Establishing and Transferring Command ch.22

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Upon arrival on the scene, how should an IC perform a proper size up of the situation?

A) By viewing the front of the structure B) By walking or driving around all four sides C) By talking with the homeowner, or building occupants D) By reviewing radio communications from the dispatch center.

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Upon arrival on the scene, how should an IC perform a proper size up of the situation?

A) By viewing the front of the structure B) By walking or driving around all four sides C) By talking with the homeowner, or building occupants D) By reviewing radio communications from the dispatch center.

B) By walking or driving around all four sides

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Where does the safety officer position occur in the ICS?

A) As its own autonomous entity B) Under operations C) Under logistics D) As part of the command staff

D) As part of the command staff

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Each time a fire department unit responds to an incident, what must be completed for proper documentation?

A) Log book B) Mileage record C) Time sheet D) Incident Report

D) Incident report

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Where should the incident command post be located?

A) On either front corner of the building B) In a nearby, protected location C) At the forward observation limit D) Behind the structure

B) In a nearby, protected location

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Why should departments develop a specific protocol for naming an incident?

A) It establishes a continuous identity for command, regardless of who holds that position. B) This eliminates stating it over the radio. C) This makes it easier to remember. D) There is no need for incident naming protocols.

A) It establishes a continuous identity for command, regardless of who holds that position

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Careless entry of data into the fire reporting system can cause:

A) a slowdown of the reporting system. B) a reduction in staffing. C) long-term negative effects on identification of national and regional trends. D) inflation of incident numbers.

C) long-term negative effects on identification of national and regional trends.

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Can and should ICS be used for everyday situations?

A) It cannot but should. B) It cannot and should not. C) It can and should. D) It can but should not.

C) It can and should.

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Under what circumstances is the first-arriving officer at a scene in charge, according to the ICS structure?

A) When the first-arriving unit is an engine company only B) Under all circumstances C) Under no circumstances D) As long as the first arriving unit is not an engine company

B) Under all circumstances

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If an IC requested three EMS strike teams, what would be dispatched?

A) Three EMS supervisors B) Three first alarm assignments accompanied by EMS C) Three high-angle rescue teams with equipment and vehicles D) Fifteen ambulances and three strike team leaders

D) Fifteen ambulances and three strike team leaders

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Which ICS section is responsible for the management of all actions that are directly related to controlling the incident?

A) Logistics B) Operations C) Tactics D) Planning

B) Operations

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What is one of the three basic ICS components that always apply to every incident?

A) You always report to one supervisor. B) Level II staging is always located downwind. C) The PIO always reports to the logistics section chief. D) The logistics section is always the first to be filled.

A) You always report to one supervisor

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Which ICS section is responsible for the accounting and financial aspects of an incident, as well as any legal issues that may arise?

A) Legal/Accounting B) Finance/Administration C) Planning D) Logistics

B) Finance/Administration

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ICS has often been characterized as an organizational toolbox. What is the point of making this comparison?

A) That all subordinates are really tools to be used for a purpose B) That only the tools needed for the specific incident are used C) That no one is there except to contribute to the solution of the problem D) That people, like tools, are the same in essence but different in particulars

B) That only the tools needed for the specific incident are used

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Both RECEO-VS and SLICERS are strategies and tactics that are employed to:

A) help meet the incident priorities. B) transfer command. C) rescue a downed firefighter. D) develop the IAP.

A) help meet the incident priorities.

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What is the term for the headquarters location for an incident?

A) The staging area B) The planning sector C) The forward observation point D) The incident command post

D) The incident command post

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Which method of communicating the necessary transfer-of-command information is most effective?

A) Face to face B) Simplex radio broadcasts C) Duplex radio broadcasts D) Written report with diagrams

A) Face to face

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What does the A stand for in IAP?

A) Annual B) Advisor C) Action D) Acting

C) Action

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Which of the following is used to describe the location close to the incident scene where a number of units can be held in reserve, ready to be assigned if needed?

A) Resource incident site B) Resource management site C) Staging area D) Holding area

C) Staging area

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Who develops the incident action plan that outlines the steps needed to control the situation?

A) The IC B) The operations chief C) The planning director D) The EO

A) The IC

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If there is no officer on the first-arriving unit, who, if anyone, establishes command?

A) No one, until an officer arrives B) The person those present agree on C) The fire fighter with the greatest seniority D) Whomever the nearest responding chief officer designates over the radio

C) The fire fighter with the greatest seniority

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In most situations, people can only supervise up to a certain number of people. What is the range?

A) 1-3 B) 3-7 C) 9-12 D) 15-18

B) 3-7

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Key components of an incident management system include planning, supervision, and:

A) attribution. B) machination. C) perambulation. D) communications.

D) communications.

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When an IC performs a proper size up, this is commonly referred to as:

A) a walkabout. B) a review. C) doing a 360. D) a pre-plan.

