the mental activity that includes thinking and the understandings that result from thinking
the mental manipulation of representations of knowledge about the world
analogical representations
Mental representations that have some of the physical characteristics of what they represent
symbolic representation
Abstract mental representations that do not correspond to the physical features of objects or ideas
a cognitive process used to organize information by placing it into larger groupings of information
A category, or class, of related items consisting of mental representations of those items
prototype model
A way of thinking about concepts: Within each category, there is a best example—a prototype—for that category
exemplar model
a way of thinking about concepts: all members of a category are examples (exemplars); together they form the concept and determine category membership
concepts or mental frameworks that organize and interpret information
gender roles
sets of behavioral norms assumed to accompany one's status as male or female
a schema that directs behavior over time within a situation
cognitive schemas that allow for easy, fast processing of information about people based on their membership in certain groups
loss aversion
the tendency to care more about avoiding losses than about achieving equal-size gains
base rate
how common a characteristic or behavior is in the general population
decision making
a cognitive process that results in the selection of a course of action or belief from several options
problem solving
finding a way around an obstacle to reach a goal
shortcuts (rules of thumb or informal guidelines) used to reduce the amount of thinking that is needed to make decisions
the tendency, in making judgments, to rely on the first piece of information encountered or information that comes most quickly to mind
in decision making, an emphasis on the potential losses or potential gains from at least one alternative
availability heuristic
making a decision based on the answer that most easily comes to mind
representitive heuristic
placing a person or an object in a category if that person or object is similar to one's prototype for that category
affective forecasting
the tendency for people to overestimate how events will make them feel in the future
a new way of thinking about a problem that aids its solution
mental sets
problem solving strategies that have worked in the past
functional fixedness
in problem solving, having fixed ideas about the typical functions of objects
a sudden realization of a problem's solution
the ability to use knowledge to reason, make decisions, make sense of events, solve problems, understand complex ideas, learn quickly, and adapt to environmental challenges
mental age
an assessment of a child's intellectual standing compared with that of same-age peers; determined by comparing the child's test score with the average score for children of each chronological age
intelligence quotient (IQ)
an index of intelligence computed by dividing a child's estimated mental age by the child's chronological age, then multiplying this number by 100
general intelligence
the idea that one general factor underlies intelligence
fluid intelligence
intelligence that reflects the ability to process information, particularly in novel or complex circumstances
crystallized intelligence
intelligence that reflects both the knowledge acquired through experience and the ability to use that knowledge
emotional intelligence
a form of social intelligence that emphasizes the abilities to manage, recognize, and understand emotions and use emotions to guide appropriate thought and action
a system of communication using sounds and symbols according to grammatical rules
the smallsest language units that have meaning, including suffixes and prefixes
the basic sounds of speech, the building block of language
a language disorder that results in deficits in language comprehension and production
wernicke's area
an area of the left hemisphere where the temporal and parietal lobes meet, involved in speech comprehension
linguistic relativity theory
the claim that language determines thought
telegraphic speech
the way toddlers speak, using rudimentary sentences that are missing words and grammatical markings but follow a logical syntax and convey a wealth of meaning
surface structure
in language, the sound and order of words
deep structure
in language, the implicit meanings of sentences
a method of teaching reading in English that focuses on the association between letters and their phonemes
endowment effect
the tendency of people to be unwilling to sell a good they already own even if they are offered a price that is greater than the price they would be willing to pay to buy the good if they didn't already own it
appraisal tendency framework
a framework that describes how and why emotions affect judgement and decisions. The ATF is based on emotion connecting to an immediate cognitive response or appraisal, leading to an effect on judgement
a guideline that if followed correctly will always yield the correct answer
working backwards
a useful heuristic in which you begin solving the problem by focusing on the end result
individuals who attempt to evaluate every option for every choice until they find the perfect fit
individuals who aim to make the choice that is always good enough
psychometric approach
a way of studying intelligence that emphasizes analysis of the products of intelligence, especially scores on intelligence tests
achievement test
a test designed to assess what a person has learned
aptitude test
a test designed to predict a person's future performance; aptitude is the capacity to learn
factor analysis
a statistical technique that explains a large number of correlations in terms of a small number of underlying factors
specific skills
highly specialised abilities that are required for some jobs within science, technology and engineering sectors
analytical intelligence
the ability to break problems down into component parts, or analysis, for problem solving
creative intelligence
the ability to deal with new and different concepts and to come up with new ways of solving problems
practical intelligence
the ability to use information to get along in life and become successful
simple reaction time
a measurement of how quickly someone can respond to a stimulus
choice reaction time
a measure of the speed of mental processing that takes place when someone must choose between several responses, depending on which stimulus is presented
inspection time tests
a test that measures how long a person need to awnser a question about a stumulus after it has been shown and than covered up
savant syndrome
a condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill, such as in computation or drawing
social multiplier
an environmental factor or an entire environment that increases what might have started as a small advantage
flynn effect
the worldwide phenomenon that shows intelligence test performance has been increasing over the years