Chapters 18 & 19 - American Pageant 17th Edition

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Why did the Kansas Territory erupt in violence in 1855?

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Why did the Kansas Territory erupt in violence in 1855?

It was between proslavery and antislavery factions and the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott (1857) decision which permitted slavery in all Western territories.

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What was Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote this as an attempt to show the north the horrors of slavery and how it split families. It helped to start the Civil War and for the North to win.

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What was The Impending Crisis of the South (book)?

1857, Hinton R. Helper in North Carolina wrote this saying how he hated blacks and slavery. He used statistics to show that non-slaveholding whites were the ones suffering the most from slavery.

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What was the New England Emigrant Aid Company?

A group of abolitionists who paid some people to move to Kansas to make it a free-state.

NOTE: Kansas was a popular sovereignty state meaning people determined its slavery status.

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What happened in 1855 when Kansas was having its legislature elections?

Pro-slavery people from Missouri elected pro-slavery officials (they won the vote) and set up their own government at Shawnee Mission. The abolitionists then set up their own government in Topeka (giving Kansas territory two governments).

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What happened following the Election of 1855 in the Kansas territory (other than two governments)?

Civil war broke out in 1856 when pro-slavery riders burnt down abolitionist towns.

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Who was John Brown?

Abolitionist in Kansas Territory who killed 5 pro-slavery men at Pottawatomie Creek in response to the civil outbreak.

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What was the Lecompton Constitution?

Created by pro-slavery politicians in Kansas when Kansas applied for statehood, this document stated that people could only vote on whether the Constitution was for slavery or against it.

Note: If slavery was nullified, there would be one provision which protected current slave owners this document was still in favor of slavery!!!!

Kansas did become a slave state.

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Who is James Buchanan?

Democrat who won in the election of 1856. He had a strong southern influence and approved of the Lecompton Constitution. He also enraged Democrats in the North and divided the only remaining national party (and the Union).

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Who was Senator Stephen Douglas?

Senator who strongly opposed to the Lecompton Constitution and he campaigned against it.

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What was Bleeding Kansas?

Civil war in Kansas over the issue of slavery in the territory. It was fought only within the state until 161, when it joined the Civil War.

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What did the Democrats mainly campaign for in 1856?

Popular Sovereignty.

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What was the Know-Nothing Party?

Formed by Protestants who feared the increasing number of immigrants from Ireland and Germany. They chose former president Millard Fillmore as their candidate for the election of 1856.

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Who won the Election of 1856?

James Buchanan

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Why was it a good thing that the Republicans did not win the Election of 1856?

Some Southerners said that if they did win, they would secede from the US.

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What is Dred Scott vs. Stanford?

Dread Scott, a slave, sued for freedom on the basis of being on free soil. The Supreme Court ruled that Scott could not sue since he was a slave and because slavery was private property, he could be taken into any territory and legally held there.

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What did the Dred Scott vs. Stanford case conclude regarding the Missouri Compromise?

They stated that the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was unconstitutional and that Congress had no power to ban slavery from the territories, no matter what the territorial legislatures themselves wanted.

This victory delighted Southerners, while it infuriated Northerners and supporters of popular sovereignty.

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What was the Panic of 1857?

Caused by over-speculation in the West and currency inflation due to the inrush of Californian gold. The North was the hardest hit, while the South continued to flourish with its cotton.

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How did the North attempt to fix the Panic of 1857?

They proposed the government giving 160-acre plots of farming land to pioneers for really cheap (people opposed this because industrialists thought it would decrease workers and farmers in the south feared it would cause more antislavery in the west). This was called the Homestead Act (vetoed by President Buchanan)

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What were the Lincoln-Douglas Debates?

1858, it was a series of debates between Republicans Lincoln and Democrat Stephen Douglas.

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What was the Freeport Doctrine?

Created by Stephen Douglas, it was his reply to a debate regarding slavery in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates.

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Who did the Democrats elect in 1860?

Elected Stephen Douglas, however, there was a lot of conflicts between the south and north (south hated him because of his opposition to Lecompton Constitution, north liked him).

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What was the Republican Party’s influence on everyone after they nominated _______ as their candidate in 1860?

Nominated Abraham Lincoln.

The Republican party appealed to nearly every part of the nation (EX: they supported non-extension of slavery, supported protective tariffs, supported a Pacific Railroad).

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Even though the Republicans won in the Election of 1860, why was this bad?

This led southern states like South Carolina to have a reason to secede from US and even though the Republicans won the election, they did not control the House of Representatives, Senate, or Supreme Court.

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What happened in December of 1860 (regarding to civil outbreaks)

South Carolina’s legislature met in Charles and voted to secede with 6 other states joining them: Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.

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What were the Confederate States of America? WHO DID THEY CHOOSE AS PRESIDENT

Involved the 11 states that seceded (SC, GA, FL, AL, TX, LA, MS) and chose Jefferson Davis as President.

Four more states seceded later.

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Why did the government not use force to keep southern states in the union?

