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Which of the following is true of the American reliance on digital news sources?

A.    Distrust in the accuracy of digital media sources has caused a lessening of reliance on them by all age groups since the 2016 election.

B.    About 40% of Americans get their news primarily from online sources.

C.    Though still the smallest group in terms of numbers, the oldest Americans are coming to rely on digital news sources at the fastest rate.

D.    Younger Americans are more likely than any age group to get their news from social media sites.

E.    The number of Americans relying on traditional news sources has grown in recent years, though not as fast as the number relying on digital sources.

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Which of the following is true of the American reliance on digital news sources?

A.    Distrust in the accuracy of digital media sources has caused a lessening of reliance on them by all age groups since the 2016 election.

B.    About 40% of Americans get their news primarily from online sources.

C.    Though still the smallest group in terms of numbers, the oldest Americans are coming to rely on digital news sources at the fastest rate.

D.    Younger Americans are more likely than any age group to get their news from social media sites.

E.    The number of Americans relying on traditional news sources has grown in recent years, though not as fast as the number relying on digital sources.


New cards

Which media technology provided the greatest challenge to traditional newspapers between the 1940s and 1980?

A.    Television

B.    Cellular and satellite technology

C.    Radio

D.    The Internet

E.    Newspapers


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Of the following, which remains the dominant medium by which young children receive both entertainment and socialization?

A.    Prescribed

B.    Television

C.    Children’s Books

D.    Magazines

E.    Radio


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. New media include all of the following, EXCEPT

A.    Blogs

B.    Television

C.    YouTube

D.    Social Networking Sites

E.    Websites


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In the first ever televised presidential debate, which person was the first to display telegenic qualities?

A.    John F. Kennedy

B.    Richard Nixon

C.    Bill Clinton

D.    George W. Bush

E.    Ronald Reagan


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How can today's media consumers be sure that the information that they are receiving is accurate?

A.    Consumers should only rely on the traditional news networks to gather their news.

B.    Consumers should rely on citizen journalists, rather than on corporately-held media news outlets.

C.    Consumers should depend more on the Internet to gain accurate news.

D.    Consumers should gather news from media outlets with a track record of adhering to journalistic standards

E.    Consumers need not worry about accuracy because the media are sworn to uphold journalistic standards.


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Information appearing on social media, blogs, or reputable websites

A.    applies to every consumer.

B.    adheres to rigid journalistic standards.

C.    should be considered accurate.

D.    has been subjected to fact checks.

E.    None of these answers is correct.


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Which of the following is the best way to describe the manner in which the media covers certain policy issues or events to set the public agenda?

A.    yellow journalism

B.    information overload

C.    priming

D.    fairness doctrine

E.    framing


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Which pre-Revolutionary British legislation directly attacked colonial American newspapers?

A.    Stamp Act

B.    Declaratory Act

C.    Tea Act

D.    Navigation Act

E.    Townshend Act


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All of the following are powerful media audience attractors EXCEPT

A.    sex scandals.

B.    good news reports.

C.    fires and violent crime.

D.    sports news.

E.    celebrity news.


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The practice of redrawing electoral boundaries for political advantage is known as

A.    casework.

B.    majority-minority district formation.

C.    redistricting.

D.    reapportionment.

E.   gerrymandering.


New cards

How many United States senators does each state have?

A.    at least two, and no more than four

B.    exactly four

C.    at least one, but no more than four

D.    exactly two

E.    at least two, with the total based on the population of the state


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Which of the following best describes the makeup of the legislature in the United States?

A.    parliamentary

B.    unichamber

C.    unicameral

D.    executive

E.    bicameral


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Congressional ________ is the process by which Congress "checks" the executive branch to ensure that laws are being administered in keeping with legislators' intentions.

A.    regulation

B.    supervision

C.    engagement

D.    casework

E.    oversight


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Because of the constitutional duties of the Senate, in which of the following policy sectors do many members of the Senate specialize?

A.    agriculture policy

B.    energy policy

C.    revenue policy

D.    health care policy

E.    foreign policy


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In what position in the line of presidential succession is the Speaker of the House?

