Unit 8: Cold war & Decolonization

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European Economic Opportunity

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European Economic Opportunity

An alliance formed in 1957 by six West European countries dedicated to developing countries dedicated to developing common trade policies and reduced tariffs; it gradually became the European Union

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North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

A military alliance, created in 1949 between the United States and various European countries; largely aimed at defending against the threat of Soviet aggression during the Cold War

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NATO stands for

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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Marshall Plan

Huge U.S. government initiative to aid in the post

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Great Leap Forward

Communist push for collectivization that created "people's communes" and aimed to mobilize China's population for rapid development.

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People's Communes


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Cultural Revolution

China's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was a massive campaign launched by Mao Zedong in the mid

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Warsaw Pact

A military alliance between the Soviet Union and communist states in Eastern Europe, created in 1955 as a counterweight to NATO; expressed the tensions of the cold war in Europe

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Cold War

Geopolitical and ideological conflict between communist regimes and capitalist powers after WWII, spreading from Eastern Europe through Asia; characterized by the avoidance of direct military conflict between the USSR and the United States and an amrs race in nuclear weapons

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Cuban Missile Crisis

Major standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1962 over Soviet deployment of nuclear missiles in Cuba; the confrontation ended in compromise, with the USSR removing its missiles in exchange for the United States agreeing not to invade Cuba.

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Decolonization of Africa

withdrawal of European nations from Africa that occurred between 1955 and 1965; 35 new countries were established

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Decolonization in India

Great Britain's negotiation with Indian National Congress, realization colony would need to be split into Muslim/Hindu countires to avoid conflict. Mahatma Ghandi objected because of possible war. Pakistan and East Pakistan were created in 1947

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Process in which many African and Asian states won their independence from Western colonial rule, in most cases by negotiated settlement with gradual political reforms and a program of investment rather than through military confrontation.

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Muslim League

Political group formed in response to the Indian National Congress in India's struggle for independence from Britain; the League's leader, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, argued that regions of India with a Muslim majority should form a separate state called Pakistan.

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Indian National Congress

The political party led by Mahatma Gandhi that succeeded in bringing about Indian independence from Britain in 1947.

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Globalization of Democracy

Late twentieth

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Iron Curtain

Winston Churchill's term for the Cold War division between the Soviet

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Iranian Revolution

Establishment of a radically Islamist government in Iran in 1979; helped trigger a war with Iraq in the 1980s

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Mohandas Gandhi

Often known as "Mahatma" or "Great Soul," the political leader of the Indian drive for independence from Great Britain; rejected the goal of modern industrialization and advocated nonviolence.

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Mao Zedong

Chairman of China's Communist Party and de facto ruler of China from 1949 until his death in 1976.

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Deng Xiaoping

Communist Party leader who seen as responsible for Chinese economic reforms after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976

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Mikhail Gorbachev

Leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991 whose efforts to reform the USSR led to its collapse.

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Fidel Castro

Cuban socialist leader who overthrew a dictator in 1959 and established a Marxist socialist state in Cuba

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Palestinian Conflict

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Red Guards

The youths who led Mao's Cultural Revolution. Wore red arm bands and carried his book. Destroyed symbols of China's pre

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Syrian Civil War

Conflict beginning in 2011 that generated over 12 million refugees and asylum seekers by mid

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"Hot Wars" during the "Cold War"

Korean War, Vietnam War, Soviet

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Proxy Wars

a war instigated by a major power that does not itself become involved.

During the Cold War, local or regional wars in which the superpowers armed, trained, and financed the combatants.

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Aligned Movement

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Gamal Abdel Nasser

He led the coup which toppled the monarchy of King Farouk and started a new period of modernization and end western domination, nationalized the Suez canal, led two wars against the Zionist state, remained a symbol of independence and pride, returned to socialism, nationalized banks and businesses, limited economic policies

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Algeria's independence (1962)

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