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what are aphermatypic?
non reef building
what are hermatypic corals?
where are hermatypic corals found?
what are characteristics of tropical coral reefs?
many fish species, more vertebrate species than rainforest, fragile, high biodiversity, complex
reef growth is influenced by…
what is the general temp of reefs?
18-36 c
what is the optimal temp of reefs?
26-28 c
what is needed for reefs?
clear, warm water, lots of light, little nutrients
how do reefs develop?
polyps will settle in substratum that meets requirments
how do atoll reefs form?
volcanic island→fringe reef→barrier reef→atoll
what is a back reef?
an area that slopes into a lagoon
what is a reef flat?
on the sheltered side of the reef
what is the reef crest?
the highest point of the reef
what are the characteristics of the reef crest?
high wave energy, coralline algae, wave surge zones
what is the forereef?
part of reef that slopes towards the sea
what are characteristics of hermatypic coral?
colonial, CaCO3 deposited from skeleton, have symbiotic algae/zooplankton
what is the benefit of symbiosis for coral?
increase growth and reproduction, waste removal, facilitates CaCO3 formation, amino acids, carbon supply, nutrient retention, ect.
what is the benefit of symbiosis for alga?
CO2, NH3, PO4, protects from UV damage, high density of single genotype
what is the coral morphology?
bunch of polyps grouped together
what are boulder corals?
more flat
what are branching corals?
branch like a tree
how do corals feed plankton at night?
how do corals asexual reproduction?
division or budding
how do most stony corals sexually reproduce?
brooding, broadcast spawners
what is the coral life cycle?
brooding, larva, late larva, young polyp, adult polyp
reef growth is kept in check by ____
what is the primary producer in reefs?
zooxanthellae, benthic algae, phytoplankton
most energy is …
recycled within the ecosystem
coral reefs have ____
high rates of primary production
coral reefs are very _____ ecosystems
where is coral reef species richness the highest?
what are reefs important for?
food, income, costal defenses, tourism
what is coral reef decline?
decline in coral cover, loss of large vertebrates, increases macro algal cover
what can cause coral reef decline?
over-exploitation of fish and invertebrates
what are threats to coral reefs?
crown of thorns starfish, overfishing, pollution- nutrient and sediment, disease, storms, warming ocean
what is coral bleaching?
When water is too warm, corals will expel the algae (zooxanthellae) living in their tissues causing the coral to turn completely white