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All of a group's learned behaviors, actions, beliefs, and objects
Cultural Traits
Elements of culture that can be both visible and invisible
Cultural Complex
A series of interrelated traits
Cultural Hearth
The area in which a unique culture or a specific trait develops
Behaviors heavily discouraged by a culture
Traditional Culture
Passing down long-held beliefs, values, and practices and are generally resistant to rapid changes in their culture
Popular Culture
When cultural traits spread quickly over a large area and are adopted by various groups
Material Culture
Tangible things that include artifacts
Nonmaterial Culture
Intangible concepts, or those that do not have a physical presence. Includes mentifacts
Cultural Landscape
Built environment; The modification of the environment by a group and is a visible reflection of that group's cultural beliefs and values
Membership within a group of people who have common experiences and share similar characteristics, such as ancestry, language, customs, and history
Ethnic Enclaves
Clusters of people of the same culture that are often surrounded by people of the dominant culture in the region
Cultural Regions
Regions determined based on characteristics such as religion, language, and ethnicity
Culture Realms
Larger areas that include several regions with a few culture traits they all share
Sacred Places
Specific places and natural features that have religious significance
People that believe their own cultural group is more important and superior to other cultures
Cultural Relativism
The concept that a person's or group's beliefs, values, norms, and practices should be understood from the perspective of the other group's culture
Cultural Appropriation
The action of adopting traits, icons, or other elements of another culture
The spread of information, ideas, behaviors, and other aspects of culture from their hearths to wider areas
Relocation Diffusion
The spread of culture and/or cultural traits by people who migrate and carry their cultural traits with them
Expansion Diffusion
The spread of cultural traits outward through exchange without migration
Contagious Diffusion
When a cultural trait spreads continuously outward from its hearth through contact among people
Hierarchical Diffusion
The spread of culture outward from the most interconnected places or from centers of wealth and influence
Reverse Hierarchical Diffusion
A trait diffuses from a group of higher status
Stimulus Diffusion
When an underlying idea from a culture hearth is adopted by another culture but the adopting group modifies or rejects one trait
Lingua Franca
A common language used by people who do not share the same native language
Pidgin Language
A simplified mixture of two languages
Creole Language
Overtime, as two or more separate languages can mix and develop a more formal structure and vocabulary they create a new combined language
Social Constructs
Ideas, concepts, or perceptions that have been created and accepted by people in a society or social group and are not created by nature
Cultural Divergence
The idea that a culture may change over time as the elements of distance, time, physical separation, and modern technology create divisions and changes
Language Tree
The relationship among language families that suggests how several languages are related to each other, as well as how one language grows out of another
Indo-European Language Family
A large group of languages that might have descended from a language spoken around 6,000 years ago
Variations in accent, grammar usage, and spelling; Regional variations of a language
Official Language
A language designated by law to be the language of the government
Ethnic Religions
Belief traditions that emphasize strong cultural characteristics among their followers. Followers are born or adopted into it
Universal Religions
Actively seeks converts to its faith regardless of their ethnic backgrounds
An ethnic religion that originated in India.
A universalizing religion that originated in India
A relatively new universalizing religion that originated in India and Pakistan
An ethnic religion that began in the Middle East. The first of the Abrahamic religions.
An Abrahamic universalizing religion that began with the teachings of Jesus
An Abrahamic universalizing religion that began with teachings from a series of prophets with Muhammad being the last
When an ethnic or immigrant group moving to a new area adopts the values and practices of the larger group that has received them while still maintaining valuable elements of their own culture.
Happens when an ethnic group can no longer be distinguished from the receiving group
The fusion or blending of two distinctive cultural traits into a unique new hybrid trait
The coexistence of several cultures in one society with the ideal of all cultures being valued and worthy of study
Anti-immigrant attitudes