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any activity that seeks to provide goods and services while operating at a profit; transactional relationship
business structure
form of carrying on business that dictates key aspects of the business' creation and organization
sole proprietorship
business owned and operated by one person
- no legal separation between owner and business
- typically small businesses w/ few or no employees + single location
unlimited liability (sole proprietorship)
the owner is personally and fully responsible for all losses and debts of the business
- no separation between personal + business assets
'accidental business structure' that exists when two ppl:
- pool their CAPITAL for a common purpose
- share in the PROFIT or LOSS of the business
- make decisions + MANAGE the business tgt
- exercise authority to BIND the partnership to third-party contracts
- share the LIABILITIES related to the business
general partnership
two or more individuals run an incorporated business
- not an independent legal entity
- individual partners have joint & several liability
joint liability
shared equally or as set out in the partnership agreement
several liability
plaintiff can sue/collect from one or some partners if the others are unable to pay
- chosen partner may sue the others to pay their share
limited partnership (LPs)
at least one general partner + one or more limited partners
- "flow through"; used w/ businesses who have big losses before growing assets (e.g., car dealerships)
general partner
personally liable for debts and obligations
- signs everything; can get sued and lose everything
- suffers joint & several liability
limited partner
owner who invests money but does not have management responsibility or liability for losses beyond their investment + share of profits
- formed when registered under Partnership Act in BC
limited liability partnerships (LLPs)
general partners with joint & several liability
- one is responsible for general debts and obligations + those that arise from their own/any person under their supervision's negligent acts or omissions
partnership agreement
sets out how partnership will operate and how it will end
- covers financial, compensation, business, and management matters
distinct legal entity that has almost all the rights and obligations of an individual
- responsible for own debts/obligations
- protects against personal liability
- can remain intact even if assets/shares are sold
individual who files the required documentation to cause corporation to exist
- not legally liable for debts and obligations
responsible for major decisions regarding affairs of the corporation (e.g., officer oversight)
responsible for day-to-day operation under the supervision of directors
owns an interest in the corporation's assets + may have a voice in how it operates
(right to dividends & right to vote)
- can sue when shareholder rights are not protected
steps to create a corporation
1. draft articles of incorporation
2. select corporate name
3. pay fee and register articles of incorporation + name w/ government office
(NUANS search not required in BC)
unanimous shareholders' agreement
an agreement among all shareholders that restricts the powers of the directors
- allows private corporation the flexibility that a partnership offers + benefits of incorporation
when does a corporation end?
through its liquidation or winding up (dissolved), which is generally governed by the same statute that created it
common shares
most basic form of ownership
- right to vote and dividends, if declared
preferred shares
- usually no voting rights
- right to receive dividends or assets before owners of common shares
derivative or representative action
committee of shareholders asks court to appoint them to run a legal action when directors/officers fail to protect the corporation
what can judges make directors personally liable for?
- dividends when a corporation is insolvent (unable to pay debts)
- some taxes & deductions
- environmental damages
- crimes
due diligence
defence that claims a person did everything reasonable to prevent an offence from occurring
fiduciary duty
enhanced duty of care that flows from a relationship of trust
- act honestly + in good faith
- share relevant info w/ corporation
- avoid conflicts of interest (giving up potential business opportunities)
public corporations
shares are held by the public through trading on a stock exchange
- subject to greater degree of government regulation
advantage of public corporations
ability to raise capital by selling shares to the public
disadvantages of public corporations
loss of control + compliance obligations
organizations owned and operated by their members
- bonuses instead of dividends
characteristics of agent-principal relationship
- agent has authority to represent and bind principal to contract w/ a third party
- agent has duty to represent the principal fairly and act in their best interests
- any third party w/ whom the agent deals with must rely on agent's apparent authority + hold principal legally responsible for their dealings
joint venture
temporary partnership created to complete one or more projects
- not incorporated
right to operate a business using the name, products, business methods, and advertising of another business
contract that confers rights from one party to another in accordance w/ its terms (permission to do smt)
- usually limited in scope