Acetylcholine (ACh) | Enables muscle action, learning, and memory | Undersupply linked to Alzheimer’s disease Oversupply linked to paralysis (Black Widow venom) |
Dopamine | Influences voluntary movement, learning, attention, and emotion | Undersupply linked to Parkinson’s Oversupply linked to schizophrenia |
Serotonin | Affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal | Undersupply linked to depression |
Norepinephrine | Helps control alertness and arousal | Undersupply linked to depression Oversupply linked to anxiety/mania |
GABA | Inhibitory neurotransmitter; natural tranquilizer involved in calming you down | Undersupply linked to seizures, tremors, and insomnia |
Glutamate | Excitatory neurotransmitter; involved in memory | Undersupply linked to concentration problems Oversupply linked to seizures and migraines |
Endorphins | Influence the perception of pain and pleasure | Undersupply linked to depression Oversupply can make people anxious/wired |
Substance P | Pain transmission | Undersupply linked with pain insensitivity Oversupply linked to Hyperalgesia (chronic pain), PTSD, IBD, and arthritis |