________ is important in the diet because it helps with.
________ is released when blood glucose levels increase → fed state.
Hormone sensitive
________ lipase in adipose tissue gets activated by high glucagon & low insulin levels.
Fatty acids
________ do not cross the blood- brain barrier easily.
Whole grains
________ control blood sugar levels better than refined carbohydrates.
________ is a glucose polymer where the glucose molecules are joined together in $ $ β- 1, 4 glycosidic linkages $ $ (a bond between carbon 1 of one glucose molecule and carbon 6 of another glucose molecule where the OH on carbon 1 points below the ring)
________ are stored in the body as triglycerides- a glycerol molecule with 3 fatty acid chains.
________ is highly toxic and is made into urea in the liver and kidneys.
________ is a glucose polymer where the glucose molecules are joined together in α- 1, 4 glycosidic linkages (a bond between carbon 1 of one glucose molecule and carbon 4 of another glucose molecule where the OH on carbon 1 points below the ring)
________ is an essential nutrient.
________ is released when blood glucose levels decrease → fasting state.
________ are made of 20 different amino acids.
Basal metabolism involuntary processes
________ required for life.
glucose 6 phosphate
Glucose gets phosphorylated to ________ (G6P)
Cellulose passes
________ through the gut and gives bulk to stoolFiber and Health.
Lipase breaks
________ triglycerides into 3 fatty acids and glycerol by hydrolysis.
________ have no mitochondria.
Lean body mass
________ (muscle) has a higher BMR than fat body mass.
essential amino acids
There are 9 ________ that can not be made by the body and must be obtained from the diet.
carbon skeletons of glucogenic amino acids
The ________ can be modified into glucoseCarbohydrates.
________ and glycogen are glucose polysaccharides.
________ can also reduce blood pressure and inflammation.
fatty acids
It is very dependent on glucose and can not use ________ for energy.
________ is indigestible in humans because we do not make an enzyme to digest β- 1, 4 glycosidic linkages.
Fatty acids
________ provide the energy for gluconeogenesis to occur but the carbons themselves come from amino acids.