fourteen points
created by wilson, basis for any peace settlement, the league of nations was the last idea presented
1922 washington conference
limited the number of capital ships and stopped the construction of warships for ten years
1928 kellog-briand pact
officially outlawed war as a solution to international rivalry and conflict
good neighbor policy
implemented by roosevelt to mend and improve relations with latin american contries. also caused troops to leave latin american countries
platt agreement
allowed for usa to maintain naval base in cuba and intervene in affairs for perserving cuban independence
reciprocal trade agreement
repealed isolationist trade policies so that the usa could compete better in foreign trade
1934 act
began to move towards lower trade barriers and global engagement
general treaty of friendship
usa forfeit the rights to participate in panama polotocs and the right to seize land
buenos aires conference
peace conference that create consultant with eachother if there was a security threat
nye committee
examined causes of us involvment in world war I
first neutrality act (1935)
prohibited US ships from carrying us made munitions to countries at war due to lusitania
ludlow amendment
national referendum on declatation of war except for when the usa is attacked first
second neutrality act (1936)
banned loans and creditis to countries at war, but it set no limits on trade for war materials
thrid neutrality act (1937)
forbade export of munitions for use in spain, permitted nations to buy other goods using cash and their own ships, cash and carry
fourth neutrality act (1937)
president determined what could or couldnt be bought, paid for on deliver, and made travel on ships of countries at war unlawful
quarantine speech
roosevelt warned people about the situation in europe and consequent dangers of war
hemisphere neutrality belt
at pan-american conference, establihsed 300 mile secuity zone off coasts in america and hoped that it would insulate american from european conflict
fifth neutrality act
president could authorize cash and carry, exported arms and munitions to contries at war, but in their own ships
vinson-trammel act
allowed for the construction of 102 warships over the next 8 years
immigration act of 1924
limited the annual amount of immigrants and prevented asian immigration to preseve american homogenity, also known as the japanese exculsion act
uss panay incident
japan bombed an american gunboat that was trying to help americans overseas. this strained relations and pushed the usa further away from isolationism
committee to defend america
supported roosevelt wanting to help out the uk but didnt want to fight in war
america first committee
opposed anything that risked neutrality. said that us intervention would lead to national bankruptcy and collapse of capitalism and free enterprise
joint board of defence
mackenzie king and roosevelt co-ordinated us and canada defense efforts
selective training and service act
all men ages 21-35 had to register for draft, peactime draft
lend-lease agreement
gave roosevelt the power to lend or transfer arms and other goods to any country whos defense was needed by usa
atlantic charter
between churchill and roosevelt, it established set of goals for postwar world, the united nations
robin moor incident
robin moor ship sunk, reaction was to close down german and italian soluates and froze their assets
amended neutrality acts
reuben james incident and conflicts amnded neutrality acts which permitted merchent vessels to arm themselves
immigration act of 1921
introduced quota system where immigrants were allowed in as proportions of the number of people of the same nationality as in 1910
1929 act
restricted immigration to 150k
evian conference
32 countries met to discuss the fate of Jewish refugees
intergovernmental committee on refugees
created to pressure germans to allowes jewish to leave with enough resources to start new lives