Unit 4
Depth of Processing
How a person thinks about a piece of information.
The initial experience of perceiving and learning information.
Shallow Level of Encoding Verbal Information
Encoding focusing on the letters and their structure of a word.
Intermediate Level of Encoding Verbal Information
Encoding focusing more on the word's sound.
Deep Level of Encoding Verbal Information
Encoding focusing more on the meaning and personal relevance of a word.
Effortful Processing Technique
A method requiring deliberate mental effort for encoding and retrieval.
Rote Rehearsal
Repeating information over and over to aid memory.
Grouping information into meaningful units or categories for easier recall.
Mnemonic Devices
Linking new information to existing, easy-to-remember data in long-term memory.
Self-Referencing (Self-Referencing Effect)
Thinking about information in relation to oneself, involving deep processing.
Preparing to Teach (Testing Effect)
Learning information with the intention of teaching it to someone else.
Spacing Effect (Distributed Practice)
Spacing out study sessions over time for improved focus and retention.