Biology Ch. 5 - Population Ecology

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Population growth is affected by

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11/9/22 - 12/1/2 Mr. Sandro

12 Terms


Population growth is affected by

births, deaths, immigration, emigration

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indivisuals move into an area

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indivisuals leave an area

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Population grow when

births + immigration > deaths + emigration

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Exponential Growth

  1. happens when the population has unlimited resources, "ideal conditions"

  2. Individuals reproduce at a constant rate (ex. once per 20 min for some bacteria).

  3. This results in a "J" shaped growth curve.

  4. This type of growth cannot continue indefinitely.

  5. Resources run out, predators catch up, disasters happen, etc.

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Logistic Growth

  1. Begins as exponential growth

  2. As resources run out, growth slows/stops

  3. Produces an "S" shaped curve

  4. Number at which growth levels off is the carrying capacity

  5. Could be described as exponential growth after reality has set in

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Logistic Growth Equation

Growth Rate (or dN/dt) = rN(K-N/K) t=time N=actual # of organisms r=intrinsic growth rate K=carrying capacity

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In the logistic growth equation, the slope of the curve is the steepest when

N=K/2 the # of actual organisms is equal to the carrying capacity divided by two

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Predator-Prey Curve

Curves of the predator and prey mirror each other as they have direct impacts of the other population

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Limiting Factors

any condition the keeps a population size from increasing

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Density-dependent Factors

  1. Affects population more seriously as population density increases

  2. Ex. Competition, predation, parasitism/disease

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Density-Independent Factors

  1. Effects not dependent on population density

  2. Ex. Natural disasters, seasonal effects, human habitat destruction WOULD HAPPEN REGARDLESS OF THE POP. DENSITY

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