Developmental Psychology | Final Exam Reviewer

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Early Childhood

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Early Childhood

Developmental period that extends from two to six years. It begins at the conclusion of babyhood and end at about the time the child enters first grade in school.

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Dependency, Independence

Early Childhood is the age when _____ is practically a thing of the past and is being replaced by growing _____.

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Early childhood is a _____ stage.

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By Parents:

  • Problem Age

  • Troublesome Age

  • Toy Age

By Educators:

  • Preschool Age

By Psychologists:

  • Pregang Age

  • Exploratory Age

  • Questioning Age

  • Imitative Age

Early Childhood names used by parents, educators, and psychologists

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  1. Control elimination almost completed

  2. Normal babies learned to walk, learned to take solid foods, self-feeding and doing things without much help

  3. Development to motor skills

  4. Acquisition of adequate vocabulary to communicate his thoughts and feelings, correct pronunciation, comprehend

  5. Concepts of right and wrong, foundation for conscience

  6. Learn to be outer-bound instead of self-bound

Developmental Milestones during Early Childhood

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During Early Childhood all parts of the body grow, but at different rates. The forehead area develops _____ than the lower parts of the face.

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Adipose, fatty tissue

During early childhood, the _____ or _____ develops faster than muscle tissue.

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  • Develop marked food likes and dislikes

  • Learned to eat their meals at regular times

  • Sleep less hour

  • Bowel control is established

Physiological Habits during Early Childhood

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Poor, favored

During early childhood, children from _____ environment generally master skills earlier and in larger numbers than children from more _____ environments.

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It is established between three to six years. It is the tendency to used one hand in preference to the other. Where one hand is the dominant and the other as auxiliary hand.

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  1. Walking

  2. Skipping

  3. Hopping

  4. Jumping

  5. Riding a tricycle

  6. Galloping

  7. Climbing

  8. Swimming

  9. Balancing

  10. Skating

  11. Dancing

Enumerate 5 Leg Skills during Early Childhood

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  1. Eating

  2. Dressing

  3. Making something

  4. Writing

  5. Brushing/combing hair

  6. Bathing

  7. Throwing and catching balls

  8. Use scissors

  9. Mold clays

  10. Draw

  11. Sew

  12. Make cookies

  13. Paint

Enumerate 5 Hand Skills during Early Childhood

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During the Early Childhood, most of the _____ forms of communication have been abandoned.

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  1. It is an essential tool in socialization.

  2. It is a tool in achieving independence.

Reasons to learn to speak

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  1. Egocentric

  2. Socialized Speech

  3. Unsocialized Speech

  4. Question

  5. Personal likes and dislikes

Early Childhood Content of Speech

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Two, seven

Preoperational phase lasts from ___ to ___ years old.

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  1. Preconceptual Period (2 - 4 years)

  2. Intuitive (4 - 7 years)

Subperiods of the Preoperational Phase

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  • Anger

  • Fear

  • Jealousy

  • Curiousity

  • Envy

  • Joy

  • Grief

  • Affection

Common Emotions during Early Childhood

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their own, opposite

In social development during early childhood, children find social contacts with memeber of _____ sex more pleasurable than ____ sex.

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  • Imitation

  • Rivalry

  • Cooperation

  • Sympathy

  • Empathy

  • Social Approval

  • Sharing

  • Attachment Behavior

Enumerate 5 Social behavior patterns during early childhood

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  • Negativism

  • Aggresiveness

  • Ascendant behavior/bossiness

  • Selfishness

  • Egocentrism

  • Destructiveness

  • Sex Antagonism

  • Predjudice

Enumerate 5 Anti or unsocial behavior patterns during early childhood

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  1. Parallel Play

  2. Associative Play

  3. Cooperative Play

  4. Onlooker

Patterns of early socialization during Early childhood

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  • Associates

  • Playmates

  • Friends

Companions in Early Childhood

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  1. Support

  2. Model

  3. Identity

  4. Love

  5. Encouragement

Role of the Family in Early Childhood

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It is the society’s way of teaching children the moral behavior approved by the social group.

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  1. Authoritarian

  2. Permissive

  3. Democratic

Types of Discipline

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Childen Dismeanors

Mild forms of breaking rules or misbehavior

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It is the core of the personality pattern formed within the womb of the family relationship.

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  1. Parental Attitude

  2. Child-training method

  3. Aspirations of Parents

  4. Ordinal position of the child

  5. Minority group identification

  6. Sex-role identification

  7. Environmental insecurity

Conditions shaping the self-concept

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During Early childhood, there are ____ Psychological hazards than the physical hazards.

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  1. Mortality

  2. Illness

  3. Accidents

  4. Unattractiveness

  5. Awkwardness

  6. Obesity

  7. Left-handedness

Physical Hazards during Early Childhood

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  1. Speech and comprehension

  2. Emotional

  3. Social

  4. Moral

  5. Personality

  6. Play

  7. Concept development

  8. Sex-role typing

  9. Family Relationship

Psychological Hazards during Early Childhood

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Late Childhood

Developmental period which extends from the age of six years to the time the individual becomes sexually mature.

