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What is health?
a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the abscence of disease or infirmity.
What is wellness
The ability to live fully, with vitality and meaning.
What is the difference between Health and Wellness?
Health can be determined or influenced by factors beyond your control, such as your genes, your age, the healthcare system, and the care you received as a young child.
Wellness is determined by the decisions you make about how you live
What are the 9 wellness dimensions?
physical, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal, cultural, spiritual, environmental, financial and occupational.
Interpersonal/ Social Wellness
- Involves learning effective sommunication skills, developing the capacity, for intimacy.
- requires particpating in and contributing to your community and to society.
Intelectual wellness
- Includes and openness to new ideas, a capacity to think critically and to learn new skills
- Ability to process and use information
Physical Wellness
- requires healthy eating, excersice, avoiding harmful habits, and getting regular checkups
- Influences quality of life and how many years you will live
Emotional Wellness
- Includes optimism, trust, self-esteem
- Ability to share emotions and have satisfying relationships.
- Requires monitoring feelings identifying obstacles emotional well-being.
Cultural Wellness
- Refers to ways individual interact with others who are different from them in terms of ethinicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation and age.
- Invokves creating positve relationships, and accepting valuing all individuals
Environmental Wellness
-personal health depends on health of the planet (e.g, violence, safety of food supply, pollution)
- requires learning about and taking actions to protect yourself as well as the community and planet
Spiritual Wellness
-includes haveing a set of guiding beliefs, principles, or values that give meaning and purpose to one’s life
-Involves the capacity for love compassion, forgiveness, joy, altruism (selflessness), and searching for purpose and meaning in oour existence
-A resource for decrease personal stress
Financial wellness
-Invoves the ability to live within your means and manage your money
Includes balancing your income and expenses, saving for the future and understanding about money
Occupational Wellness
-a sense of personal satisfication derived from career/personal development
-involves attaining a work-life balance
What’s the difference between Infectious and Chronic Diseases?
Infectious is communicable from one person to another and is caused by micro-organism (bacteria, viruses).
Chronic is a non-communicable and develops becoming worse over a period of time, caused in part (and sometimes) by lifestyle factors.
Difference between Morbidity and Mortality
Morbidity - illness or disease
Mortality- death
Life expectancy in Canada
Males- 80 years, Females- 84 years
Major Health Threats
Chronic disease are the major health threats.
cancer and heart diseases are the 2 leading causes of death (40% of deaths)
What are the 5 conditions for behaviour change?
1) Know that a behaviour is associated with (or causes) a health problem
2) believe and accept that the behaviour makes them susceptible to this health problem
3) Recognize that risk-reducton strategies exist that can increase their risk for the health problem
4) Believe that the benefits of the newly adopted behaviours will be reinfoecing than the behaviours given up
5) Feel that significant others want them to alter their high-risk health behaviours and will support their efforts
How can you change Health Behaviours?
Examine pros and cons of change
Boost self-efficacy (self confidence but more specific)
What are the 5 stages of Transtheoretical Model for Behaviour Change
Stage 1- Precontemplation
Stage 2- Contemplation
Stage 3- Preparation
Stage 4- Action
Stage 5- Maintenance
Stage 6- Termination
-No intention of changing behaviour within the next 6 months
-Think about starting but doesn’t actually start
-Aware of the problem; starting to think and learn about it
-See themselves taking action within next 6 months
-Unsure how to proceed
-Plan to take action withing a month
-May have started making small changes
-Plans of change are implemented
- Changes are made and sustained for 6 months
-Risk of reverting back to unhealthy behaviour
Maintained new behaviour for at least 6 months
Typically last for 6 moths to a year
increase in confidence and self-efficacy
What is the aim of the Pan-Canadian Healthy Living Strategy?
To prevent and manage non-communicable diseases
What is Locus of control?
a figurative place a person designates as the source of responsibilty for the events in their life
Internal locus of control
People who believe they are in control of their own lives
External locus control
People who belive that factors beyond their control determine the course of their lives
What is relapse?
refers to slipping back to a previous stage and is commonly a part of the cycle.
How many people living in Canada have some level of disability?
1-3 seniors
22% of Canadina aged 15 years and older
What is self-efficacy?
your ability to successfully take action and perform a specific risk
Key differenece between the concept of health and wellness
health can be determined by factors beyond our control whereas wellness is greatly. influenced by our lifestyle choices
What is cultural differences?
Health-related differences that are acquired as patterns of behaviour through daily intercations with families, communities, and society.
What model can be used to explain how someone’s thought patterns influence their health decisions and behaviurs?
Health belief Model
What are the steps to Creating a Personalized Plan
1) Monitor your behaviour and Gather Data
2) Analyze Data and Identify Patterns
3) Be SMART about setting goals
4) Devise a Plan of Action
5) Make a Personal Contract