Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory of ego development
process of mediating internal and external experiences (understanding self and how it relates to the world around you)
development is
lifelong, multi-dimensional (biological, personal, social), driven by crises
way to know when things are changing (developing out of comfort zone, being challenged and questioning self)
opposites but need one to define the other (e.g day/night etc.)
things developed at certain ages
infancy dialectic
trust and mistrust
infancy virtue
toddlerhood dialectic
autonomy and shame
toddlerhood virtue
early childhood dialectic
initiative and guile
early childhood virtue
mid/late childhood dialectic
industry and inferiority
mid/late childhood virtue
adolescence dialctic
identity and confusion
adolescence virtue
fidelity (accurate sense of self)
young adulthood dialectic
intimacy and isolation
young adulthood virtue
middle adulthood dialectic
generatively and stagnation
middle adulthood virtue
late adulthood dialectic
integrity and dispear
late adulthood virtue
rigidity, commitment
role confusion
flexibility, exploration
identity and role confusion
if we have a full sense of who we are without role confusion we will be too riding in thinking but if we have role confusion without identity we won’t have consistent sense of self (hopelessness)
Marcia’s identity statuses
identity achievement, identity foreclosure, identity moratorium, identity diffusion
Marcia’s identity statuses: identity achievement
positive self-esteem, critical thinking, advanced moral reasoning, good relationships
Marcia’s identity statuses: identity moratorium
anxious, difficulties with life direction
Marcia’s identity statuses: identity foreclosure
see different opinions as threats, shallow relationships, inflexibility, intolerance
Marcia’s identity statuses: identity diffusion
apathy, depression, hopelessness, risky behaviour, go along with crowd
adolescent friendships
intimate, close, complimentary, equal
friendship conflict and identity moratorium and diffusion
higher conflict, higher moratorium and diffusion
friendship support and diffusion
higher friendship support, lower diffusion
identity diffusion and gender
higher diffusion in females