Have you noticed any changes in your life flow since you started working with me?
Introduction: a. Greet the client and introduce yourself. b. Briefly explain the purpose of the session and the KAWA model. c. Ask the client if they have any questions before starting.
Life flow: a. Ask the client to describe their understanding of their life flow or life energy. b. Ask the client how they currently feel about their life flow. c. Ask the client to describe activities or occupations that help them maintain a smooth life flow.
Physical and social contexts: a. Ask the client to describe their physical and social contexts. b. Ask the client how their physical and social contexts affect their life flow. c. Ask the client to identify any challenges or obstacles in their physical and social contexts that are hindering their life flow.
Obstacles and resources: a. Ask the client to identify any rocks or obstacles in their life flow. b. Ask the client to describe any personal attributes or resources they have that can help them overcome these obstacles. c. Ask the client to identify any activities or occupations that are important to them but are currently challenging due to these obstacles.
Treatment plan: a. Summarize the client's responses and identify the key areas that need to be addressed in the treatment plan. b. Work with the client to develop a treatment plan that focuses on addressing the obstacles and increasing their life flow. c. Identify any support or resources that the client may need to achieve their goals.
Conclusion: a. Summarize the key points of the session and the treatment plan. b. Ask the client if they have any questions or concerns. c. Thank the client for their time and input, and schedule the next session if appropriate.
Treatment plan: a. Summarize the client's responses and identify the key areas that need to be addressed in the treatment plan. b. Work with the client to develop a treatment plan that focuses on addressing the obstacles and increasing their life flow. c. Identify any support or resources that the client may need to achieve their goals.
Conclusion: a. Summarize the key points of the session and the treatment plan. b. Ask the client if they have any questions or concerns. c. Thank the client for their time and input, and schedule the next session if appropriate.