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Types of Data
Categorial: Names, no order or numerical relationship. Ex: Yes/No
Ordinal: Similar to categorical but there is an order between categories. Ex: low, medium, high
Interval/Numerical: Similar to ordinal but the interval between values it equally proportional. Ex: Hourly income $10, $15, $20
T Test
Test to determine the probability that your samples from A and B testing are from one distribution (Null Hypothesis)
When To Reject Null Hypothesis
When Probability is less than 5%. This means that the two sets of samples are NOT normally distributed.
When To Accept Null Hypothesis
When Probability is more than 5%. This means that the two sets of samples ARE normally distributed.
Parametric Test
Make assumptions about the underlying distribution of data to provide more statistical power. Use when data is interval AND assumptions are met. Ex: T Test
Non Parametric Tests
Do NOT make assumptions about data distribution but also less powerful statistically wise. Use when data is categorial or ordinal OR some assumptions are rejected
T Sample Assumptions
-Data points are independent
-Distribution of data in each condition is approximately normal
-There is homogeneity of variance
Assumption of Normality
Your dependent variable is normally distributed
Participant Based Evaluations
-Empirical data showing how users interact with systems
-Thinking Aloud Testing
-Wizard of Oz
-AB Testing
Expert Based Evaluations
Not directly involving users. Faster and cheaper than user evaluation, but require practice and focus on usability. They also dont replace user evaluation.
10 Usability Heuristics
-Visibility of System Status
-Match Between the System and the Real World
-User Control and Freedom
-Consistency and Standards
-Error Prevention
-Recognition Rather Than Recall
-Flexibility and Efficiency of Use
-Aesthetics and Minimalist Design
-Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, And Recover From Errors
-Help and Documentation
Visibility of System
The system should always keep the user informed about whats going on.
Match Between the System and the Real World
The language should speak the users language with words that are familiar to the user, no jargon.
User Control and Freedom
Users often choose systems functions by mistake and will need clearly marked emergency exit to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue.
Consistency and Standards
Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Use colours consistently. Follow platform conventions.
Error Prevention
Design that eliminates error prone conditions or check for them and present the user with a confirmation option before they commit to the action.
Recognition Rather Than Recall
Minimize users memory load by making objects, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to remember info from one part of the interface to another.
Flexibility and Efficiency of Use
Systems should include accelerators which are unseen to the novice user but allow the expert to navigate faster with frequent actions.
Aesthetics and Minimalist Design
Do not include info that is irrelevant or rarely needed.
Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, And Recover From Errors
Error messages should be expressed in plain language, no codes, precisely indicate the problems, and constructively suggest a solution.
Help and Documentation
Systems should be used without documentation, but if needed documentation should be easy to search, have concrete steps, and not be too large.
Severity of a Problem (Heuristic Evaluation)
0: I dont agree that this is a usability problem at all
1: Cosmetic problem
2: Minor usability problem
3: Major usability problem
4: Usability catastrophe
Criteria of Severity Rating (Heuristic Evaluation)
Cognitive Walkthrough
-Select a goal that users might want to achieve with the system
-Determine the actions to accomplish the goals using the system
-For each step, answer four questions
-Provide an overview of the results and an elaborated explanation
Cognitive Walkthrough Questions
-Will the user understand this step is needed to reach their goal?
-Will the user see the control to perform the action?
-Will the user recognize the control as the right one?
-Will the user understand the feedback?
Pros and Cons of Cognitive Walkthrough Summary
-Systematic, chance of missing an issue is low
-Actionable, the questions help identify the reason for the issue and how to solve it
-Very involved, hard to use for a system with many functionalities
-Sometimes hard to put yourself in the user's shoes
Social Computing
Computing with a significant social layer. Covers a wide range of topics from groupware to social media.
