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What was the name of Russell's best friend? pg 7
Marion LaSalle
What car did Russell drive? pg 8
a Honda Civic
What did Russell put on his window because it broke and it was supposed to rain that night? pg 8
Cardboard and Red duct tape
What were the names of the black and white towns that were separated by the parish line? pg 8
Monroe and Westmond
What happened to Dante Maynard? pg 9/23
A black kid from Shreveport killed at a gas station by a white police officer because he looked suspicious; a pack of m&ms was perceived to be a gun (mid-August)
What college was going to be at the first Westmond v. Jackson game on Friday? pg 9
Mississippi State
Who stopped by Russell and Marion when Russell's car broke down and what was he driving? pg 13
Bradley Simmons, Westmond's co-captain, shiny black BMW
What was the name of the local Black-owned convenience store/gas station? pg 19
Emmett's Quick stop
Who finally came to help Russell and Marion with Russell's broke down car? pg 17
Henry Dupre from Dupre Produce Delivery and his daughter Gabby
What was the name of Russell's crush? pg 17
Why didn't Marion like being at home?
His stepdad, Ed, was abusive and sometimes his mom Mrs. LaSalle would leave and not return for a while so he stayed away from home
What happened to Russell and Gabby's friendship? pg 20
Freshman year, Russell thought he was so cool throwing football parties and he invited Gabby to one but she didn't fit in so she left and he started dating Aysha the next day; he basically stood Gabby up and she was upset
What did Russell compare to finding a unicorn in the South? pg 21
A vegan
What was the name of the officer who killed Dante Maynard? pg 23
Officer Reynaud
What was the name of Russell's parents and occupations? pg 25/29
Eli and Cheryl Boudreaux; plumber and substitute teacher
What was the name of Russell's coach? 26
Coach Fontenot
What was the name of Russell's football team? pg 35
Jackson High Jackals
What poem did Ms. Jabbar tell her class to analyze and what was it about? pg 41/42
"i sing to Olaf" was about a conscientious objector against war
What was the name of the book Ms. J assigned to the class for a partner assignment ? pg 44
If Beale street could talk by James Baldwin
Where did Marion's people stay? 49
Bayou Glen trailer park
What car did Ed have? 50
silver sedan
Who were the Jackson Jackals playing in the opening game? 49
What was the name of the Jackals team trainer? 53
Ms. Duval
What happened to Russell's dad's truck after their game against Deerlake? 59
it was egged and toilet papered with the word garbage written on the back done by Westmond players
Which officer approached Russell, Marion, Darrell, and Terrance after the car incident at Deerlake's game? 61
officer Reynaud (one who shot and killed Dante Maynard)
What did Reynaud pull out of his pocket asking if the boys knew who vandalized them? 63
Dante Maynard flyers that read "No justice, no peace"
What did Russell have to spend half the party doing? 64
cleaning his dad's truck
What was the name of Russell's ex and her best friend? 64
Aysha and Donna
What did they call the person silently protesting in Dante's name? 71
Dante's Shadow
What was Marion afraid to get into during their Saturday session? 73
an ice bath
Who greeted Russell at the door when he arrived at Gabby's house? 75
Gabby's little brother, Clayton
Who were the main characters in "If Beale Street could Talk"? 76
Fonny and Tish
What was the name of the boy Gabby was talking to? 80
What slur did the Westmond captain, Lawrence, say before their game started that upset Russell and Marion? 85
The n word
What happened to Marion before the Jackson v Westmond game? 88
he was arrested for a fight he didn't even start
What happened to Marion's face after the fight? 93
his eye was swollen shut and his cheek was puffy
What were they trying to charge Marion with? 95
Disorderly conduct, assault, resisting arrest
Who did Gabby recommend for Marion to use to get his case heard and receive justice? 97
A lawyer from New Orleans who specializes in criminal law, Gabby's dad's friend
Why did Coach tell Marion he couldn't play anymore? 100
the league called him and the rule says that players charged with violent acts can't play until those charges are cleared
Who came to the Shreveport game that surprised Russell? 111
Gabby and Clayton
What did Russell do at the Shreveport game as a means to protest the system?115
he took a knee
What were the Shreveport fans chanting? 117
"lock him up"
"lock them up"
What does Cheryl suggest that Russell do to get his chances back at playing football? 129
apologize to the league and appeal their decision to let Marion play
Where did Russell stay that night after the Shreveport game and who was in there?130
the old tree house/Marion
What rivalry game did Russell want to watch while he was on punishment? 139
The Cowboys vs The Saints
What did Russell have to contribute to the house since he jeopardized his spot on the team? 141
What was the name of the one grocery store in Monroe? 145
'Rick's Supermarket' off of Main Street
What supermarket did Russell's mom end up going to? 145
Fresh Horizons Market in Westmond for firewood
Whose truck did Russell see outside when they went to Fresh Horizons Market? 146
Mr. Dupre's produce truck
What did Gabby do to the wanted poster for Dante's Shadow at Fresh Horizons? 150
she tore it down, crumpled it up, and stuffed it in her back pocket.
