Protestent Christian Movement which emphasized the literal truth of the bible.

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This movement Accepted change and revolted against Victorian Standards

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“Lost Generation”

Ernest Hemmingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Gertrude Stein. They all showed disdain to the traditional ways and had a severed outlook on life which named them the “Lost Generation”.

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Bureau of the Budget

Oversaw the federal budget and kept federal spending within the guidelines.

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Adkins vs Childrens Hospital

Overturned the muller v Oregon court case, declaring that women do not have a special place in the workplace.

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Nine Powers Treaty

Made in the Disarmament Conference. Basically restated the open door notes.

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5 power treaty

Stated that the there was a ratio with Japan recieving the shorter end of the stick with 5:5:3.

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4 power Treaty

Preserved the status quo.

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Kellogg Briand Pact

It outlawed war. Very ignorant.

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Fordney-McCumber Tarriff Law

Passed to protect domestic production. It spurred the other countries to increase their rates as well.

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Teapot Dome Scandal

A scandal were the Secretary of the Interior of Harding Albert B. Fall leases naval oil reserves to private comapnies.

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McNary-Huagen Bill

Tried to keep up farm prices by making the government buy up the surpluses to sell abroad.

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Dawes Plan

It reschedules German reperations and stablized the German Economy.

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Agricultural Marketing Act

It established the Federal Farm Board which tried to buy up the supluses in 1930, but was unable to keep up with the tremendous amount of surpluses.

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Hawley-Smoot Tarriff

The highest protective tarriff in the peacetime history of the United States. Other Countries viewed this as economic warfare.

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Black Tuesday

Where over 16 million stocks were sold which kickstarted the great depression.

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Poor towns where the impoverished victims of the great depression lived in. There slept under tents and newspapers.

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Reconstruction Finance Corps

A government lending Agency which tried to assist insurance companies, banks, etc.

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Norris-Laguardia Anti-Injunction Act

Banned “yellow dog” contracts which meant that people were barred to not join a labor union in a contract.

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Bonus Expiditionary Forces

20k veterns marched to washington to demand their payments of bonuses recieved during ww1. Douglass MacArthur used tear gas and Bayonets to send the veterns away.

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A. Michell Palmer

Anti-red Presecutor who deported many due to redish activities.

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Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti

They were italian anarchists who were convicted of murder and then given the death penalty even though the evidence was weak.

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Horace Kallen and Randolph Burne

They belived in Cultural Puralism, in which the people should not every should be 100% american and they should celebrate their cultures.

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Al Capone

Notorious bootlegger and Gangseter who was sent to jail because of tax evasion.

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John T. Scopes

Subsitute teacher who taught Darwin’s theory of evolution in a class which was illegal.

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Sigmund Frued

Austrian physician who led the way of psychoanalysis. Believed that people shiuld be fufilled of their sex drive.

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H. L. Mencken

He was the nation’s leading critic. He opposed William Jenning Bryan in the Monkey trials.

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F. Scott Fitzgerald

Wrote The Great Gatsby and This side of Paradise.

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Earnest Hemmingway

Author of The Sun always rises and A farewell to arms

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T.S. Elliot

A poet who wrote The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufock and The Wasteland

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William Faulkner

Exposed the Racism of the south through a ficttional town

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Langston Hughes

Famous Black Poet during the Harlem Rennesaince

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Warren G. Harding

Presidency was offset with scandals. He was the 29th president.

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Albert B. Fall

Harden’s Sectretary of the Interior. He was involved in the Teapot scandal in which he would lease out land to private companies allowing their to profit off of it,

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Calvin “silent Cal” Coolidge

Because the 30th president after Harding dies in office. He served during the boom years from 1921-1929.

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John W. Davis

1924 election. He was just as conservative as Coolidge

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Alfred E. “Al” Smith

He was the unsuccessful presidential candidate for the 1928 election against Herbert Hoover. He was a catholic which got him a lot of hate.

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Herbert Hoover

He is regared as one of the Worst Presidents of all time. He did not react to the depression, belived that it would fix itself, but it didn’t and he failed to bring the economy back up.

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APUSH chapter 29-30 Test Review
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