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Clustering of industries for mutual benefit
Antecedent boundary
Boundary established before the area is populated
Break-of-Bulk points
Locations where goods are transferred from one mode of transport to another
Bulk-Gaining Industry
Industry that gains weight during production
Cartogram map
Map where thematic mapping variable is substituted for land area
Central Place Theory
Theory explaining distribution of services in a region
Short-term, repetitive movements within a region
Machine used in agriculture for harvesting grain crops
Commercial Agriculture
Large-scale production of crops for sale
Core countries
Industrialized countries with high levels of development
Cottage industry
Small-scale industry carried out at home
Cumulative Causation
Economic growth leading to further growth
Process of industrial deconcentration in response to technological advances
Religious subgroup
Transfer of power from a central government to subnational levels
Arrangement of features in space
Ethnic religion
Religion associated with a particular ethnic group
Exclusive Economic Zone
Sea zone where a state has special rights over the exploration and use of marine resources
Confined area for the controlled feeding of livestock
Fordist production
Mass production system based on assembly-line techniques
Formal region
Region with a shared trait or characteristic
Functional region
Region organized around a focal point
Study of the effects of geography on politics
Genetically modified organisms
Gravity model
Predicts interaction between places based on population size and distance
Heartland theory
Proposes that land-based power was essential in achieving global domination
Major religious and cultural tradition of South Asia
Basic physical and organizational structures and facilities
Intervening Obstacles
Factors that hinder migration
Intraregional migration
Movement within one region
Landlocked state
State with no direct access to the sea
International Law of the Sea
Law governing the rights and responsibilities of states in their use of the world's oceans
Least Cost Theory
Theory that states companies will locate where they can minimize costs
Factories in Mexico that assemble imported materials into finished goods for export
Median-line principle
Principle for dividing and creating boundaries in the ocean
City with over 10 million inhabitants
Mental maps
Maps individuals create in their minds based on their experiences
City with over 20 million inhabitants
Individual who helps to diffuse a universalizing religion
Belief in one god
Multiple Nuclei model
Model of urban structure with multiple centers of development
North American Free Trade Agreement
New International Division of labor
Global economic system based on outsourcing of labor
Operational boundary dispute
Dispute over the legal language of a boundary
Contracting work out to an external organization
Perceptual region
Region defined by popular feelings and images
Physical boundary
Boundary defined by natural features
Belief in multiple gods
Pull factor
Factor that attracts people to a new location
Push factor
Factor that drives people away from a location
Person forced to leave their country to escape war, persecution, or disaster
Area with common characteristics
Relict boundary
Former boundary that no longer functions as a boundary
Rimland theory
Proposes that power is derived from controlling strategic maritime areas
Representation of a real-world phenomenon at a certain level of reduction or generalization
Scales of Analysis
Different spatial levels used to analyze a phenomenon
Site factors
Factors related to the unique characteristics of a location
Southeast Asian City Model
Model showing the layout of cities in Southeast Asia
Supreme power or authority within a territory
Political entity with defined boundaries and sovereignty
Association of three or more states for mutual benefit
Sustainable Agriculture
Agricultural practices that preserve and enhance environmental quality
Blending of different beliefs into a new system
Tertiary sector
Sector of the economy providing services
Themes of Geography
Key themes used to organize geographical knowledge
Time-Space Compression
Reduction in time it takes for information to spread
Unitary state
State governed as a single power in which the central government is supreme
Universalizing Religion
Religion that seeks to convert all people
Voluntary migration
Movement of people by choice
Von Thunen's Model
Model explaining the location of agricultural activities
World City
City that plays a leading role in global economic systems
World Systems theory
Theory that explains the global economic system as a hierarchy of countries