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Talent Management
holistic process of planning, recruiting, selecting, developing, managing, and
compensating employees
Organization Chart
shows the title of each supervisor's position
- by means of connecting lines, accountability for departments, authority systems, and communication lines
Job Analysis
procedure through which the duties for specific jobs and characteristics of people to hire
are determined
- job description and job specifications
Work activities
actual work tasks including the how, why, and when of performing the tasks
Human behaviors
behaviors the job requires (e.g. communicating, walking long distances, etc.)
Machines, tools, equipment, and work aids
tools used, materials process,
knowledge dealt with or applied, and services rendered in a job
Performance standards
job's performance standards in terms of quantity or
quality levels for each job duty
Job context
physical working conditions, work schedule, incentives, number of people with whom the employee would be working with
Human requirements
knowledge or skills and required personal attributes
Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and Selection
EEO Compliance
compares an employee's actual performance with the job's performance standards.
depends on information such as required skill, education, safety
hazards, degree of responsibility, and other information gained from job analysis
given the duties and responsibilities given by job analysis, this would
help pinpoint what training is required for the job
organization charts
shows the organizationwide division of work
workflow analysis
detailed study of the flow of work from job to job in one identifiable workprocess
Business Process Reengineering
- redesigning the business processes
- usually by combining steps in order for small multifunction teams do jobs formerly done by a sequence of departments
Job enlargement
assigning workers additional same-level activities
Job enrichment
redesigning jobs in a way that increases the opportunities for the worker to experience feelings of responsibility, achievement,
growth, and recognition
job duties
position analysis questionnaire
job value
group interview with groups of employees who have the same job
used when a large number of employees are doing identical work
structured interviews
use of questionnaires or interview guides during the interview
Structured checklists
- inventory of hundreds of specific tasks and duties
- worker must indicate if they perform each task and if so, how much time is normally spent on them
Open-ended questions
requires the worker to describe the main functions related to their job
Position Analysis Questionnaire
especially useful when jobs consist of observable physical activities
Job Description
- written statement of what the worker actually does, how they do it, and working conditions
- information are used to write a job specification
Job Identification
- job title
- date
- lcoation
- supervisor title
- pay or salary scale
- pay/grade level
- who approved the job description
Job Summary
- summarizes the essence of the job
- includes major functions and activities
- should not include "cop-out clause" since it leaves open the nature of the job
> phrases such as "other duties, as assigned"
shows the worker's relationships with others inside and outside the
Responsibilities and Duties
heart of the job description
- lists each of the job's major duties separately and describes it in a few
Standards of Performance and Working Conditions
standards the company expects the employee to achieve for each main duty
and responsibility
- usable set
trained personnel
relatively straightforward
- length of previous service, quality of relevant training, and previous job
Untrained personnel
filling out these positions must be with the intent to train them on the job
- physical traits, personality, interests, or sensory skills that imply some potential for
Specifications Based on Judgement
review the job duties and deduce from those the human traits and skills the job requires
Specifications Based on Statistical Analysis
more defensible than using only judgment, but is more difficult
- predictive validation
main goal is to determine whether the trait predicts performance
Job-Requirements Matrix
- 4 or 5 main job duties
- task statements
- relative importance of job
- time spent
Competencies Models
- list of knowledge, skills, and experience someone needs to do the job
- lists the competencies each employee must exhibit to get the job done
Job duties are
competency models or profiles are
cluster of highly interrelated attributes (critical thinking skills, deductive reasoning
abilities, etc.)
competency-based job analysis
describing the job in terms of measureable, observable, behavioral competencies