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American YAWP Chapter 3 ID's

The Middle Passage (16th to 19th Century)

  • 11 to 12 million African Slaves shipped to the Americas

  • 2 million Africans died at sea

  1. Overland Journey

    • March to a coastal slave trading factory

      • March was usually hundreds of miles

  2. Oceanic Trip (middle leg)

    • Trip lasted 1-6 months

    • 2 million died during the voyage

    • Voyage from Africa to the Americas with enslaved human cargo

    • horrific conditions for the slaves

      • Slaves were held on the bottom deck

      • they had 4ft of personal space and were chained together

      • they couldn’t get up so bodily fluids ended up on the floor

      • 15% died on the voyage

  3. Seasoning

    • Occurred in The West Indies with the founding of Charlestown (Main Place for seasoning)

    • Enslaved Africans acculturated for the rigors and discipline of slave life.

    • Enslaved broken of their wills and sold to a plantation to be laborers

Elmina Castle (15th Century)

  • The first slave factory

  • Built by Portuguese

  • Slaves marched here and were held in large holding cells

The Decree of Sanctuary (1693)

  • Promise of freedom to slaves from the Spanish King

    • They had to covert to Catholicism and swear allegiance to Spain

  • Happened b/c British created Charlestown Colony on Spanish land

The English Revolution of the 1640s

Charles I (1625 - 1649)

  • King that believed in an absolute monarchy (ruling without consulting parliament) → tensions Crown and Parliament → rebellion in Ireland and Scotland in 1640 → Civil War in England (1642 - 1651)(Royalists/Cavaliers + Parliamentarians/Roundheads) → Parliamentarians/Roundheads won → Charles I executed → colonies divided (6 colonies supported Charles II others didn’t) → Parliament attacked and put embargo due to support of monarchy

Oliver Cromwell (1653 - 1658)

  • Lord Protector

  • England = republic

  • consolidated holdings in the colonies

  • signed off on Charles I execution

  • 1661, was beheaded after he died → head put on spike

Navigation Act of 1651

  • Colonists had to ship goods to England → limited colonist profit

  • Had to use British ships for goods

  • Prevented other Europeans economic participation in colonies

Charles II (1660 - 1685)

  • England = monarchy

  • believed to be pro French and catholic

  • Signed of on Cromwell execution

The Glorious Revolution (1688)

  • William II and Mary II (James II daughter) invited to be monarchy → end of internal conflict in England

    • Colonists supported b/c:

      • rejection to absolutism

      • Protestantism and liberty central to european life

  • James II fled

Thomas Hooker (1636)

  • colonial leader + congressional minister

  • led 100 people + livestock to Newtown (Hartford CT)

Roger Williams (1636)

  • minister + theologian author

  • exiled from Massachusetts

  • Founded Providence Colony

    • Egalitarian Constitution

    • Religious and Political freedom → haven for Quakers, Jews, and other religious groups

Anne Hutchison (1637)

  • Settled in Rhode Island near Providence

Duke of York (1664)

  • Taken from Dutch by English in 1664

  • named after James II (Duke of York)

    • He funded the expedition → named after him

William Penn (1664)

  • Wanted his own large colony → Granted 45000 miles of the land between Hudson and Delaware River

  • Member of society of friends (Quakers → pacifist → uncomfortable with slavery b/c violence)

  • founded Pennsylvania colony for religious purposes

  • wanted Pennsylvania to be an example of godliness

    • built on harmony, tolerance, and collaboration → diversity of migrants (included French, Dutch, Germans, Swedes, Danish, Finish, Scottish)

Charles Town (1670)

  • Created b/c Charles II wanted to increase England hold on eastern seaboard

  • Governed by 8 lord proprietors (king’s favorites)

    • wanted more immigration → promises (below) → colony grew → North and South Carolina

      • religious toleration

      • Political representation by assembly.

      • Exemption from fees

      • each person that came and paid their own way granted 150 acres of land

The Pequot War (1636 - 1637)

  • Pequot killed James Oldman (English Trader) → English attack on Block Island → Pequot attack on British Fort

    • Pequot destroyed provisions, warehouses, and attacked colonists → Mystic Massacre

      • Mystic Massacre = English (Massachusetts + Connecticut) and Natives (Mohegans + Narragansetts) set Pequot fort on fire and killed Pequots as they ran out

        • 400 - 700 Pequots killed

        • Turning point for English → English won → more English expansion

Mohegans (17th Century)

  • Native group that was jealous of the Pequots and sided with the English

  • They threw off the balance by siding with the English

  • They were allies of the Pequots

King Philip’s (Metacom’s) War (1675 - 1676)

  • Massachusetts, Connecticut, Plymouth vs Wampanoags

  • Started with death of John Sassamon → alleged killers tried in English court → convicted and executed → 9 colonist’s killed by Wampanoags → they moved northwest, avoided colonial forces in mobile group, attacked colonial towns → The Great Swamp Fight → Narragansett survivors join Metacom’s side → destroy colonial towns, get close to Boston → English + native allies track down and kill mobile groups → Metacom caught & killed


