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Scripting Language
A type of programming language used to combine components together, but requires a host environment and has limited support for UI design, graphics, and data types.
Web Scripts
Scripts that can run on either the server-side or client-side, with the server-side host environment being the web server and the client-side host environment being the web browser.
Client-Side Script
A script that is integrated with HTML, responds to user interaction and other events, and has access rights to objects in the host environment such as the browser window, browser history, cookies, and web document components.
The most commonly used client-side scripting language, conceptualized by Brendan Eich in 1995. It is also used in server-side scripting and has evolved into a rich, high-level language with various paradigms and features.
Execution Environment
The environment where JavaScript can be specified in an HTML document, such as within a script element, as top-level code (code outside functions), or inside functions (executed only when the function is invoked).
External Script
A JavaScript script that is stored in a separate .js file and linked to the HTML document using the src attribute.
Internal Script
A JavaScript script that is embedded directly within the HTML document using the script element.
Inline Script
A JavaScript script that is included directly within an HTML tag using the event attribute.
Defer Attribute
An attribute used in script tags to download scripts asynchronously with HTML and web resources. The script executes only after the document has been parsed, but before firing the DOMContentLoaded event.
Async Attribute
An attribute used in script tags to download scripts asynchronously with HTML and web resources. The script executes as soon as it has been fetched in full, but before the Load event is fired.
Language Elements
Various elements and features in JavaScript, such as variable declarations (var and let), primitive data types (number, string, boolean, bigint, null, undefined), browser console, wrapper objects, object types, booleans, equality vs. identity, and strings.
Arrays in JS
Dynamically sized data structures in JavaScript that can contain elements of varying types. They have 0-based index values and various methods for manipulation and iteration.
Functions in JS
First-class objects in JavaScript that allow flexibility in coding. They can be stored in variables, part of an array, passed as an argument, and serve as a return value. Functions can be defined as expressions and can be named or anonymous.
User-Defined Objects
Objects defined by the user in JavaScript, which can have properties that may or may not be functions. Properties can be added dynamically to an object, and object definitions can be done using various syntaxes and methods.
JavaScript Object Notation, a text syntax for storing and exchanging data among applications. JavaScript allows JSON-formatted strings to be converted to JSON objects and vice versa using the JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() methods.
Additional Web APIs used in JavaScript to access objects, such as the Browser Object Model (BOM) API (Window, Navigator, Screen, Location, History), Document Object Model (DOM) API, and others like Canvas, Fetch, Geolocation, IndexedDB, Local Storage, Push, Service Worker, Websockets, and Web Workers.
The Document Object Model (DOM) API provides a representation of the parsed HTML document as a tree structure of nodes, including elements, element attributes, textual content, and HTML document components. It offers various interfaces and methods for manipulating and interacting with the DOM tree.
Various functionalities provided by the DOM API, including constructing/copying nodes, retrieving references to nodes/node collections, traversing the DOM tree, manipulating the DOM tree, event handling, and working with styles.
Event Handling
Events that occur in the DOM as a result of user interaction or generated by APIs to represent the status of tasks or DOM tree components. DOM elements can listen for events and handle them using event handlers, which can be registered to associate events with specific actions.
Actions that can be triggered programmatically.
Event object
An object that represents an event and can be created to trigger events.
A method used to trigger an event.
An object used to define custom events.
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, a set of techniques and technologies that enable clients and servers to exchange data without reloading the entire page.
XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object
An object used to make asynchronous requests to a server.
callback functions
Functions that are executed when a request has been completed.
A type that represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous task.
fetch API
A modern API for making network requests, including fetching resources from a URL.
Tools that process data from one program and use the result as input for another program.
A JavaScript-based HTML preprocessor.
Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets, a CSS preprocessor with additional features.
A CSS preprocessor.
Collections of utilities, functions, and modules that serve specific coding needs.
A set of libraries that provide a structure and functionality for building applications.
Library vs Framework
The difference between a library and a framework in terms of their usage and implementation.
Code or plugins that implement functionality that browsers do not natively support.
How to use libraries and frameworks, including installation and integration instructions.
Coding Playgrounds
Online environments that provide separate frames for editing code and previewing the result.
Content Management Systems (CMS)
Software packages that provide tools for website authoring, collaboration, and administration.
let and const (block scope) vs var (function scope)
Data types
Primitive - number, string, boolean, null, undefined. Object - object, array, function
Built-in objects
Math, Date, JSON, RegExp
User-defined objects
Created using object literals, constructor functions, Object.create()
Functions associated with objects
Variables associated with objects
Dynamically sized, zero-based indexing, mutating methods like push/pop
First-class objects, can be passed as arguments or returned from other functions
Arrow functions
Concise syntax for anonymous functions using =>
Template literals
Use backticks `` to embed expressions ${expression}
Spread operator
... used to expand iterables into individual elements
Extract values from arrays/objects into distinct variables
Global, function, block
Variable and function declarations moved to top of scope
Inner function has access to variables in outer function scope
this keyword
Refers to current execution context object
Strict mode
prevents accidental globals, disables some problematic language features
JavaScript Object Notation, parsing and stringification
Handles asynchronous operations, .then() and .catch()
Event handler
Function that runs in response to an event
Registers an event handler on an element
Common events
click, submit, keydown, scroll, load, error
Event object
Contains details about event like target element
Event bubbling
Events propagate up DOM tree from child to parent
Event capturing
Events propagate down DOM tree from parent to child
Cancels default behavior of event like form submission
Stops event from bubbling/capturing further
Inline handlers
<element onclick="...">
Synthetic events
Programmatically created and dispatched via dispatchEvent()
Mouse events
click, dblclick, mouseup, mousedown, mousemove
Keyboard events
keydown, keyup, keypress
Form events
submit, change, focus, blur
Document events
DOMContentLoaded, readystatechange
Window events
load, beforeunload, resize, scroll
Touch events
touchstart, touchmove, touchend
Gesture events
pinch, rotate
Pointer events
pointerdown, pointerup, pointercancel
Animation events
animationstart, animationend
Transition events
transitionstart, transitionend
Represents browser window, methods like alert(), properties like innerWidth
Represents page document, properties like title, methods like getElementById()
Info about browser, userAgent property
Info about display, width and height properties
URL information, href property and assign() method
Browser history, back(), forward(), go() methods
DOM tree structure
Document nodes in hierarchical tree structure
Identifies type of node like element, text, comment
Renders HTML content inside element
Text inside element without HTML tags
Node containing current node
List of nodes contained in parent
firstChild, lastChild
First and last child nodes
nextSibling, previousSibling
Adjacent sibling nodes at same tree level
Adds new child node to parent
Removes child node from parent
Inserts new child node before reference node
Replaces old child node with new node
Clones node for insertion elsewhere
Gets value of element's attribute
Sets value of element's attribute