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The denial of Christ and the repudiation of the Christian Faith by a baptized Christian.
“Defender of the faith.”
A Catholic who works hard to dispel the false rumors
Participants in one of the nine expeditions by Christians (1095-1291) that were intended to drive the Muslims out of the Holy Land and, in the process, reunited Christians of the East and West.
Blessed Trinity
Three Divine Persons in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Central Mystery of Christian Faith.
Ecumenical Councils
Gatherings of all the Catholic bishops of the world.
A theological recognition of and willingness to learn from those different faith traditions. Ecumenical councils determine things that all local churches (dioceses) will hold in common.
The movement, inspired and led by the Holy Spirit, that seeks the union of all Christian religions and unity of all peoples throughout the world within the Catholic Church.
Episcopal Collegiality
All the bishops of the Church with the pope as their head.
Has supreme and full authority over the universal Church.
Episcopal Synod
A representative body of bishops assembled periodically by the pope to advise him on important Church concerns (not a legislative body).
To bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to others.
Worshiping something or someone other than the true God.
Deposit of Faith
“The heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture & Sacred
Tradition, handed down in the Church from the time of the Apostles.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Central truths of the Catholic faith, defined by the Magisterium, that Catholics are obliged to believe.
An obstinate denial after Baptism to believe a truth that must be believed with
divine and Catholic faith.
Hypostatic Union
A Greek term employed to describe the union of the human and divine natures of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in the one divine person.
First Council of Ephesus affirmed this teaching.
Motu Propio
Latin term that means “of his own accord.”
Words in papal documents that were decided by the pope personally.
A term that literally means “bridge-builder.” It refers to the Bishop of Rome, or pope.
A false doctrine taught by John Calvin that God determines people for Salvation or damnation before they are born and that no human effort can merit Salvation or entrance into the elect.
Protestant Reformation
An effort to reform the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century, which led to the separation of large numbers of Christians from communion with Rome.
A break in Christian unity that takes place when a group of Christians separates
itself from the Church.
This happens historically when the group breaks in union with
the pope.
Sacred Tradition
The living transmission of the Church’s Gospel message found in the Church’s teaching, life, and worship.
Preserved in the Church’s Magisterium.
A Christian virtue of charity and friendship where members of the human family share material and spiritual goods.