If we have a proper hold on Christian belief we will...
love the natural world and respect the study of it
Good science and good faith both need..
sound critical thinking
christ wants us to have...
a child's heart but a grown up's head
mean have always one of two things...
either a complete and conscious philosophy or the unconscious acceptance of the broken bits of some incomplete and often discredited philosophy
philosophy is merely...
thought that has been thought out
the physical sciences, then, depend on...
the validity of logic just as much as metaphysics
we should therefore abandon the distinction between scientific and nonscientific thought. The proper distinction is...
between logical and non-logical thought
the key to a solidly Christian way of thinking about science is...
sound critical thinking (asking good questions)
in the Bible reasoning and knowing are functions of what it calls...
the heart
faith and science are...
not at odds with each other
faith is, in fact...
rational behavior: given who God is, and the reasons he's given for trusting Him, its unreasonable not to trust Him
"because science is limited to explaining the natural world by means of natural processes...
it can not use supernatural causation in it's explanation
atheists assert that science has demonstrated the...
non-existence of God
if scientific answers were your sole recourse...
then your only honest position of the existence of God would have to be agnosticism
" a personal encounter with God is an invitation to proceed...
way beyond all science"
It God's word is truth and science also provides truth than as a Christian be believe these signs...
will align because truth will align with truth
it is clear the the universe expresses both...
apparently stable structures and random physical processes
it is now clear the the interactions between stochastic processes...
give rise to the very structures we regard as stable
If we truly believe that God is present in all things...
then God works in natural process and can overrule natural processes (especially those caused by the fall)
the theory of origins is important because it is...
foundational in the formation of our worldview
before darwinism most people assumed...
the fundamental unity of knowledge
Darwinism is a...
universal acid, which should even be applied to worldviews students bring from home
a crucial first step is to demonstrate that science as presented today based on...
philosophical materialism is a religion
people accept what has been proven wrong because they have already accepted evolution based on...
philosophical grounds
evolution came into being as a kind of...
secular ideology, a substitute for christianity
Darwinism caused a shift from...
religion as knowledge to religion as faith
science has become
"I do not think you can be a true scientist and...
believe in supernatural explanations
the only valuable thing in art...
the thing you cannot explain
when we apply science to the study of humans, we find ourselves in...
the double role of observer/manipulator and observed/altered
scientific evidence actually...
supports theistic belief
only theism can provide an...
intellectually satisfying casual explanation for all of this evidence
science tells you how the heavens go and religion...
tells you how to get to heaven
its inherent in the christian faith to...
make claims about the real world
taken together, what we know today gives us a...
heightened confidence from science, that God exists
the existence of God...
explains this broad range of evidence more simply, adequately, and comprehensively than any other worldview
the materialistic worldview has become...
the default worldview in science, philosophy, and general academia
based on the Biblical account we would expect to see...
both evidence of design in nature as well as evidence of deterioration or decay-which we do
to attribute creation as a mere natural process is...
a form of idolatry to which we're all prone
there is no...
logical method of having new ideas, every discovery contains an irrational element or creative intuition
there is no logical path leading to these laws. They can only be reached by...
intuition, based on something like an intellectual love of the objects of experience
no method has been found that would...
make it possible to invent hypothesis by rule
science can not...
prove that a hypothesis is true, but testing can determine if a particular hypothesis is false
to discard models that include supernatural causation is...
both irrational and unscientific in that it excludes both possible answers to big questions with no justification in science for doing so