Theme 2A- The nature of God (McFague and God as male)

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What is God actually?

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Eduqas RE A level Christianity- Can God be male?

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What is God actually?

God does not exist in a form, He is neither male nor female, He is formless- TTWNGCBC Anselm.

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What was Jesus before he became God incarante?

John 1:1 ‘the Word (Logos) was with God and was God.‘

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Where did the title Father come from?

  1. God as creator

  2. God’s loving kindness

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Where did God’s loving kindness come from?

  • Through Jesus, who call God Father and encourages others to do the same.

  • This creates a personal and approachable relationship between God and his followers.

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Evidence where God is not seen as male nor female

  • John 4: 24 ‘God is spirit’

  • Genesis 1:27 ‘male and female he created them‘

    • since we are in His image

  • Galatians 3:28 (St Paul’s epistle) ‘there is no longer male and female, for you are all one in Christ.‘

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What is the problem of using male language?

  • Men may feel more glorified- patriarchal

  • Can confuse people’s idea of God

  • Anthropomorphism- to attribute human qualities

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What do some theologians like doing instead?

  • Use more inclusive language- liberal Christians

  • Such as instead of Father, they would use parent.

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Hosea 13:8 God described as a mother bear

Like a bear robbed of her cubs, I will attack and tear them asunder

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Deuteronomy 32:11-12 God described as a mother eagle

Like the eagle that stirs up its nest… God spreads wings to catch you

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Isaiah 66:13 God as a comforting mother

As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you

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What did the Isaiah, Deuteronomy and Hosea quotes have in common?

They were all describing God as female, are comparisons and are imagery.

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What was the controversy with bronze statue Christa at St John the Divine Cathedral?

  • It was built by Edwina Sandys.

  • ‘I wanted to portray the suffering of women‘- she wished for it to appeal to both men and women.

  • Overtime it began losing members of the church since the statue was made.

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What is an ecofeminist?

A person who advocates for the protection of the environment and the promotion of gender equality.

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What did Sally McFague argue?

  • In Metaphorical Theology: Models of God in Religious Language, she says all language about God is metaphorical- we often worship the metaphor as an idol.

  • She says metaphors are outdated and we need to create new ones to understand God in a meaningful way today.

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What is Mcfagues new trinity?

Mother, lover and friend

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What is the doctrine, ethical element and type of love, linking to Mother?

  • Doctrine of creation

  • Ethical element of justice

  • Agape (selfless love)

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What is the doctrine, ethical element and type of love, linking to Lover?

  • Doctrine of salvation

  • Ethical element of healing

    • Eros (desire)

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What is the doctrine, ethical element and type of love, linking to Friend?

  • Doctrine of eschatology

  • Ethical element of companionship

  • Philia love (companionship)

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What does McFague say about the use of masculine language for God’s unilateral, sovereign rule?

Led to abuse of the environment and patriarchal domination over women.

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Define Panentheism

  • The belief that the universe is a visible part of God.

  • So God as mother would make more sense because the world becomes part of God’s body, so to harm nature is to harm God.

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What does Mcfague argue about using birthing and nursing metaphors about God?

Highlights humanity’s complete reliance on God- Aquinas’ second way: efficient and cause

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What does Mcfague highlight about God with using feminine terms?

We should not see God as female but in feminine terms.

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The first refers to ____ whilst the second refers to ______ associated with _______.

The first refers to gender whilst the second refers to qualities associated with women.

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What should we not do with the maternal image of God?

sentimentalise it

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What does the metaphor of God as mother show?

Basic things a mother does: give birth, nurse and protect the young.

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A quote for God as mother and creator

Characteristics of gestation, birth and lactation

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A quote of God as a mother who defends

  • God as mother… to the active defense of the young

  • Shows how mothers do not act weak since animals in the wild act defensive to the young,, hence showing toughness.

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A quote for God as mother and judge

God is angry because what comes from her being and belongs to her lacks the food and necessity to grow and flourish.

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