libre nyo ako
It is the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else.
These are data, knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction, signals or symbols.
It is the knowledge that you get about someone or something.
It is the tools used for communication.
The main means of mass communication (especially television, radio, newspapers, and the internet) regarded collectively
A person with _______________ literacy skills knows how to access and understand media as will express oneself through it.
information literacy
This is the skill that allows a person to recognize when information is needed and how he will be able to access, locate, evaluate and use it effectively.
technology literacy
It is the ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use, and create information.
It is the ability of an individual, working independently and with others, to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technology tools to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information.
It is defined as a source of credible and current information.
Your father will be buying a new laptop and he needs to compare the features and prices
of three models that he has shortlisted. What will be the best source for this information?
media literacy
This refers to the ability to read, analyze, evaluate, and produce communication in a variety of media forms
It is the capacity to understand, analyze, and critique the media
read, analyze, and critically evaluate information presented in a variety of formats
A person that is media literate can _____________________.
Visual media is very powerful in sending a __________, especially if the images used were able to move the viewer or the audience
which of the following does not belong to the group? choose the right answer:
is when information is filtered, suppressed, or deleted to hinder freedom of speech.
media and information literacy
It is defined as a set of competences that empowers citizens to access, retrieve, understand, evaluate, and use, create, as well as, share information and media content in all formats, using various tools, in a critical, ethical, and effective way, in order to participate and engage in personal, professional, and societal activities.
provides a set of essential skills to address the challenges of the 21st century including the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation and hate speech, the decline of trust in media and digital innovations notably Artificial Intelligence.
In communication, the ______________________ is thought of as the technical or physical means by which information is transmitted.
The ______________________media involves the voice, face, and body.
The “efficient ability to know how to use and operate computers as information processing machines” is referred to as ___________________ literacy.
It deals with the study of knowledge, its nature, and condition.
Social media such as ________________ allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content.
social media
The platform in which it allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content.
mass medium
When the medium of technology that carries messages to a huge audience, it is referred to as ____________________.
media and information
A person who has ____________________ literacy skills able to apply ICT skills to a process, information and produce used user-generated content.
A person with ___________ literacy skills know how to apply ICT and understand media as well express oneself through it.
The __________________________ media refers to the television, smartphones, e-readers, and the like.
personal communication
Indigenous information can only be accessed through ____________.
IL (Information Literacy) - newspaper
James found erroneous facts in the newspaper he is reading
TL (Technology Literacy) - e-books
Peter uses his tablet to read e-books, which he downloaded using app.
ML (Media Literacy) - email
Charlene, an exchange student, tells her mother that she misses here through email.
IL (Information Literacy) - library
The teacher told the students to go to the library for their research activity.
ML (Media Literacy) - alphabet chart
A mother bought an alphabet chart for her four-year-old daughter.
TL (Technological Literacy) - canva
Mike is preparing a presentation using Canva for his report in history.
IL (Information Literacy) - researching
The STEM-Jupiter students are researching about the effects of social media to students’ performance in class.
ML (Media Literacy) - chats
Marie chats with her friends in London very often.
ML (Media Literacy) - radio
We heard from the radio that there was a strong earthquake that struck Leyte and Samar yesterday.
TL (Technological Literacy) - webpage
The Grade 10-Wisdom students are to create a webpage of their advertisement in Economics.
chauvet cave painting
33,000 years ago, ____________________ provides one of the earliest evidences of prehistoric media.
prehistoric age
In this age, people discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron.
first information revolution
The media historian Irving Fang refers prehistoric period as the ____________________.
johannes gutenberg
A German craftsman from Maiz, Germany invented the printing press in 1446.
clay tablet
One of the prehistoric mediums in Mesopotamia purposely to record religious and philosophical thoughts.
acta diurna
___________________ is a sort of daily gazette in Rome (130BC).
industrial revolution
The ________________________ brought to printing the advantages of mass production – a greater output of printed material at far lower cost.
samuel f.b. morse
Who invented the telegraph in 1844?
alexander graham bell
Who invented the large box telephone in 1876?
charles babbage
_______________________, an English Mathematician, is generally credited for originating the first programmable computer.
herman hollerith
He designed the punch card and sorting machines in 1890.
Irving Fang
The media historian who refers to the prehistoric period as the first information revolution.
Altair 8800
The basic programming language computer inspired by two hobbyists Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
alan turing
A British mathematician regarded as the father of modern computer science.
The world’s first general purpose computer.
steve wozniak
He designed the first Apple computer.
The internet was developed in 1967 from its roots as a United States Defense Department project called ________________.
Explore, Engage, Empower
Triple E’s of Media and Information Literacy Model.
“How do I identify, access, and retrieve information and media content skillfully?“
Encourages learners to use media and information to discover new ideas, resources, and perspectives.
“How do I analyze and evaluate media and information critically?“
Involves actively participating and interacting with media to gain a deeper understanding and connection to the content.
“How do I create, share and use information and media content ethically, safely and responsibly for decision-making and taking action?“
Aims to equip learners with the skills and confidence to create and share their own media, contributing meaningfully to society.
code of ethics of the press
guidelines for journalists and information professionals
principle of journalism ethics in news gathering and processing
code of ethics of communication professionals
code of ethics of information professionals
principles of intellectual property rights
six (6) ethical principles governing the use of information
information and entertainment
What are the two categories of radio programs?
cable tv
Type of TV that brings audiences 100 or more channel options.
The electronic transmission of radio and television program.
project gutenberg
A project that provides eBooks for free via internet.
community radio
Radio that is thought to “give voice to the voiceless.”
the press
The branch of the media which is named after the printing press.
Source of revenue of magazines and other commercial media entities.
population growth
A key factor to the growth of the publishing industry.
romance rules philippine literary charts
An example of a mass-market paperback popular in the Philippines.
A function of the press in a democracy.
A statement that can be problem or disproved with documentary evidence is ____________.
A movie review by a critique in a newspaper
The following are primary source except (choose the right answer):
Live news report about yesterday’s Senate hearing
Ninoy Aquino’s diary
A photograph of Filipino soldiers during the World War II
A movie review by a critique in a newspaper
special collection
What section in the library houses rare, valuable, or nontextual collections?
indigenous sources
mass media
What are the four (4) main Media and Information Sources?
human interest
What are the six (6) elements of an event that makes it newsworthy?