Cell wall of peptidoglycan containing muramic acid and chains of amino sugars, and amino acids in cyanobacteria
Cell membrane secretes cellulose plates thecae.
Chitin and other compounds ------------------------ 1-autotrophs and heterotrophs, nitrogen fixers Variety types of food
2-Starch , oil 3-Variety types of food
Gravitational force is the force that affects the tides. The tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun and by the rotations of the Earth, moon, and sun. Waters on the side of the earth closer to the moon are pulled towards the moon, causing a high tide. Waters on the far side of the earth are pushed away from the moon, causing a low tide. The three types of tides:
Semidiurnal: There are two high tides and two low tides a day.
Diurnal: occur when there is only one high tide and one low tide every day.
Mixed Semidiurnal: when two successive high tides of different heights
Spring tides: the tides with the large tidal range, they occur around the time of full or new moon
Neap tides: the tides with the least tidal range, they occur when the moon is in quarter During tidal changes, water flow contributes to significant water mixing, which often affects species there is Many species replicate themselves in conjunction with the tides.
use holdfast or encrust on rocks barnacles
Secure themselves with glue
byssal threads
often cling strongly to the rocks
Their compact shape helps them to reduce of waves