Ethical Egoism
Author: Ann Rand - GOP: AAAO to promote my self interest - Value: Pride; self respect - NTK: what do i want?
Author: Kant - GOP: AAAO according to a rule/maxim that you can at th every same time, will that it should become a universal law - Value: the good will - NTK: I am a moral agent among other moral agents
Author: Mill - GOP: AAAO to promote the gretest happiness for the greatest number - Value: happiness - NTK: who counts? how much? for how long?
Divine Command Theory
Author: no one author - GOP: AAAO according to te rules and teachings of your divine being - Value: Piety/Obiedience - NTK: Rules/teachings
physical injury, esspecialy that which is deliberate
Intrumental Value
the usefulness of something becuse it helps acheve a goal
the job of taking care of something
Precautionary Principle
if i can prevent somone from suffering a great harm, without causing harm to myself, I ought to do that
permission for something to happen
Moral Necessity
when somone feels they have a duty to act in a certain way
intrinsic value
the value of something in its self