Values of Social Computing
-Breaking constraints
-Efficiency of processing
-Improving quality of outcomes
-Human powered computing
Two Major Threads in Social Computing
-Supporting people through technology (Groupware)
-Improving tech and computing through human input (Crowdsourcing and Human Powered Computation)
Generic term for interactive systems that are designed for use by collaborative work groups.
Two Considerations for Groupware
-Awareness Features: Individuals working together need to be able to gain some level of shared knowledge about each others activities
-Tailorability or Adaption: The way technology is used by a team may be completely different from how the designers intended it.
The act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people in the form of an open call. Combining responses from multiple users results in an accurate or desirable response.
Pros and Cons of Crowdsourcing
-Fast data collection
-Cost effective
-No control over the environment
-Less control over data quality
When Is Crowdsourced Data Valid?
-Simple choice based tasks
-Perceptual tasks
-User impression ratings
-Testing a new interaction
When Is Crowdsourced Data NOT Valid
-Cognitively demanding tasks
-Collecting rich qualitative data
Human Powered Computation
Tasks that are easy for people but difficult for algorithms are relayed to human crowd. Can be used to verify human user and to train new algorithms.
Challenges of AI
-Unpredictability, AI makes mistakes, sometimes unexpectedly
-Opaqueness: User has difficulty understanding how system works
-Evolution: AI behavior changes overtime
Models of AI Interaction
Take action on users behalf
Provide options or additional information via prompt, organize, and annotate
Desirable Characteristics for Human AI Collaboration
-Complementary Performance: Leverage strengths of both AI and Humans to achieve better outcomes
-Alignment: AI should behave in ways that humans expect their teammates to behave
-Cooperative Interaction: The interaction human and AI Should work in a way that's both intuitive for the human, and compatible to model characteristics.
-Reasonable Task Allocation: Assign tasks that the model can perform.
Explicit vs Implicit Interactions
Explicit: Users directly select an action or command
-Implicit: The system responds to or collects data on user actions in the background
WIMP Style Interfaces
Shared graphical display resources among multiple applications.
Based on three main kinds of mapping:
Direct, Metaphorical, and Conventional
Direct Mapping
Image of what the object is trying to represent.
Transferring properties from a real to a digital world element.
More or less arbitrary, becomes accepted overtime.
Organize and store the commands, contains items which are organized by menu topics. Cascading vs Pop Up Menus.
The means by which users interact with the interface. Ex: Mouse, joystick, VR controllers.
Direct Manipulation
Interaction paradigm used in WIMP style interfaces. Objects on the screen are directly manipulated. Three Principles: Visibility of objects and actions, physical actions, rapid and incremental and reversible actions.
Virtual Reality
Replaces vision entirely with a virtual environment. Navigate and interact with objects in seemingly real or physical ways.
Virtual Reality Illusions
-Place or illusion or presence
-Embodiment illusion
-Plausibility illusion
Place Illusion or Presence
The extent to which an individual experiences the virtual setting as the one in which they are consciously present.
Embodiment Illusion
The user believes that the body they have in the virtual world belongs to them.
Plausibility Illusion
The user believes the virtual events are actually happening.
Augmented Reality
Real objects are enhanced by computer generated perceptual information in the real world.
Mixed Reality
More ambiguous, several definitions. Somewhere between VR and AR (Augmented Reality)
Extended Realities
Catch all term for VR, AR, and MR (Mixed Reality)
Interactions in VR
-Locomotion: Moving in VR space
-Manipulation: Selecting, grasping, and changing objects
Locomotion in VR
-Stationary/Room Scale
-Redirected Walking
-Gesture/Movement Based
-Specialized Hardwares
Stationary or Room Scale
VR and physical space match 1 to 1
Redirected Walking
Fooling peoples visual and body perception. Visual feedback is slightly rotated so that the user thinks they are walking straight but in reality they are turning.
Use joystick controls to move to different locations.
The user selects a location at a distance and is moved to the new location with a button click.
Gesture or Movement Based
Users replicate some aspect of movement but they are stationary in the physical world.
