Assembly Line
pioneered by Henry Ford, these revolutionized the way automobiles were made
Ku Klux Klan
feared immigrants were changing traditional American culture, responding with anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitism
deepened the depression that had already begun in America. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act hurt other struggling nations, who in turn raised their own tariffs hurting us
Women’s Movement
19th amendment gave them the right to vote
Business Boom -Why?
Automated Machinery (increase productivity)
Advertising (promote products)
Department Stores (“everything” store)
Credit (monthly payments)
Production Cycle
More workers —> more money earned —> more spending by consumers —> creates demand
Volstead Act
aka National Prohibition Act.
defined an intoxicating beverage as 0.5% alcohol or more
Bank Scare
banks had large stock investments.
people feared banks going out of business and losing their money due to the stock market crash.
everyone rushed to withdraw money while the banks lack the ability to hand out it
hostility from people toward immigrants.
“If we ban immigrants, we eliminate ALL of America’s problems.”
Restricting Immigration
Immigration Act of 1924 - limited amount of immigrants per country and required citizenship.
Ozawa vs US - ruled Asians cannot be citizens; therefore they are banned from US
Sacco & Vanzetti
These were Italian immigrants charged with robbery and murder with little evidence.
Their conviction was controversial - some think it is because they are immigrants.
Bonus Army
formation of jobless WWI veterans who marched in order to get a bonus now. Led by Walter W. Waters.
part of a presidential campaign slogan used by Warren G. Harding.
He seeked to restore America to what it was before WWI began including deregulation, civic engagement, and isolationism.
Causes of Depression
overproduction of agriculture causing prices to drop and one-time purchases of business boom goods
pooling - when a group of people buys a specific stock solely to raise the price, other people followed.
increased interest rates
speculation of rising stocks; people took out loans from banks
bank scare
Harlem Renaissance
cultural movement that began in the black community of Harlem, NYC. in the 1920s, it defined the culture with literature, art, music, poetry, plays, and thought.
Harding policies
best way to restore economic prosperity was to raise tariff rates and reduce the government’s role in economic activities
Coolidge policies
1923-1921 president. woman’s suffrage, opposition to Prohibition, and fiscal conservationalism.
Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 - granted citizen ship to all Native Americans.
known for hands-off governing and pro-business practices.
Hoover policies
favored ones in which government, business, and labor worked together to achieve economic prosperity, but opposed direct federal government role in the economy.
Agricultural Marketing Act of 1929.
After the stock market crash, he approved the Smoot-Hawley Tariff which had negative “karma” effects on other countries’ tariffs.
He wished to assure public confidence by working with business leaders and local government.
1929 - catalyst of the Great Depression.
fear of not having money —> intense withdrawal from banks.
Court packing
FDR proposed a plan to add more judges to the SCOTUS to obtain favorable rulings of possibly unconstitutional New Deal legislation.
It would’ve allowed him to appoint up to 6 judges replacing ones who were over the age of 70.
Effects of New Deal
Federal government increased in size, power, and responsibility, mainly over the economic and social affairs of the country.
Individuals under hardship now look to the government for help.
Gross National Product - total value of all products and services in a given period of a country
advisors to FDR who provided theoretical solutions to the nation’s problems
FDR cabinet member who made labor issues present in supporting New Deal legislation
made the first solo nonstop flight over the Atlantic Ocean
founder of Ford Motor Company
pioneered automobile production with his new assembly line
“share the wealth”
involved in the Teapot Dome, he leased Navy petroleum reserves to private companies at low rates without competitive bidding, accepting bribes from the oil companies.
wrote “Of Mice and Men” and “The Grapes of Wrath”
government was responsible for human welfare.
relief, recovery, reform
SEC [reform]
Securities and Exchange Commission
regulates stock market
TVA [recovery]
Tennessee Valley Authority
army engineers build hydroelectric dams to provide electricity and attract industry in the Tennessee Valley
AAA [recovery]
Agricultural Adjustment Act
limits production so prices will rise by plowing under millions of acres and slaughtering livestock
CWA [relief]
Civilian Works Administration
creates jobs rather than relief by building roads, airports, playing fields
FCA [recovery]
Farm Credit Administration
low interest loans to farmers
NRA [recovery]
National Recovery Administration
regulates prices, production, and working conditions (controversial)
FERA [relief]
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
gives millions to local and state relief agencies (welfare)
NYA [relief]
National Youth Administration
helps high school and college students work and stay in school
CCC [relief]
Civilian Conservation Corp
conserves natural resources and puts single men ages 18-25 to work.
FDIC [reform]
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
federal government insures savings accounts against bank failures
NLRB [reform]
National Labor Relations Board (Wagner Act)
grants the right to unionize and bargain
Social Security [reform]
assisted the needs of the elderly
workers and employers contribute to this fund providing pensions to the the elderly, aid to dependent children, and support various health plans
Fair Labor Standards Act [reform]
sets minimum wages, hours, and age requirements