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basic skills

Late childhood is the period for learning the __________ for life.

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Late childhood is the stage of the child’s initiation to _____ in society.

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personal friendship

Late childhood is the period for development of _____________.

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By Parents:

  • Troublesome Age

  • Sloppy Age

  • Quarrelsome Age

By Educators:

  • Elementary School Age

By Psychologists:

  • Gang Age

  • Age of conformity

  • Creative Age

  • Play Age

Late childhood names used by parents, eduactors, and psychologists

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  1. Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary, group and organized games.

  2. Building a wholesome attitude toward oneself as a growing organism.

  3. Learning to get along with age-mates, family and

  4. Beginning to develop appropriate social roles

  5. Developing fundamental skills in reading, writing and calculating

  6. Developing concepts and skills necessary for everyday living

  7. Developing a conscience, a sense of right and wrong of morality and a scale of values according to culture

  8. Developing attitudes toward social groups and institutions

  9. Achieving personal independence to perform life skills

  10. Developing a healthy self-concept

Developmental tasks in Late Childhood

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  1. Self-help

  2. Social-help

  3. School-skills

  4. Play-skills

Categories of Skills in late childhood

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  1. Vocabulary Building

  2. Pronunciation

  3. Forming Sentences

Speech Improvement in Late childhood

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  1. Associates

  2. Playmates

  3. Friends

Companions in Late Childhood

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Crystalized intelligence

Consists of continuously acquired patterns of adaptation to one’s culture depending on one’s age and experience.

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Mental Development

characterized as behavior or qualitative patterning.

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a complex accumulation of knowledge, abilities and skills acquired as the individual meets, cope and interacts with his environment.

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  1. Aid in building a moral code

  2. Rewards

  3. Punishment

  4. Consistency

Roles of Discipline in moral development of Late Childhood

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  1. Illnesses

  2. Obesity

  3. Sex-inappropriate body build

  4. Accident

  5. Physical disabilities

  6. Awkwardness

  7. Homeliness

Physical Hazards in Late Childhood

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  • Speech Hazards

  • Emotional Hazards

  • Social Hazards

  • Play Hazards

  • Conceptual Hazards

  • Moral Hazards

  • Family Relationship Hazards

  • Hazards associated with interest

  • Hazards in personality development

Psychological Hazards in Late Childhood

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  1. Dissatisfied with themselves

  2. Habitual withdrawal

  3. Excessive excitability

  4. Resentment against authority

  5. Chronic depression

  6. Diffuse hyperactivity

  7. Excessive egocentrism

  8. Chronic anxiety

  9. Emotional deadining

Effects of Psychological Hazards in Late Childhood

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The period when the child changes from an asexual to a sexual being.

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Means age of manhood

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  1. An overlapping period

  2. A short period

  3. Divided into stages

  4. A time of rapid growth and change

  5. A negative phase

  6. Occurs at a variable age

Characteristics of Puberty

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  • Prepubescent Stage

  • Pubescent Stage

  • Postpubescent Stage

Stages of Puberty

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  1. Changes in body Size

  2. Changes in body proportion

  3. Primary sex characteristics

  4. Secondary Sex characteristics

Important Physical Changes during Puberty

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Rapid/Fast Maturers

have greater spurts of rapid growth, their period of accelerated and halted growth come abruptly and they attain adult proportions quickly.

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Slow Maturers

have less intense period of accelerated growth, growth is more even and gradual and continues for a longer time.

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Growth Spurt

refers to the rapid acceleration in height and weight that marks the beginning of adolescence.

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is different to what is considered normal.

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Deviant Maturers

one whose sexual maturation deviates by a year or more from the norm for the individual’s sex group.

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Early Maturers

children who mature sexually earlier than their sex group

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Late Maturers

children who mature sexually later than their sex group

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  1. Actual illness is less common

  2. Mortality, accidents and deaths are infrequent

  3. Slight or major malfunctioning of the endocrine glands that control the puberty growth spurt and the sexual changes that take place at this time

  4. Insufficient growth hormone, gonadal hormone

  5. Excessive supply of gonadal hormone

Physical Hazards of Puberty

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  1. Unfavorable self concept

  2. Underachievement

  3. Lack of preparation for puberty changes

  4. Acceptance of changed bodies

  5. Deviation in sexual maturing

Psychological Hazards of Puberty

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The age when the individual becomes integrated intothe society of adults, the age when the child no longer feels that he is below the level of his elders but in equal rights

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Adolescere, to grow or to grow to maturity

Adolescence came from the latin word ___________, meaning __________.

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  1. Early Adolescence

  2. Late Adolescence

Subdivisions of Adolescence

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Early Adolescence

Extends from roughly 13 to 16/17 years. Usually referred to as “teens”.