A.    fourth

B.    fifth

C.    second

D.    third

E.    sixth


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When creating the Congress, the founders of the United States strove primarily to create a legislature that could check the power of the

A.    military.

B.    federal courts.

C.    federal bureaucracy.

D.    president.

E.    Supreme Court.


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Compared to the House, the Senate

A.    has more members.

B.    is less dependent on staff.

C.    is more prestigious.

D.    relies more on leaders and committee chairs.

E.    has a shorter electoral cycle


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Both historically and continuing today, civically engaged citizens have a _________ influence on the outcome of the policy-making process.

A.    neutral

B.    precise

C.    weak

D.    strong

E.    unilateral


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Who is the most powerful person in the House of Representatives?

A.    House majority whip

B.    House minority leader

C.    Speaker of the House

D.    House minority whip

E.    House majority leader


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. How many departments serve under the cabinet, the group of experts chosen as advisers by the president?

A.    10

B.    15

C.    24

D.    28

E.    12


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Which of the following vice presidents succeeded in becoming president?

A.    Lyndon B. Johnson and Walter Mondale

B.    George H. W. Bush and Lyndon B. Johnson

C.    Al Gore and Richard Nixon

D.    George H. W. Bush and Al Gore

E.    Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford

B.    George H. W. Bush and Lyndon B. Johnson

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As chief diplomat, the president performs all of the following functions, EXCEPT

A.    entering into executive agreements with other nations.

B.    appointing ambassadors.

C.    negotiating treaties with other nations.

D.    approving treaties with other nations.

E.    shaping the nation's foreign policy.

D.    approving treaties with other nations.

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In which of the following ways did the presidential role as chief diplomat change in 2019?

A.    President Trump attacked some individual career diplomats, a break from the usual respect presidents pay to the diplomatic corps.

B.    President Trump sought to involve the diplomatic corps in many domestic matters, particularly response to the COVID-19 epidemic.

C.    President Trump used the diplomatic corps to drum up support for the breaking of several international treaties, though the diplomatic corps is usually neutral in such matters.

D.    President Trump sought to prevent the State Department from administering U.S. embassies and consulates overseas.

E.    President Trump effectively eliminated the role of Secretary of State

a. President Trump attacked some individual career diplomats, a break from the usual respect presidents pay to the diplomatic corps.

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What majority is needed for Congress to check presidential power by overriding a presidential veto?

A.    two-thirds

B.    four-fifths

C.    three-fifths

D.    three-quarters

E.    majority


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Which of the following is NOT a power vested in the president by the Constitution?

A.    the power to declare war

B.    serve as supreme military commander of the armed forces

C.    deciding when to send troops into battle

D.    control over military strategy

E.    act as supreme military commander of the Coast Guard


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Who was the first black secretary of state?

A.    Eric Holder

B.    Lisa Jackson

C.    Thurgood Marshall

D.    Colin Powell

E.    Clarence Thomas

D.    Colin Powell

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Which of the following is NOT an example of the legislative powers of the president?

A.    exerting influence through lobbying Congress on pending legislation

B.    submitting the budget for the federal government

C.    defining the congressional agenda through the State of the Union address

D.    creating laws relating to the federal budget

E.    signing or vetoing legislation passed by Congress

D.    creating laws relating to the federal budget

New cards

How many electors must a presidential candidate secure in the Electoral College to be elected president?

A.    288

B.    270

C.    438

D.    435

E.    538

B.    270

New cards

Which is the most recently created cabinet department?

A.    Energy

B.    Veterans Affairs

C.    Health and Human Services

D.    Homeland Security

E.    Finance

D.    Homeland Security

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Senior executive service (SES) positions are

A.    hybrids of political appointments and civil service positions.

B.    congressionally appointed civil service positions.

C.    political appointments.

D.    congressionally appointed.

E.    civil service positions.

A.    hybrids of political appointments and civil service positions.

New cards

What criterion determines a federal job's salary?

A.    rank

B.    location

C.    area of responsibility

D.    title

E.    status

A.    rank

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Which title of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in personnel practices based on race, color, ethnicity, age, and disabilities that can be reasonably accommodated?

