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law of effect
if consequence unpleasant stimulus-reward connection weak
reward strengthens behavior
anything increasing behavior
positive reinforcement
addition of something pleasant
negative reinforcement
the removal of something unpleasant
NR - escape learning
getting kicked out of class
NR - avoidance learning
cutting class
meant to decrease behavior
positive punishment
addition of something unpleasant
negative punishment
removal of something pleasant
punishment works best when
done immediately after behavior and is harsh
reinforcing small steps on way to get desired behavior
chaining behaviors
subjects taught number of responses successively in order to get reward
primary reinforcer
something in itself rewarding
secondary reinforcer
things with learned value
continuous reinforcement
every time; first learned; fast acquisition; fast extinction
partial reinforcement
some time; slow acquistion; resistant to extinction
fixed ratio
provides reinforcement after number of responses
variable ratio
provides reinforcement after random number of responses; hard to get acquisiton
fixed interval
set amount of time to elapse before giving reinforcement
variable interval
random amount of time to elapse before reinforcement; hard to acquistion very resistant to extinction
insight learning