Corinth’s Reputation - City of Sin
Sexual promiscuity
Cenchreae - Allowed for it to become a trade hub
Congregation - mostly poor, mostly Gentiles, though two wealthy Jewish leaders converted, but fairly diverse
Paul, Silas, Timothy - make tents in the city to become a part of their culture and city
Stayed 18 months
1 Corinthians was actually the second letter written
Written in response to -- Chloe’s people and churches’ questions
Purpose - Provide guidance to issues and problems threatening the unity of the church
“Lost Letter” - first letter to the Corinthians
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
“Painful Letter” - lost or in 2 Corinthians
Cliques - by leader (Paul, Cepheus, Apollos)
Temple - everyone in the temple is important and all need to do their job
Spiritual Infants - Not firm enough in their faith to be spoken to with the hardness of Christianity and didn’t act mature enough to admit their downfalls
Christ Crucified - focused too much on Christ exalted, so Paul tries to draw them back to Christ crucified
Some felt that the resurrection had already happened
Paul argued against his by presenting:
While Jesus conquered Death, Evil is still being conquered
The dead had not perished, but are waiting to be risen up again
Exchange of perishable bodies for imperishable bodies in the resurrection
Problem - didn’t know how to deal with meals together and manage meals/drinks together
Liturgy - Earliest and most laid out story of the Last Supper
Examine Yourselves - do not partake without the right heart and mind
Grace - We are all equal at this table and working together, noticing our own faults and extending grace to others
Immorality - some immorality needs severe punishment (man with stepmother)
Harsh punishment was meant to take away the protection of the church and bring them back in a roundabout way
All Things Lawful? - Corinthians believed that “freedom in Christ” meant freedom to do all things
Celibacy? - A good option if you can stick with avoiding passions; though marriage was not a bad option
Sacrificed Meat - cannot eat because sacrificed to demons
Demons - Roman Gods
Purchased Meat - Marketplace sold unclean meat; but as long as you didn’t know if it was sacrificed it was okay to eat
Weaker Members - Do not eat sacrificed meat in front of people that would take offense to it (Jewish Christians)
Spiritual Gifts - wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, teaching, etc.
Glossolalia - Speaking in tongues
Acts - Glossolalia used when extended to new groups
1 Corinthians - Glossolalia used in worship (and addition of interpreters)
Problems - boasters (saw it as a special gift), disrupted service, put off other members
Paul’s Admonitions - Gifts should be used for love, Gifts should be used for unifying the church
1 Corinthians 13 - Love Chapter
Agape - Noble love (closely with respect)
Phileos - Friendly love
Eros - Erotic love (between a husband and wife)