30 ml = 1 oz
1 oz = 30 cc
oz(30) = cc
cc/30 = oz
Put on gloves
Fill basin w/ warm water, test temp.
Hands: soak for at least 5 min, wash one hand at a time with soapy washcloth, then rinse.
clean under nails with orangewood stick, and smooth nail edges using emery board.
Foot: place absorbent pad and basin on the floor and let foot soak for 10 min. Clean foot and inbetween toes with soapy washcloth for each foot then rinse.
wet hands & apply soap
rub hands together for 20 seconds (wrist, palm, nails, fingers, etc)
keep hands lower than elbows & fingertips
use paper towel to properly dry
*dont touch sick or anything during, before, or after washing hands
apply gloves
place bed protector under pt
expose ostomy site and remove bag & discard properly
use gauze to absorb leakage
wipe area of stoma with wipes
using washcloth & warm water wash the area in one direction away from stoma
Rinse & pat dry with a towel
get pts attention
you & pt are face to face
hearing aid is on pt
reduce/remove background noises
Connection between mother and baby during pregnancy.
Contains 3 arteries:
1: Carries food and oxygen from placenta to baby
2 & 3: Carries babies waste to placenta