Specialized Hardware
Users stand or move on a physical platform that moves as the VR needs.
Reality Based Interactions
Replicate real world movement and interactions closely. Ex: Room scale or stationary locomotion.
Illusory Interactions
Rely on fooling human perceptual system to convey a realistic interaction. Ex: Redirected Walking
Beyond Real or Magical Interactions
Give users superpowers to facilitate VR interactions. Ex: Teleporting, Movement or Gesture Based, Scaling the Space or User Movement.
Evaluating Locomotion Techniques
-Accuracy in relation to the desired target
-Ease of learning for new users
-Ease of user over time
-Speed with appropriate velocity, feeling, and control
-Spatial awareness during and after travel
-Info gathering during travel
-Presence or sense of being there with illusion
-Comfort including VR sickness and required energy.
VR Sickness
Physical discomfort that comes as a result of using VR.
Vergence Accommodation Conflict
Vergence: Independent inward/outward rotation of eyes to fixate on objects and see them as a single object.
Accommodation: Eyes focusing mechanism to produce a sharp image.
Visual Vestibular Mismatch
Cause of motion sickness where your body thinks its stationary but your eyes tell you that you are moving.
Interacting with Nearby Ojects
Interactions can closely resemble real world actions.
Ray Casting
Selecting and manipulating objects at distance is desirable. To do this ray casting is used where a ray of light is pointed at the target by the user and the user confirms the selection.
Go Go Technique
Close to body: Physical and VR hand location is mapped 1 to 1
After a Threshold: VR hand location is scaled.
Ninja Hands
When many objects are in the same scene, using many hands to improve target selection.
World in Miniature
Manipulating far objects is hard. A similar technique exists for locomotion.
Key Areas of Accessibility for VR
-Content Accessibility
-Accessible Input Techniques and Devices
-Inclusive Representations
Content Accessibility
Tools for making content available, like colour blind modes.
Accessible Input
More diverse input techniques like speech, gaze, use more sensing techniques.
Inclusive Representation
Allow for a diverse set of avatars.
Challenges of Touchscreens
-Touchscreens can lead to gulf of execution
-Is it a touchscreen?
-What can it sense?
-A form of nonverbal communication
-A movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head.
-Used in place of or to augment speech.
Gesture Recognition
-Look at patterns from the sensor to recognize a set of discrete poses or gestures.
-Interpreting human gestures via algorithms
-Map gestures to commands for devices and applications.
Challenges for Gesture Interfaces
-Lack of a universal gesture language
-Different users make gestures differently, causing difficulty in identifying motions
-Engineering problems such as impact of light and noise on the sensor performance
-Can be hard to add new gestures as they impact performance of previous ones
-Sometimes need calibration and training per user
Hand Tracking
-Capturing continuous motion rather than a gesture
-Hand Tracking is less problematic for users than gesture based systems since individual poses do not activate commands
Full Body Gesture Recognition
Similar to hand gestures but using wearables.
Full Body Motion Tracking
Only relies on headset and controllers, no external tracking.
Speech Based Interfaces
Use speech for interfaces.
Speech Recognition: The computer understanding what the customer is saying.
Speech Production (or Synthesis): The computer talking to the customer.
Pros of Speech Based Interfaces
-People can talk at ~90 words per minute (high speed)
-"Virtually Unlimited" set of commands
-Freedom for other body parts
-Used by people with visual impairments
-e.g., speech recognition word processors, page scanners, web readers, and home control systems
Cons of Speech Based Interfaces
-Gulf of Execution, hard to know available commands
-Gulf of evaluation speech recognition far from perfect.
Challenges of Gaze Based Interactions
-Error prone
-Require training
-Require careful design of interactions/commands
-Clever designs can leverage gaze effectively
Anything relating to the sense of touch.
Via skin
Via muscles
Haptic Interface
-Senses a physical quantity from the user (motion, force, etc)
-Physically acts on the user via an actuator
-Connects sensing to acting with fast processing.