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Vienna Austria
city associated with 3 most influential musicians of classical period: Hadyn, Mozart, Beethoven
one of most important musical cultural centers
Esterhazy Family
wealthiest and most powerful Hungarian families, had close connection to royal family, Hadyn entered their service, patrons of music
patron/patronage/patronage system
patron: person who supports someone or something financially to allow them to be recognized
patronage: the support given
patronage system: network of patronage
Joseph Haydn
entered service of Esterhazy family
became Kapellmeister
codified structure of string quartet
great pianist and composer of opera
supported himself through subscription concerts
met his greatest lifetime success in music theatre
Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, The magic flute
no patron
invention of piano
hits notes with hammers and dampeners, plays notes louder and softer (fortepiano)
dominant instrument of classical period
transitional composer, wrote 9 symphonies
music was part of canonized literature
romantic hero
use of chromatic harmony, motivic development
renowned for improvisation
centered around core of bowed strings,
no basso continuo section
bowed strings, percussion, woodwinds and brass
“beethoven orchestra”
larger than baroque orchestra
chamber music
for private settings, not a genre, common in social music making
sonata is a genre of chamber music
most popular setting for amateur performances
social/ domestic music making
only appropriate place for women to play
social endevour for upper and middle class to. present their wealth and taste
tonality, functional tonality, tonality music
system of major or minor keys and their related scales that was the foundation of music theory circa 1600 to 1900
hierarchical system that emphasized certain pitches and chords so that some sound more stable and consonant than others
key/ key area
limited collection of 7 pitches
major key and minor key
C minor: CDEflatFGaflatBflatC
chromatic scale
series of pitches moving exclusively in half steps, so includes all 12 pitches
chromatic harmony
using notes outside of the 7 keys to create dissonance and harmony
first pitch in a scale, most important pitch, gives name and key of scale
fifth pitch in scale, second most important, often used to modulate into the key of the dominant, strongest cadence in music
switching keys in the middle of a piece, usually to the dominant
ternary forms
ABA, typical in Chopins character pieces,
elegant dance movement in triple meter
very popular from 1650 to 1800
minuet and trio form
typically second or third movement of a symphony or string quartet
scherzo/ scherzo form
short composition like minuet, has ABA form because it returns to the scherzo
upbeat and lively, moderato
theme and variations form
a theme followed by multiple variations of that theme
sonata form
three movements, fast-slow-fast, no dance related movement
first movement is longest, second has character development, third is lively
short musical section repeated over and over in different pitches, often in sections of pieces that are modulatory
resting place in music where soloist plays without orchestra
separate detached notes played like quickly
smooth connected flowing notes
lyrical/ lyrical cantabile
italian word for singable or songlike, style of melody meant to imitate human voice, usually homophonic
motive/ motivic development
used by beethoven to create musical unity, uses motives to illustrate a theme and melodic ideas over different structures
themes/ thematic development
themes are developed by changing themes using modulation
opus/ opus number
number assigned to a piece or set of compositions
highly skilled person in music such as mozart, beethoven
Ex: mazurka by chopin
desire among composers to recreate, represent or celebrate their national identiy through their art
desire to recreate, represent a foreign identity through art
EX: madama butterfly
program music
isntrumental music associated with a story, poem, scene or something extra-musical.
have descriptive titles
EX: midsummers night dream overture
absolute music
doesnt convey a story, not extra musical, generic titles
EX: Octet in F major, Franz Schubert
cyclic principle, when is a movement a cycle
cyclic principle, when is a movement a cycle
practice in music composition where themes or motifs from previous movements are reused or transformed in later movements.
A movement is considered part of a cycle when it intentionally revisits material or structural elements from earlier movements, creating a cohesive experience throughout a multi-movement work.
enhances thematic development and reinforces the unity of the composition, making each movement feel like part of a larger narrative.
