Saddam Hussein
dictator of Iraq;
George H.W. Bush
President during the Persian Gulf War
General Colin Powell
overall commander of Operation Desert Storm
General Norman Schwarzkopf
leader of ground troops in combat
What country did Saddam Hussein invade
What did Saddam Hussein want from Kuwait
the threat of or violent actions used to put fear into a group of people to control them; usually done for political or religious purposes
led by Osama Bin Laden (leader of 9/11 attacks)
the government” in Afghanistan
“March 19, 2003
bombing of Iraq began
George W. Bush
president who declared war on terror;
“Axis of Evil”
president Bush’s label for Iraq, Iran, and North Korea
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
became president of Iran in 2005
Tony Blair
prime minster of Great Britain who supported U.S. war on terroism
Pervev Musharraf
presdient of Pakistan who supported the U.S.
Benazir Bhutto
Pakistan’s 1st female Prime Minister
region that is a great source of conflict between Pakistan and India
Maastricht Treaty
a plan to form a Eu. Central Bank with a single currency for all members of the EEC
Tony Blair
longest ruling Labour Prime Minsister; supported America in War against terroism
The Chunnel
united France and England under the English Channel
September 11, 2001
What day did Islamic terriostis launch an attack on NYC and Washington DC
Bush Doctrine
What warned that nations harboring terriosts would be treated as enemies of the U.S
Nuclear weapons
What weapons did Iraw, Iran, and North Korea have
What year did America invade Afghanistan
What year did America invade Iraq
Saddam Hussein
Who was captured in Iraq and executed
European Union
What organization did the EEC grew into
Helmut Kohl
longest-ruling leader in Germany’s postwar history
“Managed Capitalism”
A coalition of private industries and government
Dayton Peace Accords
cease-fire agreed upon by Bosnian Serbs to end hostility in Bosnia
Boris Yeltsin
“President” of Russia; used his power to put down his opposition in Russia and Chechnya
Vladimir Putin
Ruled Russia from 2000-2008
Dmitry Medvedev
Ruled Russia from 2008-2012
Deng Xiaoping
“the Four Modernizations”
Angela Merkel
Who became the 1st female chancellor in Germany’s history
Slobodon Milosevic
Who was accused of multiple war crimes and ethnic clensing
Who rebelled against Sebria
What is one of the largest economies in the world today
Kim Jong II
Succeeded Kim II-Sung
Kim Jong Un
successor of Kim Jong II; current leader of North Korea
government of Namibia
Ruth Perry
1st woman head of state in Africa
Nelson Mandela
head of the ANC (African National Congress.)
Kim II-Sung
Who ruled North Korea after WW2
North Korea
What is the only Communist dynasty
What year did Fidel Castro step down
Raul Castro
Who replaced Fidel Castro as president
known for violence incited by drug lords and guerillas
Daniel Ortega
leader of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua
eliminated trade barriers between Canada, America, and Mexico
2nd largest country
Pierre Trudeau
liberal leader of Canada
Kim Campbell
Canada’s 1st female Prime Minister
Stephen Harper
Conservative leader and new Prime Minsiter of Canada
George H.W. Bush
president after Ronald Reagan
Bill Clinton
democratic president after H.W. Bush
Jean Bertrand Artistide
dictator of Halti
Madeline Albright
first female secretary of state in America
George W. Bush
elected president and led the way in the war on terror
Barack Obama
1st black president of the U.S.
accounts for 45% of the world’s trade
What country had the longest war against guerillas
What year did Canada achieve independence from Great Britain
What coordinates world trade policies
Douglas MacArthur
military governor of Japan; helped with WW2 recovery
Lee Teng-hui
1st democratically elected president of China
Kim Young Sam
1st civilian president of South Korea
Ferdinand E. Marcos
president of the Philippines until he was forced to flee
“The Spice Islands”
Indonesia’s 1st president
replaced Sukarno and sought assistance from the West
Muang Thai
“Land of the Free”
1st nation to place itself under U.N. jurisdiction
Prime Minister of India who focused on bettering India’s domestic condition and standing worldwide
What day did the Philippines gain independence
July 4, 1946
East Indies
What is Indonesia also known as
What kind of colony was Indonesia
What is the only South East Asian country to never have been ruled by a Western power
What is one of the most prosperous nations in Asia
Union of Myanma
What was Burma renamed as
An ethnic group of nomadic Muslims
Palestine occupied territories in Israel
Oslo Accords
“Land for Peace”
Benjamin Netanyahu
conservative Prime Minister of Israel
Hebron Accords
peace between Israel and Palestine
Operation Defensive Shield
IDF pursuit of Yassir Arafat
Operation Determined Path
Israeli reoccupation of territory previously ceded to Palestine
Road Map for Peace
2 state system for Israel and Palestine
hurricane that struck the U.S. in 2005; one of the greatest natural disasters America has ever experienced
linking together military and university computers
Radio Frequency Identification chips; tracking system associated with GPS technology
International Space Station (ISS)
largest and most intricate global project undertaken
Yang Liwei
1st Chinese Taikonaut in space
Intelligent Design
belief that order in the universe is not the result of random combinations but the design of an intelligent being
Irreducible Complexity
the idea that some biological systems are irreducibly complex (Michael Behe)
the killing of the weak or infirmed;
Planned Parenthood
What group advocated for popularized abortion
Where was Euthanasia 1st legalized
The study of moral implications and applications of biological research
idea of God-given absolute standard of ethics