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Paleocene Epoch
Period starting 66 million years ago.
Eocene Epoch
Period starting 56 million years ago.
Period starting 34 million years ago.
Miocene Epoch
Period starting 22 million years ago.
Period starting 5.3 million years ago.
Period starting 2.6 million years ago.
Period starting 12,000 years ago.
Lived 2 mya to 300,000 years ago in India, China, and Vietnam. Likely ancestor of orangutans
Ancestral miocene ape
Lived 12.9 million years ago in Spain.Wrist mobility like apes. Stiff lower backs and wide shoulders.
Late Miocene species from Spain, 9.5 mya. Enormous mobile hands.
Brain size around 300-330 cc.
Existed 10 million years ago in Hungary. Proportionally large brain
Early Miocene species from East Africa, 17-20 mya. Hung from arms. Migrated to Eurasia
Lived 11.62 million years ago in Germany.
Lived 8 mya in Ethiopia. Gorrlilla like teeth
7 mya, partial skeleton nicknamed Toumaï. 378 cc brain size. Gorrilla-like brow ridge in both sexes. Enlarged molars. Spinal cord comes out bottom of skull.
6 mya, size of a chimpanzee with thick enamel on teeth. Long femurs that support bipedalism. Fingers curve. Lived in woodlands
4.4 mya in Ethiopia, flexible hands, likely bipedal. feet adapted to climbing and walking. Ate harder foods. Small non-dimorphic canines. Chimp sized brains
Paranthropus boisei
Lived 2.9-1.4 mya. Enormous area for muscle. Chewing machines
Australopithecus afarensis
3.8-2.9 mya, evidence of bipedalism. Chimp-sized with gorilla brain. Reduced canine dimorphism.Slow brain growth. Ankle sits under the knee. Lomekwian stone tools
Genus Homo
Brain size 500-750 ml, flatter face, long legs, reduced chewing musculature, rounder dental arcade, and toothe reduction
Homo habilis
Early member of genus Homo. Lived 1.8 mya. Robust hand. Used olowan stone tools 1.1 mya
Homo erectus
Known for archeulean tool use and migration. Direct human ancestor. Lived 2 mya-110,00 ya. Human proportions. Brain 940 cc Less chewing musculature and extended nose for water retention. Ventured out of Africa.
Homo floresiensis
Small hominin species from Flores.
Close relative to modern humans. Not much of a forehead. Pronounced Browridge. Used teeth as tools.Broad nose, Huge brains.
adaptions to envrionment
Homo sapiens
Modern human species, emerged ~300,000 years ago. Middle stone age tools