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as low as reasonably achievable
radiation protection standard “ALARA”
anterior posterior
the central ray entering the pt’s anterior & exiting posterior surface
posterior anterior
posterior & exiting pt’s anterior surface
central ray
center or MIDPOINT of the xray beam
crookes tube
partially evacuated glass tube
subject to or involving emotions
genetic effect
whose ancestors were irradiated. T hose that are manifested in persond born of people who were actually irradiated. They might not show for several generation
kinesthetic learners
learn through doing and touching
somatic effects
occurs to person who received the radiation. The types of cells that receive the radiation will help determine the tyoe of effect that manifest itself
physical, mental, or enotional strain or tension
whole body
includes the trunks. arms above the elbows, and legs above the knss. Used for uposes of radiation exposure doses
occupational-5 rem/50mSv
general public-0.5 rem/5mSv
intraining-.01 rem/1 mSv
pregnant worker- 0.5 rem/5mSv
(in any given month)- .05 rem/0.5 mSv
effective dose limits
refers to the time in the radiography while the beam is irradiated ““beam on time“
reduces scatter, increase contrast and provides a more quality image that one that has the collimation open to the size of the image receptor
The patient is standing upright, facing forward with arms fully extended and palms forward
anatomic positon
patient is lying face up
patient lying face down
pt lying face u, face down, or in any position
pt is lying in any position, CR is horizontal
CR enetrs patients anterior and exits the patients posterior
upright or erect
patient is standing or sitting
CR enters the patients posterior and exite pts at anterior
right lateral
pts right side is closest to the IR
left lateral
patients left side is closest tothe IR
Right Anterior Oblique
patient is rotated toward the right side closest to IR
Left Anterior Oblique
patient is semiprone or rotated with the patients left sidde
Right posterior oblique
patient is semiprone or rotated wuth the patients right posterior side
left posterior obliqe
patient is semiprone or rotated wuth the patients left posterior side
dorsal decubitus
patient is lyin gon his or her back, CR is horizontalV
Ventral decubitus
patient is lying face down, CR is horizontal
RIght lateral decubitus
patient is lying on his or her right side
left lateral decubitus
patient is lying on his or her left side
to stay fixed or firm
inclination or temperament based on personal judgment
moral issues dealing with th ethical issues of human life
common law
decision and opinions of courts that are based on local customs
comtinuing education
professional education received following completion
to attack or injure a persons reputation
comforming to the standards of conduct od a given profession or group
the view that an organic or integrated whole has a reality
immobilzation device
piece of equipment that ensures restricting patient movement
in -service
training given to employees in connection with their work
something tha a person is obligated to do
professional negligence that is the cause of injury
teacher, coaach, or advisor
any individual practicing in a specific area or discipline
a teacher; directs action or conduct of another individual
calling that requires specialized knowledge and intensive academic preparation
clinical perfromance standard
define the activities of the individual responsible for the care of patients and delivery or diagnostic procedures
a set of moral principles that govern one’s course of action
Moral principles
set of standards that establish what is right or good
branch of ethics that was established because of the advanced technical methods of prolonging life
utilitarianism / consequentialism
advocates that action are morally correct pr right when LARGEST NUMBER OF PERSONS BENEFITED
Rule of ethics
mandatory standards of minimally acceptable professional conduct
rules must be followed at all times
philosophical belief that focuses on using wisdom than emotional and intellectual problem
Rule of ethics
mandatory standards of minimally acceptable professional conduct
right of all persons to make rational decisions free from external pressure
all acts must be meant to attain a good resu
concept of privacy
double effect
some actions mayproduce both a good and bad effect
duty to fulfill one’s commitment
all person being treated equally
duty to abstarmain from inflicting h
making decisions without consulting the person affected
sanctity of life
belief that life is the highest good
honesty in all aspects of one’s professional life
respect for property
keeping the pt’s belonging safe
scope of practice
clinical performance
quality performance standards
professional performance standards
four sections of standards
bill of rights
these rights can be exercised on the patients behalf by a designated surrogate or proxy decision
High-quality hospital care
a clean and saf environment
protection of your privacy
preparing you and your family for when you leave the hospital
help with your bill and filing insurance claims.
what to expect during hospital stay
a contract wherein the patient voluntarily gives permission to someone
implied consent
form of consent that is inferred by the patients action; or in the case of unconscious patient
simple consent
matter of obtaining patients permission to perform procedure
expressed consent
clearly stated, although it does not have to be written. This may prove to be problematic if the patient denies that consent was given
informed consent
obtained after the patient has a clear understanding of what is being consenting to
inadequate/ignorant consent
this occurs when the patient has not been informed adequately
a wrongful act by a professional that injures a patient
voluntary consent
valid consent must be freely given, withouth coercion
incompetent patient
individual who is not autonomus
informed subject
should be in writing'; it should contain explanation of procedure and its risk and description if benefits and alternative
patient able to comprehend
information must be written and delivered in language understandable
federally funde and state-administered program
advance directives
directions given by a person while in a healthy mental state
adverse effect
unfavorable happening
aggravating or alleviating effect
which makes a problem worse or better
to break down into parts for study
anticipatory grieving
moourning death or loss before the event occurs
troubled state of mind
evaluation of a patient
associated manifestation
what else occurs during an episode
manner of feeling or thinking
must be heard
basic needs
needs one cannot live without
cartainty or confidence in the trustworthiness of another
body image
how one imagines one self to appear
arrangement of events in time
clinical portion
instruction and learning in institution