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What is the function of blood?
The function of blood is to transport gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide), nutrients, wastes, hormones
What does blood regulate?
blood regulate and maintain body’s temperature, normal pH (contains buffers), and fluid volume (some plasma proteins prevent fluid from moving into tissue)
What does blood protect?
it prevents blood loss (clotting) and infection (antibodies and white blood cells)
what do buffers do?
Buffers prevent fluctuations in pH
what does fluid volume influence?
Fluid volume influences blood pressure
what is the only fluid tissue in the body?
blood is the only fluid tissue in the body
Plasma makes up ______ of the whole blood.
The buffy coat includes ___________.
leukocytes and platelets, makes up less than 1 percent of whole blood
Erythrocytes make up ______ percent of whole blood (hematocrit)
What color is plasma?
slightly yellow, sticky
Plasma is mostly ______
water, but also contains electrolytes (ions/salts), nutrients, absorbed from digestive tract, gases, hormones, and plasma proteins.
Plasma proteins are most produced by what organ?
Plasma proteins are most produced by liver
what are the four types of plasma proteins?
The four types of plasma proteins are Albumin, Alpha and beta globulins, Gamma globulins, and Fibrinogen.
What plasma protein is the main contributer to osmotic pressure?
What do alpha and beta globulins do?
they transport proteins for lipids, some ions, and vitamins
Gamma globulins do what?
release antibodies released during immune response
What plasma protein forms fibrin threads in blood clots?
what blood cells have biconcave disks (flat with depression)?
do mature red blood cells have a nucleus?
No, mature red blood cells are anucleate (no nucleus) with no organelles
red blood cells contain _________.
hemoglobin-transports respiratory gases
do red blood cells have more surface area than volume?
Yes, red blood cells (erythrocytes) have more surface area than volume.
Erythrocytes (RBC) generate ATP _____________
anaerobically- no consumption of O2 carried
Hemoglobin makes RBCs red and ___________
carries respiratory gases
Most O2 in blood is bound to _________
One heme group per ____________
polypeptide chain (4 total)
At tissues, ________ detaches from the heme and diffuses into cells- ______________
O2, deoxyhemoglobin
Red bone marrow produces one ounce of ____________________.
blood per day containing 100billion new cells
All formed elements derived from _______________
hematopoietic stem cell (hemocytoblast)
Hematopoietic is ________________.
programmed to specialize info formed elements
Erythropoiesis- erythrocyte production; ___________________
takes about 15 days
low red blood cells causes ________
hypoxia (O2 deprivation)
high RBCS causes ________>
increased viscosity thick blood
Hormonal control, but dependent on adequate supply if ________________
Fe2+, amino acids and B vitamins (obtained through diet)
What is the only fluid tissue in body?
Blood is the only fluid tissue in body
Oxygenated blood is what color?
Deoxygenated blood is what color?
dark red
What is blood ph?
Drastic fluctuations in blood will __________
denature enzymes
Amount of blood in males and females
males 5-6 L, females 4-5L
Erythrocytes-RBCs- transport what?
erythrocytes (RBC) transport O2 and CO2, is responsible for viscosity of blood (thickness)
What is a hematocrit?
% of RBCs in blood sample; usually 45% of total volume
What blood cell protects body against infection?
leukocytes, white blood cells
Platelets are what?
cell fragments involved in clotting
What makes up a buffy coat?
Leukocytes and platelets make up a buffy coat
What percent of the blood does plasma make up?
Plasma makes up 55% of whole blood
What percentage does the buffy coat make up?
The buffy coat makes up <1% of whole blood (leukocytes and platelets)
Erythrocytes makes up what percent of blood?
45% of whole blood, most dense component
Plasma is slightly_______
yellow, sticky
What is mostly water (90%), but also contains electrolytes, nutrients absorbed from digestive tract, gases, hormones, and plasma proteins
Plasma proteins are most produced by what organ?
By the liver
Albumin is most abundant and the ______________
main contributer to opsmotic pressure
What does albumin regulate?
regulates fluid volume/loss to tissues
What do alpha and beta globulins do?
Alpha and beta globulins transport proteins for lipids, some ions, and vitamins
Gamma globulins do what?
are antibodies released during immune response
Fibrinogen forms what?
It forms fibrin threads in blood clots
Erythrocytes (RBCs) have what type of disks?
have biconcave disk-flat with depression
Erythrocytes appear lighter in ____
Mature RBCs are _____
anucleate (no nucleus) with no organelles
Erythrocytes contain hemoglobin which _____
transports respiratory gases
Erythrocytes have the flexibility to fit through ______
tiny capillaries
Surface area > _____
volume, making it great for gas exchange
Erythrocytes generate ATP anaerobically________
no consumption of O2 carried.
hemoglobin makes RBCs _____ and carries respiratory gases
Hemoglobin, most O2 in blood is ___________
bound to hemoglobin
heme= -Fe2+
Two alpha and two ___________
beta polypeptide chains
One heme group_____
per polypeptide chain
One heme group per ________
polypeptide chains
One O2 bonds to each ______
heme group
250million hemoglobin per RBC = ______
one billion O2 carried per RBCs
Hemoglobin: as deoxygenated blood moves __________
through the lungs, O2 diffuses into blood, then into RBCs where it binds to the heme- oxyhemoglobin
Hemoglobin, at tissues, O2 detaches from the __________
heme and diffuses into cells- deoxyhemoglobin
Hemoglobin, CO2 then binds to the globin (carbarminohemoglobin) for __________
transport to lungs and eventual elimination from body, only 20% of CO2 transported by hemoglobin
Hematopoiesis- _____
blood cell formation, occurs in red bone marrow
Hematopoiesis is a type of _________
blood cell formed depends upon body’s needs
Hematopoiesis, red bone marrow ______
produces one ounce of blood per day containing 100 billion new cells
Hematopoiesis, all formed elements ______
derived from hematopoietic stem cell (hemocytoblast), programmed to specialize info formed elements
Erythropoiesis, erythrocyte production; ____
takes about 15 days
regulation of erythropoiesis, negative feedback:_______
low RBCs causes hypoxia (O2 deprivation) at tissue level, high RBCs causes increased viscosity thick blood
2 million RBCs produced ________
per second
Hormonal control, but dependent on _________
adequate supply of Fe2+ amino acids and Bvitamins (obtained through diet)
Erythropoietin (EPO), hormone that _____
stimulates erythropoiesis
EPO is produced by _____
kidneys (mostly) and liver when their cells become hypoxic
Excessive O2 in bloodstream inhibits______
EPO production
Since RBCs are anucleate, they do _______
not divided or produce new proteins
Old RBCs get trapped in tiny vessels in spleen and are _______
phagocytized by macrophages
Life span of Erythropoieis are________
100-120 days
Leukocytes (WBCs)-____
complete cells, containing nuclei and organelles
What percentage of Leukocytes (WBCs) makes up the total blood volume?
less than 1%
What are the function of leukocytes?
The function of leukocytes are defense againest disease
Leukocytes are transported by _______, but able to leave _____________- and move through tissue spaces to destroy pathogens and phagocytize necrotic tissue
blood, bloodstream (diapedesis)
leukocytosis- double the normal __________
leukocyte count; produced by body as normal response to infection
Two categories of Leukocytes : granulocytes and __________-
Tissue damage releases chemicals that beckon WBCs to area _________
(postive hemostasis)
WBCs move toward _____
Granulocytes look ______
grainy v
What and what are both white blood cells that have different functions?
Granulocytes and Agranulocytes
Granulocytes include: _____
neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils
agranulocytes include:
lymphocytes and monocytes
Granulocytes are mostly ______
spherical cells