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Definitions of Latin America vs First American Civilization
LA- where spanish/portuguese conquered in America FAC- societies that we there before
Pristine Myth
The misconception that the New World was a lightly populated paradise without war and issues
Challenges of complex societies in the Americas chinampa
susceptible to harsh weather conditions, isolated, limited growth of plants in some areas
Vertical Socialism
Socialist society without money. Isolated archipelago societies that shared resources. Giving with a sense of obligation and mutual dependence.
Raised fields constructed along lake shores in Mesoamerica to increase agricultural yields
Split Inheritance and Cult of the Royal Mummy
From Chimu, rulers inherited power but not land/wealth. Royal mummies kept the wealth and land and passed it onto their descendents
Inka civil war (legal) leader who wanted to reclaim Panaqa’s wealth and land to solve economic crisis
Inka civil war leader, overthrew Washkar (brother) for trying to change the status quo. Popular and good general
Collective effort where community members come together to help each other. Sharing resources, labor, and skills to achieve goals.
Group/clan of Andean people who all believed they were descended from the same w’aka
Marine Foundation of Andean Culture
Theory that Andean civilization originated differently than other early civilizations. Evidence points to groups’ foundations being on cotton and fishing versus farming
reciprocity/asymmetrical reciprocity
Inka when controlling other Ayllu would start by sharing resources and expecting something (usually labor) in return. Over time, became much more asymmetrical with Inka demanding more.
Threads with varying knots, colors, braids, etc to record history and stories. 2^6 * 24 combinations
Role of human sacrifice and warfare in Aztec empire
Aztec were much more war-inclined than Inka. Believed that their sun god needed to eat human hearts to survive. Aztec justified their warfare by saying it was to appease and feed Huitzilopochtli.
Limits & Crises of Aztec Empire & Inka Empire
Both eventually conquered all they could and ran out of people to bring in more wealth as tribute ran dry (Aztec) or wealth became more hoarded (Inka).
Moctezuma II
Last ruler of the Aztecs. Very harsh ruler scared of losing his empire. Became protective of the Aztec bloodline and did not want foreigners and non-nobles around nobility.
Historical factors in Spain's American conquest and colonization c.1492
Crown: more land and money
Church: spread the gospel and evangelize the Indians
Commoner: chance to have new life and new land
Also, unemployed Hildalgos needed place to rule. Spain forced to conquer LA after Cortes burned Spanish ships in Mesoamerica.
The Reconquest
Spanish Christians drove out Muslims from the country. Gave Church new sense of accomplishment but made them even more nervous aboput Protestant Reformation. Wanted to assure role in New World, so funded expeditions to America.
Commoner who achieved high status by means of the military during the Reconquest
Hernan Cortes
Spanish explorer who conquered the Aztecs. Sunk his own ships after coming to Mexico from Cuba. Made allies with other Native groups in Mesoamerica to take over Aztecs.
La Malinche
Cortes’s lover and translator who was always with him. Super young (yuck). Baptized as Marina.