C) doing a 360

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How are the chiefs of the four major functional sections known, collectively?

A) As the ICS general staff B) As the planning committee C) As the tactics committee D) As the ICS council

A) As the ICS general staff

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How would an exposure on the left side of the building be designated?

A) Exposure B-A B) Exposure 2-1 C) Exposure B D) Exposure 2

C) Exposure B

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What do most fire departments have in place in case they receive a call that requires more resources than they have on hand?

A) Strategic resource reserves B) De no jure declarations C) Mutual aid agreements D) Isolation strategies

C) Mutual aid agreements

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When did efforts begin to establish an incident management system?

A) World War II B) The 1970s C) The mid 1980s D) The late 1990s

B) The 1970s

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Which ICS section is responsible for keeping vehicles fueled and providing food for fire fighters?

A) Logistics B) Liaison C) Operations D) Safety

A) Logistics

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What must occur when there is a transfer of command from a fire officer to a higher ranking fire officer?

A) Change of vests B) Relieved officer returns to the station C) Transfer of all incident information D) Nothing is required.

C) Transfer of all incident information

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Who is the IC's point of contact for representatives from outside agencies?

A) The planning director B) The communications center C) The liaison officer D) The staging chief

C) The liaison officer

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Among the entities of division and group, which supervisor outranks which?

A) Divisions outrank groups. B) They are all of equal rank. C) Groups outrank divisions. D) Whichever is assigned first

B) They are all of equal rank

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When a higher ranking officer arrives on scene, is that higher ranking officer obligated to assume command from an existing IC who is of lower rank?

A) Yes, this must always take place. B) No, this is expressly forbidden; lower ranking officers are to be left in position. C) Yes, in Class II or III hazardous materials situations; not otherwise. D) Some departments require this, while others leave it to the higher-ranking officer's discretion.

D) Some departments require this, while others leave it to the higher-ranking officer's discretion.

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When is command terminated?

A) When the IC leaves, passing responsibility to a lower ranking officer B) When the last of the suppression activities is over C) When the incident is calming and the IC deems using ICS to be no longer necessary D) When the last company leaves the scene

D) When the last company leaves the scene

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Which type of command structure brings representatives of different agencies together to work on one plan and ensures all actions are fully coordinated?

A) Single command B) Unified command C) Strategic command D) Objective command

B) Unified command

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What is the term for areas adjacent to a building?

A) Rotundas B) Exposures C) Sectors D) Stages

B) Exposures

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What would be the ICS designation for the 7th floor on a high-rise?

A) Sector 7 B) Seventh floor C) Division 7 D) Level 7

C) Division 7

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In ICS terminology, what is a single resource?

A) single fire fighter B) A single person, fire fighter or not C) A substance that will be applied, such as water D) An individual vehicle and its assigned personnel

D) An individual vehicle and its assigned personnel

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Which term usually refers to companies or crews working on the same task or objective, although not necessarily in the same location?

A) Task B) Group C) Regiment D) Project team

B) Group

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Within a fire department, what is the primary means of communicating at the incident scene?

A) Face to face B) Runner C) Radio D) Hand signal

C) Radio

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What is RECEO-VS an acronym for?

A) Rescue, Extinguish, Containment, Exposure, Overhaul, Vent, Search B) Rescue, Exposure, Confinement, Extinguishment, Overhaul, Ventilation, Salvage C) Rescue, Exposure, Control, Extinguishment, Overhaul, Ventilation, Size-up D) Respond, Extinguishment, Confinement, Extricate, Ventilation, Search

B) Rescue, Exposure, Confinement, Extinguishment, Overhaul, Ventilation, Salvage

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Which ICS section is responsible for developing the IAP?

A) Tactics B) Finance C) Strategy D) Planning

D) Planning

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The Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration sections compose the ICS:

A) command staff. B) command post. C) general staff. D) chain of command.

C) general staff.

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Which process enables the IC to determine what resources will be needed to control the situation and to ensure their availability?

A) Unified command B) Size-up C) Level I staging D) Level II staging

B) Size-up

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By which title of rank are the heads of the four general staff positions of the ICS known?

A) Staff director B) Section chief C) Staff manager D) Section officer

B) Section chief

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What is the term for an assembly of five units of the same type with an assigned leader?

A) Strike team B) Attack force C) Regiment D) Brigade

A) Strike team

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What should be announced over the radio when establishing command?

A) The actions that have been taken prior to arrival B) A formal announcement stating that command is being transferred C) A formal announcement stating that command is being assumed D) A formal announcement that command is being established

D) A formal announcement that command is being established

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Which ICS section is responsible for providing supplies, services, facilities, and materials during the incident?

A) Procurement B) Provision C) Logistics D) Material

C) Logistics

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Can command ever be transferred down to a lower ranking individual?