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Late Adolescence

covers period until 18, the age of legal maturity. A very short period.

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  1. Adolescence is an important period.

  2. Adolescence is a transitional period.

  3. Adolescence is a period of change.

  4. Adolescence is a problem age.

  5. Adolescence is a time of search for identity.

  6. Adolescence is dreaded age.

  7. Adolescence is a time of unrealism.

  8. Adolescence is the threshold of adulthood.

Characteristics of Adolescence

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  • Height

  • Weight

  • Body Proportions

  • Sex organs

  • Secondary Sex Characteristics

Physical changes during adolescence (External Changes)

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  • Digestive System

  • Circulatory System

  • Respiratory System

  • Endocrine System

  • Body Tissue

Physical changes during adolescence (Internal Changes)

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Storm and stress

Adolescence has been thought of as a period of ___________ - a time of heightened emotional tension resulting from the physical and glandular changes that are taking place.

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Social adjustments

One of the most difficult developmental task of adolescence relates to ____________.

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larger, loosely knit, smaller, thightly defined

The grouping of boys are _______ and are more ______________, while those of girls are _______ and more ___________.

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specific, general

Adolescents are expected to replace _______ moral concepts of childhood with _______ principles.

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Postconventional Morality

It is the third level of moral development which according to Kohlberg should be reached during adolescence.

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abstract, concrete

During the adolescence, the individual’s moral outlook becomes progressively more ______ and less _______.

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right, wrong

During adolescence, moral convictions become more concerned with what is ______ and less concerned with what is _____.

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cognitive, egocentric

During adolescence, moral judgement becomes increasingly _______ and less _______.

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Psychologically expensive

During adolescence, moral judgement becomes _______ in the sense that it takes an emotional toll and creates psychological tension.

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  1. Peer attitude

  2. Parental attitude

  3. Grades

  4. The relevance or practical value of various cases

  5. Attitudes towards teachers, administrators, and academic and disciplinary policies

  6. Success in extra-curricular activities

  7. Degree of social acceptance among classmates

Enumerate 5 factors influencing adoelescent attitudes toward education

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both sides

When the relationships of young adolescents with members of their families deteriorate as adolescence progresses, the fault usually lies on ____________.

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  1. Mortality

  2. Suicide

  3. Physical Defects

  4. Clumsiness and awkwardness

  5. A sex-inappropriate body build

Physical Hazards of Adolescence

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psychological transitions to maturity

The major psychological hazards of adolescence center around the failure to make the ______________________ that constitute the important developmental tasks of adolescence.

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  1. Poor foundation

  2. Late maturing

  3. Prolonged treatment as a children

  4. Role Change

  5. Prolonged dependency

Common obstacles to making transition to maturity during adolescence

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Means grown to full size and strenght or matured

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Refers to individuals who have completed their growth and are ready to assume their status on society along with other adults.

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  1. Early adulthood

  2. Middle adulthood(middle age)

  3. Late adulthood(old age)

Subdivisions of adulthood

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Early Adulthood

Extends from age eighteen to approximately age forty.

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Early adulthood

period when the physical and psychological changes which accompany the beginning of the loss of reproductive capacity appear.

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Middle Adulthood(middle age)

begins at forty and extends to age sixty.

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Middle adulthood(middle age)

Period when both physical and psychological decline become apparent in the average person.

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Late adulthood(old age)

senescence, 60 years above

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  1. The settling-down age

  2. The reproductive age

  3. A problem age

  4. A period of emotional tension

  5. A period of social isolation

  6. A time of commitments

  7. Often a period of dependency

  8. A time of value change

  9. The time of adjustment to a new lifestyles

  10. A creative age

Characteristics of Early Adulthood

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  1. A dreaded period

  2. A time of transition

  3. A time of stress

  4. A dangerous age

  5. An awkward age

  6. A time of achievement

  7. A time of evaluation

  8. Evaluated by a double standard

  9. The time of the empty nest

  10. A time of boredom

Charcteristics of Middle adulthood

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  1. A period of decline

  2. Judged by different criteria

  3. There are individual differences in the effects of aging

  4. There are many stereotypes of old people

  5. Social attitudes toward old age

  6. The elderly have a minority group status

  7. Aging requires role changes

  8. Poor adjustment is characteristic of old age

Characteristics of Late Adulthood

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  • Affiliation needs

  • Achievement needs

Two basic needs of adulthood

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commitment to a partner by marriage

Most of these adults seek affiliation needs primarily through __________

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passionate love, compassionate love

Psychologists generally agree that there are two kinds of love between woman and man, one stronger early in marriage and the other later. The first is ___________, the intense feeling of romance and excitement. The second ___________, the feeling of close relationship

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Social convoy

Refers to a social network which includes relatives, friends and acquaintances and becomes valuable when individuals are beset with problems.

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Family ties

It constitute the number one social convoy.

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