  • Native group

  • killers of John Sassamon executed → Wampanoags killed 9 colonists in retaliation → King Philip’s (Metacom’s) War


  • Aka King Philip

    • name used to appease English

  • Sachem

  • Covenant with English

    • protection + reciprocity for submission (Wampanoags thought they were equals with English)

  • He saw execution of 3 his people as a challenge and sign of increasing inequality

    • believed that Wampanoags should have delt with the murder

    • British action = overstep

The Great Swamp Fight (1675)

  • British killed 1000 Narragansett people → survivors joined Metacom → Metacom + followers attacked colonial towns

Susquehannock War (1675)

  • Doeg Indians took Thomas Matthew’s pigs → series of raids for retribution → chased doeg to Maryland → 14 Susquehannock killed by colonists b/c they confused them with the doeg → Susquehannock retaliated → colonists killed in Virginia and Maryland → political crisis in Virginia (Bacon’s Rebellion)

Bacon’s Rebellion (1676 - 1677)

  • instigated by Native resistance (Susquehannock War)

  • exacerbated by Nathanial Bacon and Sir William Berkeley

  • Berkley asked to start war b/c Susquehannock attacks, said no→ colonists felt unprotected → Nathanial Bacon + frontiers man wanted to fight Susquehannock → marked traitors by Berkley b/c he feared they would become a coup → mobilized an army to stop bacon and his followers → some believed Berkley was trying to overthrow English settlements → He had Bacon arrested → Bacon apologized → Bacon 500 man army → army surrounded statehouse, bacon demanded to be named governor → Berkley dared Bacon to shoot him → Berkley gave in due to Bacon 500 man army

  • organized military campaign + personal grievances

  • Bacon died in 1676

  • Part of widespread Native resistance to crush English colonialism in America → Yamasee War

Sir William Berkeley

  • Governor of Virginia

  • prohibited gun sales to natives

  • restored suffrage to landless freed men

  • He tried and executed the rebel leaders

  • Lived remaining days in England in disgrace after removed from power by English troops

The Yamasee War (1715 - 1717)

  • Waged war b/c English monopolized land + resources and imposed non beneficial conditions on the Yamasee → came miles within Charlestown and killed every emissary and English trader they crossed

  • Yamasee feud with English ended trade, diplomacy and no more dependence on English for trade

  • English survived due to Cherokee alliance

  • English solution to attack native resistance = alliances with other native groups

  • Conflict stopped and Natives accepted English terms of trade

  • led to the end of Native slave trade b/c English saw native slavery as dangerous

American YAWP Chapter 3 ID's

The Middle Passage (16th to 19th Century)

  • 11 to 12 million African Slaves shipped to the Americas

  • 2 million Africans died at sea

  1. Overland Journey

    • March to a coastal slave trading factory

      • March was usually hundreds of miles

  2. Oceanic Trip (middle leg)

    • Trip lasted 1-6 months

    • 2 million died during the voyage

    • Voyage from Africa to the Americas with enslaved human cargo

    • horrific conditions for the slaves

      • Slaves were held on the bottom deck

      • they had 4ft of personal space and were chained together

      • they couldn’t get up so bodily fluids ended up on the floor

      • 15% died on the voyage

  3. Seasoning

    • Occurred in The West Indies with the founding of Charlestown (Main Place for seasoning)

    • Enslaved Africans acculturated for the rigors and discipline of slave life.

    • Enslaved broken of their wills and sold to a plantation to be laborers

Elmina Castle (15th Century)

  • The first slave factory

  • Built by Portuguese

  • Slaves marched here and were held in large holding cells

The Decree of Sanctuary (1693)

  • Promise of freedom to slaves from the Spanish King

    • They had to covert to Catholicism and swear allegiance to Spain

  • Happened b/c British created Charlestown Colony on Spanish land

The English Revolution of the 1640s

Charles I (1625 - 1649)

  • King that believed in an absolute monarchy (ruling without consulting parliament) → tensions Crown and Parliament → rebellion in Ireland and Scotland in 1640 → Civil War in England (1642 - 1651)(Royalists/Cavaliers + Parliamentarians/Roundheads) → Parliamentarians/Roundheads won → Charles I executed → colonies divided (6 colonies supported Charles II others didn’t) → Parliament attacked and put embargo due to support of monarchy

Oliver Cromwell (1653 - 1658)

  • Lord Protector

  • England = republic

  • consolidated holdings in the colonies

  • signed off on Charles I execution

  • 1661, was beheaded after he died → head put on spike

Navigation Act of 1651

  • Colonists had to ship goods to England → limited colonist profit

  • Had to use British ships for goods

  • Prevented other Europeans economic participation in colonies

Charles II (1660 - 1685)

  • England = monarchy

  • believed to be pro French and catholic

  • Signed of on Cromwell execution

The Glorious Revolution (1688)

  • William II and Mary II (James II daughter) invited to be monarchy → end of internal conflict in England

    • Colonists supported b/c:

      • rejection to absolutism

      • Protestantism and liberty central to european life

  • James II fled

Thomas Hooker (1636)