A.    Title VI

B.    Title I

C.    Title III

D.    Title V

E.    Title VII

E.    Title VII

New cards

The first five cabinet departments were

A.    Foreign Affairs, Defense, Army, Navy, and State.

B.    Treasury, Interior, Army, Navy, and Defense.

C.    Interior, Treasury, Labor, Agriculture, and Defense.

D.    Homeland, Interior, Agriculture, Army, and Treasury.

E.    War, State, Army, Navy, and Treasury

E. War, State, Army, Navy, and Treasury

New cards

According to political scientists and the textbook, how many different categories of executive branch organizations are there?

A.    seven

B.    four

C.    six

D.    three

E.    five

E. five

New cards

Which of the following laws was passed to increase accountability to the people?

A.    The Freedom of Information Act

B.    The Civil Service Reform Act

C.    The Ethics in Government Act

D.    The Inspector General Act

E.    The False Claims Act

A.    The Freedom of Information Act

New cards

Which of the following federal agencies has the highest percentage of union members?

A.    Department of the Treasury

B.    State Department

C.    Department of Defense

D.    U.S. Postal Service

E. National Park Service

D.    U.S. Postal Service

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A.    $10,500-$98,500.

B.    $22,300-$94,700.

C.    $25,300-$187,600.

D.    $19,543-$142,180.

E.    $27,100-$241,900.

A.    $19,543-$142,180.

double check in book, chapter 14

New cards

Which president proposed the civil service reforms that led to passage of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978?

A.    Gerald Ford

B.    Lyndon Johnson

C.    Ronald Reagan

D.    Richard Nixon

E.    Jimmy Carter

E.    Jimmy Carter

New cards

According to Max Weber, bureaucracies possess which of the following features?

A.    hiring systems based on worker competency

B.    hierarchy with a vertical chain of command

C.    All of these answers are correct.

D.    standard operating procedures

E.    division of labor and specialization of job tasks

C. All of these answers are correct

New cards

Which of the following issues serves as the basis for the most common civil lawsuits?

A.    traffic accidents

B.    contractual matters

C.    the family

D.    medical malpractice

E.    commercial disputes

A.    traffic accidents

New cards

How many court systems is the average American subject to?

A.    4

B.    3

C.    5

D.    2

E.    1


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The principle of stare decisis, a Latin phrase that means "let the decision stand," is the basis of the modern legal concept of

A.    jury trials.

B.    the primacy of common law.

C.    code law.

D.    judicial statute.

E.    precedent.

E.    precedent.

New cards

Which early landmark case granted the Supreme Court its most significant power?

A.    Dred Scott vSandford

B.    Bowers vHardwick

C.    Marbury vMadison

D.    Lochner vEllison

E.    McCulloch vMaryland

C.    Marbury vMadison

New cards

Through which of the following legal means did the federal government gain authority to set health priorities and allocate health and medical resources in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020?

A.    federal district court ruling

B.    new rules written into administrative law

C.    legislative statute

D.    Supreme Court ruling

E.    presidential executive order

E.   presidential executive order

New cards

In the federal judicial system, the main court(s) of original jurisdiction for most cases is/are the

A.    trial courts.

B.    trial courts and appeals courts.

C.    trial courts and the Supreme Court.

D.    Supreme Court.

E.    appeals courts and the Supreme Court.

A.    trial courts.

New cards

The vast majority of crimes in the United States are dealt with by ________ legislation.

A.    international

B.    state

C.    federal

D.    local

E.    None of these answers is correct.

B.    state

New cards

How many justices are there on the Supreme Court?

A.    13

B.    5

C.    7

D.    11

E.    9

E. 9

New cards

Which of these special court's processes drew study by the Justice Department’s independent inspector after its involvement in the FBI's Russia investigation?

A.    U.S. Court of Veterans' Appeals

B.    FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Court

C.    U.S. Tax Court

D.    U.S. Court of Military Appeals

E.    Court of International Trade

B. FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Court

New cards

Which of the following statements about constitutional law is accurate?

A.    Constitutional law arises from federal statutes.

B.    All of these answers are correct.

C.    The law of state constitutions is supreme, but the U.S. Constitution is next.

D.    Constitutional law is binding only on the actions of the federal government.

E. All laws in the United States must comply with the U.S. Constitution.

E. All laws in the United States must comply with the U.S. Constitution.

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Those most likely to see the American dream as having been achieved or as being within their reach have achieved which of the following?