strophic form
each poetic verse is set to the same repeating music
modified strophic form
some of the stanzas are set to repeating music, but other parts that differ
through composed form
no poetic verses are the same, no repeated sections
Ex: Frauliebe no 8
postlude/ piano postlude
susbtancial portion at end of song where piano solos, not very common in art songs after vocalist has presented all the text
changing the pace of the song and varying the time by slowing down or speeding up in a expressive manner
Frederic Chopin
most famous composer of character pieces
most associated with high salons of Parisien high society and musical scene of paris
polish nationalistic works like mazurka
Hector Berlioz
progressive french composer
advocate for program music
celebrated for colourful orchestration
works of hybrid genres “dramatic symphony”
Treatise on Orchestration
written by Hector Berlioz
technical study of western musical instruments
Clara Schumann
wife of Robert Schumann
one of the most important and influential virtuosos of 19th century
instrumental in shaping views of modern day piano concert
often played works of earlier composers like bach
Robert Schumann
german composer
wrote for the journal of new music, one of most influential music journals of 19th c
one of greatest composers in 19th c
Felix Mendellsohn conducted Bachs St MAtthew of Passion
first time the matthew was heard outside of LEipzig
important for bringing Bach’s work to public attention
importance of William Shakespeare
Midsummers night dream was inspired by shakespeares same play, musical themes inspired by characters in the play,
Giuseppe Verdi
true italian hero
dominant italian composer over 50 years
most famous and important italian composer
librettos based on contemporary plays and novels, shakespeare
3 famous operas: Rigoletto (1851)
Il trovatore (1853)
Il traviata (1853)
prima donna
leading female singer in opera
nature and subject of librettos
german: norse mythology, glorified german land,
italian: contemporary plays and novels and shakespeare,
storyline of Madama butterfly
cio cio san the butterfly marries pinkerton who goes off to america and abandons her. In the aria Un Bel Di she is portraying her despair and desperation and hope for him to return , unwavering faith in him
richard wagner
composer of the ring cycle, cycle of four german music dramas
most important and influential figure in german opera, created music drama genre
nationalistic fervor
Louis Farrenc
(1804-1875): french composer taught privately bc women were not allowed to enroll in classes at the time. was praised by robert schumann
Farrenc was paid less than her male colleagues at the Conservatoire for nearly a decade. Only after the triumphant premiere of her Nonet, op 38—inwhich the famous violinist Joseph Joachim took part did she receive equal pay
Peter Tchaikovsky
most influential and important russian composer
composed swan lake, the nutcracker, and sleeping beauty
Antonín Dvořák(1841-1904)
great czech nationalist composer
known in homeland as father of czech music
showed particular interest in melodies native to the United States—especially plantation melodies of African Americans and tunes of American Indians
Eight of Dvořák’s nine operas have librettos in theCzech language and were intended to convey the Czech national spirit
symphony 9 in E minor
main melody is inspired by plantation songs from black face minstrels
Amy Beach
first american woman to succeed as composer of large scale art music
minstrel music
one of the most popular forms of entertainment in US for nearly 100 years
art song/ lied
early romantic genre of monody song for solo voice with piano accompaniment
piano is crucial for expression, not only accompaniment
ballet/ ballet score
genre that includes. both music and dance
ballet score is just the music, swan lake is first ever ballet score written by symphonic composer
character piece
one-movement miniatures for solo piano, usually brief (2 to 7 minutes),with more or less descriptive titles suggestive of a mood, scene, type of song or dance, usually homophonic
type of character piece, made for technical studies for students and performances
inspired by or evocative of the night, slower, romantic, melancholic
short piece of music, repeating motifs that reoccurr
concerto (solo concerto)
has three movements, large ensemble music for soloist within orchestra
concert overture
one movement work for orchestra, descriptive title, usually in sonata form movements
double concerto
large ensemble for two soloists and orchestra
music drama
structure governed by series of dramatic effects rather than long arias
opera buffa
2 acts, recitatives and arias, comedic purpose, middle class, contemporary inspo
opera seria
serious opera, for aristocrats, 3 acts, oldest and most serious form
grand opera
middle class parisians
librettos based on historic topics, large scope, war,four or five acts
opera comic
french comic opera, uses spoken dialogue, 2 acts
orchestral art song/ lied
late romantic genre for soloist and orchestra
piano trio
piano,violin, cello
piano quintet
piano and string quartet 2 violin, viola, cellist
german opera genre, using spoken dialogue(no recitative)along with arias, duets, choral numbers, etc; plots are often fantastic or exotic and common characters are often included; more like a play with music
popular in middle class
genre of chamber music in one of two formats
multi movement for piano alone
multi movement for solo and accompaniment
usuallt three movements, fast slow fast
song cycle
group of songs designed to be performed in sequence as a single entity. Usually all of the songs are by the same composer and use words from the same poet. A song cycle is unified by reference to a particular theme or by telling a story.
string quartet
classical music genre: 2 violin, viola, cello
suite/orchestral suite
ordered set of instrumental or orchestral/concert band pieces
symphonic poem
programmatic piece of orchestral music, usually in a single continuous movement, which illustrates or evokes the content of a poem, short story, novel, painting, landscape, or other (non-musical) source
elaborate musical composition for full orchestra, typically in four movements, at least one of which is traditionally in sonata form. Instrumental genre for orchestra alone
woodwind quintet
flute, oboe, clarinet, French horn and bassoon
String Quartet No.4 in Bflat Major
Maddelena Sirmen
form: minuet,
texture: homophonic
symphony no 5 in C minor
de de de duhhhh
third and fourth movement elided together
Sonata No. 14 in C#Minor
three movements
first: sonata form, adagio
Piano Trio in G minor
Clara Schumann
first movement of four
sonata form movement
piano trio genre: violin, cello, piano
Frauenliebe 1.
Robert Schumann
genre: art song
ensemble: piano and soloist soprano
form: strophic- set to same music
Fraunliebe no 8.
through composed
none of the music is the same
more dramatic and single chords
Nocturne in G minor
chamber music
genre: character piece
Die Walkure
Richard Wagner
male opera singer
part of the four part cycle of the Ring drama
genre: music drama
MAdama butterfly
example of exoticism
use of percussion instruments
tragic opera uses recitatives and aria
nonet in eflat
Louis Farrenc
scherzo and adagio
slavonic dances
Antonia Durvak
inspired by plantation songs of black face minstrels
genre: orchestral suite
where did Dorvak look for authentic sources of indegneous music for hus czech works
He asked Henry Burleigh, a black student to sing him sprituals and plantation songs from the south, he asked the music critic Henry Krehbiel for transcriptions of Amerindian melodies; he probably also studied Theodore Baker’s book Über die Musik der nordamerikanischen Wilden(Concerning the Music of North American Indians 1882), which contained transcriptions of Amerindian melodies
In what ways were Dvořák and Beach in general agreement regarding what constituted appropriate musical source materials for the creation of a nationalistic music in any country
importance in drawing from folk and exotic indegenous sources to make unique music