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emblem of authority in Fascist Italy, symbolizes authority, power and justice
Il Duce
means “The Leader,” title for Mussolini when he became dictator of Italy
Title given to Hitler after losing election to Paul Von Hindenberg
Used this position of power to become a dictator
refuse to accept or be associated with
A ruthless, tyrannical leader
Title given to Hitler after he becomes a dictator
German version of Il Duce
Concentration Camp
Political prisoners
These people imprisoned and treated horrible
Many didn’t survive the camps
Used for religious persecution among other things
Hostility or prejudice against a religious group
Most often Jewish people
Nazis heavily believe in this
Hitler used it to gain power
False scientific practice used for propaganda
Essentially meant to “improve” the human race
Similar to breeding cows together to produce the best offspring
Used in Germany and US among other places
Based on Social Darwinism
Third Reich
Title for Nazi control of Germany
“Third Empire”
Master Race / Aryan Race
Blonde hair, blue eyes
This was the race eugenics was trying to form
symbol of the Nazi Party
When prices rise more than 50% per month
German government started printing more money to try to combat the debt Germany was in
Caused hyperinflation in German society
Soon there were ridiculous prices for everything
Nazi Secret Police
Arrested people, killed political opponents etc.
The territory a nation or state believes they need for its natural development
Associated with Nazi Germany
Economic independence
Hitler believed Germany needed to one
Does not rely on imports
Gave people more jobs
Extreme form of nationalism
Provokes violence
Seen a lot in Japan
Biased information meant to manipulate the opinions of the public
Often spread through the media or through posters
Used a lot in totalitarian and authoritarian societies
Hitler and Stalin both used this to gain support
Cannot have it in a democracy
Censoring media
Prohibiting things like books, films, and news
Popular in totalitarian and authoritarian governments
Joseph Stalin
Came to power after Vladimir Lenin
Lenin warned against him
Dictator of Russia
Lots of negative outcomes from his rule
Implemented the 5 year plan
Set up labor camps / gulags
Increased Russia’s economic growth at the expanse of people’s freedom
Used secret police
Karl Marx
Introduced the basis of communism
Thought communism would first occur in Germany
Actually occurred in Russia
Communist party of Russia
Overthrew the Russian Monarchy (Nikolai II)
Led by Lenin then Stalin
The wealthy Russian peasants
Government was afraid of them because they owned land
Communist government doesn’t want individuals to own land
Five-Year Plans
First Five Year Plan:
Economic control
Collectivization of agriculture
Less consumer goods
Plans for economic growth
Used quotas, punished if didn’t meet quota
Caused famines
For instance, the Holodomor was a man-made famine in Ukraine meant to be a genocide
Build military
Great Purge / Show Trials
Form of propaganda
Rarely ever justified
Political opponents killed
Got the confessions and evidence from witnesses through unethical means (torturing family members for instance)
Used to scare the public
Great Depression
Caused by the Stock Market Crash
Began in the US
Economic disintegration
Caused by bank failure, stock market crash, farm failures, and income inequality (among other things)
Stock Market Crash
Happened in US
One of the causes of the Great Depression
During WWI, European farmers couldn’t farm because land was being destroyed
American banks invested in new machinery for American farmers but after WWI ended, those farmers stopped making as much money and couldn’t pay back loans from the bank
Therefore, stock market crash
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty that ended WWI
Germany was not represented
Germany was blamed for the entirety of WWI
Only Central Powers had to pay reparations (but mainly Germany)
Germany lost a lot of territory
Austro-Hungarian Empire and Ottoman empire essentially destroyed
France was really mad with Germany
US (woodrow wilson) wanted to introduce his fourteen points
Formed League of Nations (didn’t work)
US never joined League of Nations
Hitler blamed the unfairness of the Treaty of Versailles on the Jewish people
Lots of German people very upset with the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles
Hitler used this disillusionment to his advantage to get the German people to rally behind him
Italy and Japan also upset that they didn’t get the territory they wanted
Benito Mussolini
Dictator of Italy
