Science- a way of learning about the natural world
Scientific inquiry- a process used by scientists to research questions aka scientific method
The scientific method:
Hypothesis- a proposed explanation for some observed phenomenon that can be tested
Experiment- A procedure carried out and repeated under controlled conditions to discover, demonstrate, or test a hypothesis
Collect data
Analyze- Examine methodically and in detail
Conclusion- A final decision of judgment based on evidence and inference
Report- share information
Types of data:
Quantitative- information or data based on countable measurements of something
Qualitative- Information based on qualities of something (color, shape, size)
Law vs Fact vs Theory
Something is a fact when it is a single event that was observed. An example of this is an apple falling.
A law is a generalized observation about a relationship between two or more things in the natural world. An example of this is Newton's universal law of gravity.
A theory is a collection of hypotheses repeatedly tested to be valid and not yet proven wrong
Controlled variable (constant)- A baseline to compare results; the experimental element that is unchanged throughout the experiment
Independent variable(test) The variable that is changed or controlled
Dependent variable(outcome)- The variable that is affected and measured in the experiment
Key terms:
Iv: tested, controlled, manipulated, cause, x-axis
Dv: outcome, responding, affected, measured, y-axis
Cv: unchanged, baseline to compare results
Inferencing vs prediction prediction
Inferring: explains what is happening or what has happened
Prediction- statements or claims about what will happen
Compound microscope: A light microscope that can magnify about. 1000 times and observe living or dead sample
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): can magnify over 100,000 times, Directs electrons over the surface of a dead specimen to provide a 3D image
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM): Uses magnets to aim electrons at thin slices of cells, can magnify 500,000 times, only on a dead specimen
Metric system
The metric system is a decimal-based system of measurement international system of units (SI) is the revised version
Mass- kilogram
Electric current- ampere
Amount of substance-mole
Luminosity- Candela