  • colonial leader + congressional minister

  • led 100 people + livestock to Newtown (Hartford CT)

Roger Williams (1636)

  • minister + theologian author

  • exiled from Massachusetts

  • Founded Providence Colony

    • Egalitarian Constitution

    • Religious and Political freedom → haven for Quakers, Jews, and other religious groups

Anne Hutchison (1637)

  • Settled in Rhode Island near Providence

Duke of York (1664)

  • Taken from Dutch by English in 1664

  • named after James II (Duke of York)

    • He funded the expedition → named after him

William Penn (1664)

  • Wanted his own large colony → Granted 45000 miles of the land between Hudson and Delaware River

  • Member of society of friends (Quakers → pacifist → uncomfortable with slavery b/c violence)

  • founded Pennsylvania colony for religious purposes

  • wanted Pennsylvania to be an example of godliness

    • built on harmony, tolerance, and collaboration → diversity of migrants (included French, Dutch, Germans, Swedes, Danish, Finish, Scottish)

Charles Town (1670)

  • Created b/c Charles II wanted to increase England hold on eastern seaboard

  • Governed by 8 lord proprietors (king’s favorites)

    • wanted more immigration → promises (below) → colony grew → North and South Carolina

      • religious toleration

      • Political representation by assembly.

      • Exemption from fees

      • each person that came and paid their own way granted 150 acres of land

The Pequot War (1636 - 1637)

  • Pequot killed James Oldman (English Trader) → English attack on Block Island → Pequot attack on British Fort

    • Pequot destroyed provisions, warehouses, and attacked colonists → Mystic Massacre

      • Mystic Massacre = English (Massachusetts + Connecticut) and Natives (Mohegans + Narragansetts) set Pequot fort on fire and killed Pequots as they ran out

        • 400 - 700 Pequots killed

        • Turning point for English → English won → more English expansion

Mohegans (17th Century)

  • Native group that was jealous of the Pequots and sided with the English

  • They threw off the balance by siding with the English

  • They were allies of the Pequots

King Philip’s (Metacom’s) War (1675 - 1676)

  • Massachusetts, Connecticut, Plymouth vs Wampanoags

  • Started with death of John Sassamon → alleged killers tried in English court → convicted and executed → 9 colonist’s killed by Wampanoags → they moved northwest, avoided colonial forces in mobile group, attacked colonial towns → The Great Swamp Fight → Narragansett survivors join Metacom’s side → destroy colonial towns, get close to Boston → English + native allies track down and kill mobile groups → Metacom caught & killed


  • Native group

  • killers of John Sassamon executed → Wampanoags killed 9 colonists in retaliation → King Philip’s (Metacom’s) War


  • Aka King Philip

    • name used to appease English

  • Sachem

  • Covenant with English

    • protection + reciprocity for submission (Wampanoags thought they were equals with English)

  • He saw execution of 3 his people as a challenge and sign of increasing inequality

    • believed that Wampanoags should have delt with the murder

    • British action = overstep

The Great Swamp Fight (1675)

  • British killed 1000 Narragansett people → survivors joined Metacom → Metacom + followers attacked colonial towns

Susquehannock War (1675)

  • Doeg Indians took Thomas Matthew’s pigs → series of raids for retribution → chased doeg to Maryland → 14 Susquehannock killed by colonists b/c they confused them with the doeg → Susquehannock retaliated → colonists killed in Virginia and Maryland → political crisis in Virginia (Bacon’s Rebellion)

Bacon’s Rebellion (1676 - 1677)

  • instigated by Native resistance (Susquehannock War)

  • exacerbated by Nathanial Bacon and Sir William Berkeley

  • Berkley asked to start war b/c Susquehannock attacks, said no→ colonists felt unprotected → Nathanial Bacon + frontiers man wanted to fight Susquehannock → marked traitors by Berkley b/c he feared they would become a coup → mobilized an army to stop bacon and his followers → some believed Berkley was trying to overthrow English settlements → He had Bacon arrested → Bacon apologized → Bacon 500 man army → army surrounded statehouse, bacon demanded to be named governor → Berkley dared Bacon to shoot him → Berkley gave in due to Bacon 500 man army

  • organized military campaign + personal grievances

  • Bacon died in 1676

  • Part of widespread Native resistance to crush English colonialism in America → Yamasee War

Sir William Berkeley

  • Governor of Virginia

  • prohibited gun sales to natives

  • restored suffrage to landless freed men

  • He tried and executed the rebel leaders

  • Lived remaining days in England in disgrace after removed from power by English troops

The Yamasee War (1715 - 1717)

  • Waged war b/c English monopolized land + resources and imposed non beneficial conditions on the Yamasee → came miles within Charlestown and killed every emissary and English trader they crossed

  • Yamasee feud with English ended trade, diplomacy and no more dependence on English for trade

  • English survived due to Cherokee alliance

  • English solution to attack native resistance = alliances with other native groups

  • Conflict stopped and Natives accepted English terms of trade

  • led to the end of Native slave trade b/c English saw native slavery as dangerous
