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In 1600s, Enlightenment occurs in Europe
This was an intellectual and cultural movement that emerged in Europe
People were taught to emphasize reason, individualism, and skepticism of tradition authority (e.g Christian values and traditions) (Many enlightenment scholars criticized Christianity because it didn't match with their enlightened logical thinking and values they were trying to implement within society
Encouraged non-European immigration
Asian, Indian, African, and Islamic people came in large numbers
All modern definitions of religion and spirituality are historically new However you define these words reflects the values you associate with the words
Different groups have different definitions
no right definition
how do people use words to achieve their goals?
French word "drogue" or like German word "droge"
Referenced dry goods like herbs and spices
Entered the English language in the 1300s
but included a medicinal component (spices may or may not be medicinal)
nature/plants can be drugs
herbs, spices, dyes, soaps, incense, pigments
The term expanded to include substances like cannabis and opium
No documented evidence of recreational use
These substances were used medicinally
1st drugs law that was inherently racist
Experience of these drugs was similar
Huxley proposed phanerothyme (didn’t stick)
Humphry Osmond coine psychadelic (mind-manefesting)
5 Classes Regulates and classifies drugs based on their potential for abuse, medical use, and safety 1 = most tightly regulated, "worst", cannabis is on this level 5 = most valuable for society
Ideal types: Analytical constructs that serve as a tool for understanding and comparing social phenomena
Different types of religion are disntinct enough to be labeled and classified
Church (criteria):
Institutional (stable)
Democratic (teaches that redemption/salvation is available to everyone as long as they the church's rules)
hierarchy (authority structure)
Sect (criteria)
Claims exclusive access to goal (compensator)/ doesn't offer universal salvation
Requires proper initiation
Considered wrong, but was right to classify (and contrubuted to the research of NRMs)
Stark and Bainbridge talk abt him
Sociologist who modified Weber's definitions
A church is in harmony with the larger environment/accepts social environment in which it exists
A sect rejects the social environment in which it exists
Religious institution = Church Religious movement = sect
The range of tension between religious movements and society
Say that there are degrees of tension
Church Religious Movements:
Sect (Low tension)
Cult (High tension)
(All Cults Move)
Audience cults: No formal organization, influencers, don't require membership
Client cult: Involves commercial exchange, low commitment, followers pay for something, can be a part of multiple
Cult Movement: Has a collective desire to make change, requires high commitment
CIA operative who impersonated as a journalist
He wrote an article saying the Chinese government brainwashed their own people and americans to become communist --> awareness
Novel: "Brainwashing in Red China"
Suggested only way people become communist is that they're forced against their will
film "The Manchurian Candidate --> brainwashing is a household term
Associated brainwashing with religion
Revisited history and concluded that brainwashing may have been done in ancient times
Looked at methodism
Moonies - what did being one entail?
There are always evolving limits/restrictions on sex and sexuality
Social and clinical issues matter
clinically: are they saying it's ok or it's a problem
The concepts of "repression" and "liberation" are legitimizing concepts
eg I'm right and you're wrong
It scared them. They thought Christianity might disappear if the government doesn't support it This caused people to become more active in Christianity
This is where diversity of Christianity came from, the spread and different understandings of Christianity
Utopian communities began to develop and stay in states in which their lifestyle is best suited
American born (Oneida, NY) 4 communes, peaked at 306 members Lived in mansion Good at making things
Women are in charge of the house, men are in charge of crafts they sell (they also employed outsiders)