Buchanan president (Lincoln was not sworn in until 1861) and he did not hold them by force because he couldn’t find anything in the Constitution to stop them with force. Another reason was because the Union's army controlling Indians of the West.

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What were the Crittenden Amendments?

It was designed to meet southern demands. The ATTEMPTED (did not actually happen) amendments prohibited slavery in territories north of 36 30', but it permitted slavery in the territories south of this line. Future states (north and south of this line) would get to vote on the issue of slavery.

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What happened at Fort Sumter?

This Union Fort in South Carolina needed supplies and Lincoln sent those supplies. With that, this caused the South to shoot first, officially starting the Civil War. The South was able to finally gain control.

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What were submissionists?

States that seceded after the attack on Fort Sumter alongside other seceded states.

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What were Border States and who consisted of them?

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia were the Border States. They were the only slave states that hadn't seceded from the Union and contained the Ohio River (vital necessity for north and south)

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What was Lincoln’s goal for the Civil War?

It was to preserve the Union, not to end slavery. Supporting an end to slavery would likely have caused the pro-slavery Border States to also secede.

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Why did Lincoln originally not want to end slavery?

Because supporting an end to slavery would likely have caused the pro-slavery Border States to also secede, hurting the North.

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What advantages did the South have in the Civil War?

They had the advantage of fighting defensively and did not have to win in order to preserve the Confederacy; it just had to fight to a draw.

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What advantages did the North have in the Civil War?

The North held ¾ of the nation's wealth and ¾ of the nation's railroad system. It also had nearly twice as large of a population as the South (more European immigrants).

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Why did Britain side with the North and not the South?

Originally, a surplus of cotton had developed in Britain, allowing it to function without purchasing cotton from the South. Later, Britain realized that wheat and corn (produced in the north) were more profitable than cotton.

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What was the Dominion of Canada?

In 1863, two Confederate warships were being built by a British shipyard. These ships had large iron rams would have destroyed the Union blockade. To avoid infuriating the North and potentially starting a war, the London government bought the ships for the Royal Navy. This caused the British to create the Dominion of Canada to strengthen the Canadians against the possible vengeance of the United States.

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Why was Mexico City created by the French?

Created by Emperor Napoleon III of France, he created this city because he hoped that the Union would not retaliate due to its weakness from fighting the Civil War. (Violation of the Monroe Doctrine)

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Who was the President of the Confederacy?

Jefferson Davis

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What was one weakness in the South during the War?

They had a terrible Constitution which didn’t restrict its own states from seceding. This caused some state troops to serve outside their borders.

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Why did President Lincoln take several actions that normally had to be approved by Congress?

Because Congress was not in session when the war started.

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What did Lincoln create during his presidency?

He initiated a blockade, increased the size of the Federal army.

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What was the Federal Draft Law of 1863?

Due to lack of volunteers, Congress passed this which required people aged 20-35 to enlist. They could evade this by paying 300 dollars to get a replacement.

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What was the Morrill Tariff Act?

In 1861, Congress passed this. It was a high protective tariff that increased duties by 5%-10% (Was designed to raise additional revenue and provide more protection for the Northern manufacturers).

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How did the North raise money for the war?

The North increased tariffs and excise taxes to financially support the war. It also created the first income tax (created by Republican Party)

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What was the greenback? What was its NEGATIVE

Paper money issued by the Washington Treasury. This currency was not backed by gold meaning its value was constantly changing.


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Possible quiz question…

How did the north raise money during the Civil War?
Civil outbreaks in Kansas
British influence on the Civil War

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What was the National Banking System?

In 1863, Congress authorized this. It was designed to stimulate the sale of government bonds and to establish a standard currency. Banks who joined the system could buy government bonds and issue paper money that was backed by the bonds.


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What was blue-backed money?

Created by the Confederate government, it was paper money that was subject to runaway inflation.

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How did Mechanical Reapers (farm machines used to harvest grain) benefit the North?

Mechanical reapers) allowed men to leave the farms for the war, while increasing harvesting capacity.

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What were the effects of Petroleum?

Discovered in Pennsylvania in 1859, it led to a rush of people known as the "Fifty-Niners."

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What was the Homestead Act of 1862

It provided many people free land in Pennsylvania (encouraged people to support the North than the South)

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How did the Civil War effect Woman?

It opened up many jobs for women that were originally occupied by men. EX: The U.S. Sanitary Commission was organized by women to provide medical support to Union armies in the field.

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How was the South’s economy during the Civil War?

Absolutely horrible. Transportation in the South collapsed and Cotton capitalism had lost out to industrial capitalism.

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What was the Tariff of 1857?

Following the Panic of 1857, it lowered duties on imports in response to a high Treasury surplus and pressure from southern farmers.

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What were Laird Rams?

Two confederate warships being constructed in the shipyard in Great Britain. and were designed to destroy wooden ships of the Union navy with iron rams.

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What were New York draft riots?

Uprising of mostly Irish Americans in New York in protest of the draft (for the civil war).

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