PSYC 201 Unit 9

__**Unit 9: Human Development**__
Preventative over reactive
Developmental theories

* ^^Nature vs Nurture^^
* Genetics/biology/hormones
* Environment/upbringing/experiences
* ^^Continuity vs discontinuity^^
* Ramp vs staircase
* Smooth/gradual, kids are little adults, continuous growth
* Discrete stages and phases, qualitatively different child vs adult
* Chrysalis vs butterfly distinctly discontinuous
* Puberty??
* Qualitative phase-like shift about who you have to care about
* May explain as discontinuous but be continuous
* May see stashes but at a molecular level it is gradual and linked, realized at specific milestones
* ^^Ecological Model^^
* Urie Bronfenbrenner
* Cannot statistically test it but isn’t very disputed
* What influences a child
* Child level factors-Innermost ring is nature (sex at birth, intelligence, health)
* Micro system-regular direct contact with children (constant influence-parents, teachers, friends) influence through modelling, rewards, and more
* Mesosystem-direct interaction between people and themselves (relationship between Mom & Dad, between coach and teacher, between friends, etc.)
* Exosystem-indirect influences (people you don’t talk to in class but are still there, atmosphere of neighbourhood can impact you even if you don’t know everyone)
* Macrosystem-religion, geographical identity, ethnicity (racialized or marginalized), music
* Chronosystem-macro level stuff specific to a historical time period (era of smartphones, airplane travel, COVID-19 pandemic, the Great Depression)
* Could include an evolution of health like sleep, nutrition
* Didn’t account for influencing outwards
* ^^Psychosexual developmental^^
* Sigmund Freud
* How we resolve unconscious desires
* Achieve pleasure and satisfaction
* ^^Morality^^
* Lawrence Kohlberg
* How we decide what is right and wrong
* Heinz dilemma
* Small, isolated village and had a spouse, pharmacist with cure and only option is to steal it to save your spouse or letting your spouse die
* ^^Physical development^^
* Physiological understanding of development
* Motor development (CNS to PNS)
* Ability to move and coordination
* Growth patterns
* Cephalocaudal-head to tail-head biggest eventually legs get bigger
* Proximodistal-vital organs and outward (arms last)
* Differentiation-specialization-stem cells, human eyes (light sensors, cornea, lens, etc), grasping (flapper, sock puppet, pincher)
* ^^Cognition^^
* Jean Piaget
* “Mommy blogger”
* Recognize patterns
* Thoughts and understanding
* Problem solving
* Perspective taking
* Mental understanding
* ^^Attachment^^
* Emotional bonds with others
* Mary Ainsworth
* Relationships (secure, avoidant, anxious)
* ^^Psychosocial development^^
* Erik Erikson
* Social bonds, less emotional
* Unconscious conflict
* Step-like pathway
* Trust or not, married or single
* Can go back down the stairs

^^Prenatal development^^

^^Physical standpoint^^

* ^^Zygote^^-2 weeks
* Not yet connected to parents bloodstream-can still get drunk because not attached to bloodstream
* ^^Embryo^^-2.5 months
* Dangerous stuff happens ie. Miscarriage
* Specialization occurs
* Most sensitive to toxins and chemicals
* ^^Fetus^^-6 months
* No further specialization
* Growth and maturation
* ^^Teratogens^^
* Can harm the offspring
* Disease (HIV, syphillis, rubella, Zika (microencphaly), STDs, etc.), drugs (cocaine, alcohol, heroin, nicotine, aspirin, anti-depressants), toxic chemicals (household cleaners, sun, lead, mercury (fish), pesticides)
* __Trimesters are parent-centred__


^^Infancy (0-3 years)^^

* ^^Physical^^
* 7.5lbs +/- 1.25 lbs
* Normal distribution
* SD=1.25lbs
* \~68% of population (1SD)
* \~95% of population (2SD)