A) Yes, this is a popular "on-the-job test" scenario for junior officers. B) Yes, when the situation is under control. C) No, not unless the IC becomes incapacitated and no one of equal or higher rank is available. D) No, command can never be transferred to a lower ranking individual.

B) Yes, when the situation is under control.

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Which organization developed the first standard incident command system?

A) NFPA B) Saint John Ambulance C) USAR D) FIRESCOPE


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What is the difference between RESCEO-VS and SLICERS (other than the terms the words represent)?

A) RECEO-VS is designed for the first arriving officer to use. B) SLICERS is designed for first arriving officer to use. C) There is no difference; it is up to each individual department to decide which to use. D) RECEO-VS is used when a victim is trapped.

B) SLICERS is designed for first arriving officer to use.

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Who, if anyone, is assigned to supervise each group as it is created?

A) group director B) A sector leader C) A group supervisor D) No one

C) A group supervisor

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What is a branch level supervisor called?

A) branch chief B) A branch director C) A branch manager D) A branch officer

B) A branch director

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How is the supervisor of a task force designated?

A) Task force leader B) Task commander C) Task force officer D) Task brigadier

A) Task force leader

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What is it called when representatives from several different agencies work together to command a multijurisdictional incident in a coordinated manner?

A) Span of control B) Barr-King-Sheal command C) Operations control D) Unified command

D) Unified command

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Which ICS section is responsible for the collection, evaluation, dissemination, and use of information relevant to the incident?

A) Strategy B) Staging C) Planning D) Logistics

C) Planning

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What is the term usually used for companies or crews working in the same geographical area?

A) branch B) A brigade C) A division D) A regiment

C) A division

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In a dynamic emergency incident, what is the maximum number of people that one person should supervise?

A) 12 B) 8 C) 5 D) 3

C) 5

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To whom do individuals on the command staff directly report?

A) The staging manager B) The executive officer C) The planning director D) The incident commander

D) The incident commander

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What is the principle called that requires each person to have only one direct supervisor?

A) Management by objectives B) Unity of command C) Barr-King-Siegel D) Directed leadership

B) Unity of command

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For which types and sizes of incident is the ICS designed?

A) Multiagency only, medium or large size B) Multiagency only, any size C) Single agency only, large size D) All types and all sizes

D) All types and all sizes

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Who in the incident command structure is responsible for determining the strategic incident objectives?

A) Deputy incident commander B) Planning officer C) Incident commander D) Operations section chief

C) Incident commander

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Which ICS position must be staffed at every incident?

A) Operations section chief B) Public information officer C) Safety D) Incident command

D) Incident command

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Often, one of the best ways to protect lives is to:

A) protect exposures. B) extinguish the fire. C) overhaul the fire. D) salvage the fire.

B) extinguish the fire

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An incident action plan to control an incident can be effective only if something can be assembled on a timely basis. What must be assembled?

A) The building owners B) A unified command consensus C) The necessary resources D) The media

C) The necessary resources

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Who on the IC staff is responsible for gathering and releasing incident information to the news media and other appropriate agencies?

A) Media relations officer B) News reporting officer C) Liaison officer D) Public information officer

D) Public information officer

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Upon what is the incident action plan based?

A) Measured uncertainties B) Information gathered during size-up C) Projected initial fire history D) Principles of thermodynamics

B) Information gathered during size-up

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What is the term for a group of fire fighters who are working without apparatus and have an assigned leader?

A) crew B) A group C) A resource D) A strike force

A) crew

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What is the acronym for the official national fire reporting system?



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Which level of supervision can an IC establish in charge of a number of divisions or groups?

A) Branch director B) Task force leader C) Strike team leader D) Company commander

A) Branch director

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What is the term for an assembly of two to five single resources, such as different types of units, assembled to accomplish a specific task?

A) Brigade B) Recon team C) Task force D) Regiment

C) Task force

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Select the correct statement regarding the order of accomplishment of the three basic fireground objectives.

A) The priorities are separate and exclusive. B) The priorities are not separate and exclusive. C) The priorities are separate but not exclusive. D) The priorities are exclusive but not separate.

B) The priorities are not separate and exclusive.

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By which title is the individual in charge of a company known?

A) Resource director B) Squad leader C) Company officer D) Sector manager

C) Company officer

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Which NFPA Standard is titled Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System and Command Safety?

A) 1561 B) 1571 C) 1581 D) 1591

A) 1561

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Under the concept of Crew Resource Management, while the ultimate decision rests with the officer,:

A) input is sought from all crew members. B) crew members remain silent and follow orders. C) input is sought from the second in command. D) input is requested from the more senior member of the crew.

A) input is sought from all crew members.

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In the ICS structure, who is the one person ultimately responsible for managing an incident?

A) The executive officer B) The planning chief C) The incident commander D) The operations chief

C) The incident commander

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