Il Duce
Fought in WWI
Introduced fascism
Gained support because people feared revolution
Led the March on Rome
Formed the Blackshirt gang
Victor Emmanuel III
King of Italy
Respected and feared Mussolini
Gave power to Mussolini after March on Rome
Didn’t want a civil war
Black Shirts
Gang formed by Mussolini
Initially focused on Northern Italy
Began their marches and violent actions there
March on Rome
Fascists take control of Italy
Mass demonstration
Occurred in October 1922
Caused Emmanuel III to give power to Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Inspired by Mussolini
Fought in WWI
Strongly believed that aryans were inherently better than non-aryans
Blamed Jews for everything (anti semitic)
Became dictator of Germany
Mein Kampf
“My struggle”
Autobiography written by Hitler while he was in prison
Had Hitler’s plans for the world
Ruhr Occupation
French and Belgian troops’ occupation of the Ruhr area of Weimar Republic Germany that caused conflict
Brown Shirts / Storm Troopers
Helped Hitler rise to power
Nazi militia
Similar to Mussolini’s Black Shirts
Beer Hall Putsch
An attempt to overthrow Weimar Republic
Hitler failed
Prohibited from speaking in public again until 1927
Sent to prison
Wrote Mein Kampf while in prison
Reichstag Fire
Reichstag parliament building burned down
Hitler blamed the Jews
Made the Jews a scapegoat
Influenced the other German people to dislike their Jewish neighbors and begin to act against them
Enabling Act
Gave Hitler power to pass any law he wished without running it by any other authority which meant Hitler quickly became a dictator
Hitler Youth
Indoctrination of German youth
Manipulated kids’ views of the Nazis’ actions
Made them spy on their parents and neighbors for disloyalty
Brutally trained them to become soldiers
Harsh discipline used on children
Made the youth good fighters and easy to control
Dawes Plan
Decrease of Germany’s reparation payment
Reichsmark adopted as a result
Solution to hyperinflation
Night of broken glass
Night of extreme violence against Jewish people
Synagogues burned
Jewish-owned businesses destroyed
Jewish homes destroyed
30,000 arrests of Jewish men
Government and non-involved German people turned a blind eye
Cost a lot of money to pay for all the glass that was broken on Kristallnacht
Led to the harsher treatment of Jews in following decade
Japanese Militarism
Strength of military = strength of nation
Started building military strength after industrializing
Wanted to become an imperial nation
Forced people to serve in the military for three years
Inspired nationalism
Military under the control of the civilian government
End of Shogunate government
Japanese Imperialism
Behind on progress
Starts to take over regions in the Pacific and East Asia
Wanting more land caused them to join WWI and WWII
Command Economy
Government entirely controls the economy
Part of Communism
Caused poverty and famine
Group of people working the same land
Government took the food and redistributed it
Caused famine
People reacted poorly to it
Every man for themselves
Private ownership
Supply and demand
Little to no government involvement
Free market
Class equality
Freedom of workers
Between capitalism and communism
Large government involvement
No individual ownership
Everyone shares everything
Focuses on equality instead of freedom or independence
First used in Russia
Most people feared this way of ruling
Government controls economy
Freedom of press
Right to vote
Fair elections
Checks and balances
General population gets to influence the government
Centralized government
Run by a dictator
Subservience of people
One party, one ideology mindset
Government in control of everything
Highly centralized system of government that requires strict obedience
Believes in violence and a strong military
War and violence is important
A government that embraces extreme nationalism, violence, and action with the goal of internal cleansing and external expansion
Branch of fascism
Led by Hitler
Focused on creating a pure master race
Prejudice against people because of their race
Dictator’s Playbook
Mussolini’s life
Rise and fall of fascism in italy
One party, one ideology
Strict obedience at the expense of personal freedom
No political freedoms
Focuses on the maintenance of order at the expense of personal freedom.
Building a strong military
Strength of military equals strength of country
Fascist and totalitarian believes focused on militarism
Controlled Economy
Government controls production
Similar to command economy
Fascist Imperialism
Gaining more land with violence
Major European dictators focused on this
One cause of WWII