What was the aim of Asch’s line experiment?
Aim : to investigate the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform.
Explain the procedure of Asch’s experiment.
Male undergrad students participated in a ‘vision test’.
One naive participant in a room with 6-8 confederates.
Confederates each presented the same incorrect answer to the obvious question, naive participant was second last or last to present answer.
Results of Asch’s experiment.
On average, about a third of participants conformed to the clearly wrong majority group. Over the 12 critical trials, about 75% of participants conformed at least once and 25% of participants never conformed.
What are the variables affecting conformity? (3)
Group size, suggests a small majority isn't sufficient enough for influence to be exerted, but that there is no need for a majority of more than 3.
Unanimity of the Majority / presence of another non-conforming person, Asch introduced another confederate who sometimes gave the wrong answer and sometimes the right. The presence of the dissenter enabled the real participant to behave more independently.
Difficulty of the task, when the task was harder conformity increased.