A.    starting a business

B.    opening of a retirement account

C.    purchase of a home

D.    having a college degree

E.    traditional employment

C.    purchase of a home

New cards

. Which of the following statements about monetarism is true?

A.    It advocates cutting taxes and deregulating business to stimulate the economy.

B.    It argues for the deregulation of the money supply.

C.    It believes that too much money in circulation leads to high inflation.

D.    It is based on the belief that discretionary spending by the government is necessary for a healthy economy.

E.    It believes that too much money in circulation creates deflationary pressures on the economy.

C   It believes that too much money in circulation leads to high inflation.

New cards

Which of the following features is/are part of the American dream?

A.    personal happiness and health

B.    All of these answers are correct.

C.    financial security

D.    success through hard work and persistence

E.    upward mobility

B.    All of these answers are correct.

New cards

The total value of all goods and services that are produced within a country's borders is known as…

A.    the economic system.

B.    productive resources.

C.    durable goods.

D.    the gross national product.

E.    the gross domestic product.

E.    the gross domestic product.

New cards

Which of the following is/are among the criteria used by the United Nations to comparatively assess global living standards in the Human Development Index (HDI)?

A.    access to food, clothing, and shelter

B.    living, fuel, and transportation costs

C.    access to adequate medical care, food, and shelter

D.    a long and healthy life, educational opportunities, and decent standard of living

E.    physical health, income levels, and educational access

D.   a long and healthy life, educational opportunities, and decent standard of living

New cards

. In which of the following ways did the Small Business Association respond to the coronavirus pandemic?

A.    dropping its practice of providing government-backed loan guarantees so that it could make more loans to those who urgently needed them

B.    paying some small businesses to close so that competitors, and thus an industry in any geographic area, could survive

C.    providing billions of dollars in loans to keep small businesses going, some of which did not need to be repaid if a business kept all employees on staff for a certain amount of time

D.    providing billions of dollars in unrestricted loans to keep small businesses going, though said loans had to be paid back in shorter than normal periods

E.    insuring bank deposits up to $250,000 in affiliated banks to give more confidence in the financial system

chapter 16, look up in book

New cards

According to the January 2020 Pew Research Center survey discussed in the text, what does the majority of Americans rate as the top priority of the national government?

A.    reducing health care costs

B.    defending against terrorism

C.    strengthening the economy

D.    protecting the environment

E.    improving education

C. strengthening the economy

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Which current policy area is viewed by some as a national security issue, by others as an economic issue, and still others as a humanitarian cause?

A.    health

B.    environmental

C.    energy

D.    financial reform

E.    immigration

E.    immigration

New cards

Which president declared an "energy crisis" and promoted conservation and energy efficiency measures?

A.    George H. W. Bush

B.    Gerald Ford

C.    Jimmy Carter

D.    Bill Clinton

E.    Ronald Reagan

C.    Jimmy Carter

New cards

Since 1789, when the states ratified the U.S. Constitution, the national government's scope of responsibility for domestic matters has

A.    rapidly expanded.

B.    gradually contracted.

C.    remained constant.

D.    rapidly contacted.

E.    gradually expanded.

E.    gradually expanded.

New cards

Al-Qaeda is a radical international Islamic fundamentalist terror organization that was led by Osama bin Laden, who was from which country?

A.    Libya

B.    Syria

C.    Saudi Arabia

D.    Egypt

E.    Morocco

C.    Saudi Arabia

New cards

Which of the following is the foremost foreign policy actor in the United States?

A.    the president

B.    the State Department

C.    the secretary of defense

D.    Congress

E.    the Department of Defense

A.    the president

New cards

Which of the following executive departments have the largest roles in shaping United States foreign policy?

A.    State and the Treasury

B.    Defense and Homeland Security

C.    State and Defense

D.    Treasury and Defense

E.    State and Homeland Security


New cards

To voice its objection to Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons, the Obama administration developed a host of penalties that hindered or halted economic relations. These penalties are best described as

A.    diplomacy.

B.    containment.

C.    deterrence.

D.    sanctions.

E.    intermestics.

D.    sanctions.

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. Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces in which country?

A.    Afghanistan

B.    Pakistan

C.    Iraq

D.    Syria

E.    Iran

B. Pakistan

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