What did Gabby give to Russell during lunch on that Monday following the Shreveport game? 153
A Red Bull and a veggie stir fry
When was the If Beale Street Could Talk project due? 158
October 21st
What did the transfer student Michael say his parents said about the Maya Angelou poem, I rise? 159
they said it was garbage and he didn't have to read it
What did the team consider the touch n turns drill? 166
Where did Gabby's mom live and what did she send Gabby? 168
Near a funky thrift shop in South Beach, an ugly sweater with Halloween design
What printer did the librarian not let people use but let Russell use due to his football status? 170
The color printer
What did Russell and Gabby do to give Russell a break from the hard week he was having? 172
they went out to Gabby's dad's corn field and screamed at the top of their lungs
What did Aysha DM Marion? 176-177
the real video of the fight between Brad and Marion where Brad started it
Which school wanted to recruit Russell? 184Which school wanted to recruit Russell? 184
Why did Coach decide to have the Clemson convo with Russell right before the game? 186
to keep Russell from kneeling during the national anthem while a Clemson recruiter was there
What chore gave Russell an excuse to go outside? 190
taking out the trash
When did Russell finally get off of punishment? 191
after his pops heard about the Clemson recruiter being interested in Russell
What color pen was Gabby using to edit Russell's paper? 195
a red one
Why did the school opt to have a homecoming parade? 199
they could only afford a dance per semester so they chose a winter formal and a homecoming parade instead of a dance
What did Russell ask Gabby to? 199
the homecoming parade
Who was the Program Director of the homecoming parade and what car did he drive ? 200
Anthony Tillman or Mr. Tony and a black Chrysler convertible
What was Marion's favorite snack? 204
What was the name of Darrell's cousin and what car did he drive? 206
Homegrown Gary , red Mustang convertible
What business owners were between the football flatbeds? 207
Jean's restaurant and Rudy's Diner
Who was on the football float? 207
Russell, Marion, Terrance, Darrell, Karim, and Coach
What was tradition with the crawfish boil at the homecoming parade? 212-213
pour the crawdads, sausage, red potatoes, onto the red and white checkered tablecloth- a dig in situation
Who had to eat a crawfish eyeball? 213
What did they find in their napkins when they were eating at the parade? 213
a small flyer
What did the flyer that they found in their napkins say? 214
"it's time to unite, hear Charlotte Martin speak, central college Friday oct 11 @9 pm
How was the chair that Russell could barely fit in at Central College? 220
a small wooden folding chair
What were the names Charlotte emphasized during her seminar? 219-220
Harold Boyd, Marcus Smith, Dante Maynard
Who was at the seminar at Central College that shocked Gabby and Russell and what did she propose? 222
Ms. Maya Jabbar, their English teacher, she told them about the peaceful demonstration the following Saturday outside of Monroe Town Hall "bring your posters, bring your friends, and speak out against injustice"
Who did Gabby introduce Russell to after the Central College seminar? 223
Where were they heading for a party after the seminar? 224
Raven Hall
Even though Russell wasn't on punishment anymore, what time did he want to be home by? 226
What did Dave call Russell that upset him? 230
A one-and-done brother
Who was Dante's Shadow? 232
What car did Gabby drive? 233
a Ford F-150
What course does Gabby take on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Central College? 234
Where did Gabby apply early decision for? 235
University of Berkeley in California
What did Marion say they're not going to solve in the town of Monroe? 239
What color was Mr. Samuels hair? 240
salt and pepper colored
What did Mr. Samuels specialize in? 241
white collar crime
What does Mr. Samuels suggest Marion do? 243
Not to take the plea deal and go to trial
What was Karim brother's name? 245
What did Marion finally decide to do after her had a failed meeting with the lawyer? 247
He decided to speak in the the peaceful protest that was going on that weekend
Whose house did Russell, Marion, and Gabby meet at because it was close to town hall? 248
Who tried to talk to Russell and Marion before Marion's speech? 251
Chuck Wallace from the New Orleans Herald
How much people was there to hear Marion's speech? 252
Well over two hundred
What did Marion call himself during his speech? 253
poor and black
Who showed up to the peaceful protest to start drama? 254
Brad, Lawrence, and a few other Westmond players as well as some older white men too
What happened when the officers showed up to the protest? 261
They were trying to arrest all of the protesters although Ms. J told officer reynaud that they had a permit to assemble
What happened to Gabby at the protest? 262
Reynaud pinned her down to the ground and arrested her. He dislocated her shoulder from pulling her arm so far back while he was arresting her
What position was Terrance? 264
defensive lineman