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Girl With A Dragon Tattoo (Entire book)


warning: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! literally everything

Ch. 1-3

  • Kalle Blomkvist is a Swedish journalist who reports news.

  • Blomkvist chanced upon a gang which pulled off 5 bank robberies over the past 2 years, with striking similarities which connected all of them together

  • He saw some body builders, with suspicious cargo, of which contained the military rifle, AK4.

  • Afterwards, the police would find the criminals, and the Bear Gang would fall.

  • The court ruled that Blomkvist has libelled and defamed Wennerstrom, and the case was closed with no appeal.

  • His reputation was severely damaged, with peers turning on him. His sentence was 90 days in gaol for aggravated libel of Wennerstrom, and to pay 150,000 SEK (14,000 US dollars)

  • It was a light crime, but financially it was difficult to pull funds, as that would wipe out his safety.

  • The Wennerstrom affair had started out very well, a few days of relaxation in the archapelego.

  • Robert Lindberg and Blomkvist used to be very good friends, but eventually drifted apart, but they would become very interested in one another, and would study each others every move.

  • Lindberg encouraged Blomkvist to start researching into Wennerstrom.

  • The AIA programme was an assistance programme to help Eastern Bloc countries get back on their feet.

  • Half of the money from this would be from big Swedish firms, and the rest from the government.

  • Wennerstrom is the jocker in the pack, he has no background in heavy industry, but has amassed some wealth from the stock market, manipulating the market.

  • Wennerstrom would walk out with 60 million Swedish kroner. (5.930 million)

  • Wennerstrom was given a loan of 60 million and his companies were expected to pay it.

  • The factories Wennerstrom would supply such as Minos would have at most low employees and majority of them were old women.

  • The Wennerstrom group is sitting on over 2 billion Kroner.

  • In 1993 interest rates were unfathomably high, and every speculator was struggling.

Ch. 2

  • Armansky was born in Croatia 56 years ago to an Armenian Jew and a Bosnian Muslim.

  • Armansky would take hold of his education, holding it to a very high regard.

  • Armansky was fascinated with the security business, and would become the CEO of Milton Security.

  • Operations would be divided into 3 areas, security consultations, fire alarms and thiefs, and personal info.

  • Armansky would have his time eaten up by private problems.

  • There was a 24 year old colleague named Salander, and she could sniff out everything from a company.

  • Salander was very close minded and introverted, often not revealing information about herself.

  • A private investigator hired by Armansky was revealed to have beaten his girlfriend and copied work from Salander.

  • Salander was very anti-social, and would not get along with her co workers well. In another vain, she will not allow Armansky to help her.

  • Salander once approached Armansky and confronted him about his attraction and approached it as she felt as it was mutual. (WE GET IT, YOU LIKE KIDS)

  • Salander would drop a file on the Swedish journalist, Blomkvist.

  • Blomkvist was shown to be low income and that he was a freelancer.

  • The information regarding the Bear gang was revealed to be false.

  • Blomkvist was shown to be disloyal to his wife.

Ch. 3

  • Chister Malm is the art director of the Millenium, and owner of the magazine with Blomkvist.

  • Malm was forced to take over in midst of the Blomkvist scandal.

  • The Millennium began losing credibility amidst the scandal.

  • Blomkvist had a very struggled family life, often being very promiscious.

  • Often time, would cheat on his wife without her knowing with Erika Berger, despite Blomkvist not knowing Erika outside of work.

  • Erika Berger was polyamorous, meaning she loved two men at once.

  • Erika and Blomkvist would form the Millennium newspaper together, as a joint expidition.

  • Erika would convince an eccentric gay celebrity, Christer Malm, to buy into the magazine.

  • Malm was also a professional photographer.

  • Blomkvist would be let go from the Millennium to prevent further scandal.

Ch. 4-7

  • Blomkvist was contacted by a lawyer that Henrik Vanger, an industrialist would like to contact him in person.

  • Vanger would like to discuss (in-person) the potential opportunity that Blomkvist may have of a job.

  • Salander bought expensive gifts for her mother on Christmas.

  • On Christmas Day, Blomkvist promised to head to Headstead for this job directly after Christmas day.

  • Vanger was looking for washed-up journalists.

  • Wennerstrom was a juggernaut in the court room, this was not the first journalist that had their name slandered by Blomkvist.

  • Supposedly, Vanger has invited his father to this same room before.

  • Blomkvist was asked for help in closing accounts.

  • Vanger was going to show two truths, one about his family, and one about the general hidden truth.

  • The Vanger Corporation is on the ropes because of short-termism and greed, and the family went to torpedo the firm.

  • One of the Vangers, Richard Vanger in 1924 was a nazi and anti-semite.

  • Richard Vanger would enlist and made his way through the Nazi groups in the country.

  • Richard Vanger was killed in the Swedish army in 1940, and would become a martyr and national socialites would still honor him.

  • Gottfried was the son of Richard, he would be beaten.

  • Harriet Vanger was murdered by one of her family members supposedly.

Chapter 5

  • September, 24, 1966, Harriet was sixteen, it was a Children’s Day parade.

  • 2:15 PM, an incident at the bridge occured where a car crashed head on.

  • The road would be closed for 24 hours.

  • After the accident happened, Harriet was nowhere to be seen.

  • She couldn’t have left the area, it was a gated community.

  • Drowning was a very rare possibility, Harriet would not go swimming in the midst of all this.

  • Blomkvist was a financial reporter as well, though, not seeing himself as one as he saw some financial reporters as not real reporters.

Chapter 6

  • Normally, there was only 25 occupants on the islands at one time, however during that time, there was sixty occupants.

  • Harriet went missing at around 3:00, where she was last seen by Pastor Falk, there was no photos containing her.

  • Fourty five minutes following the last appearance of Harriet, the window of her bedroom window was suspiciously open.

  • Salander did not own a vehicle of her own.

  • She talked to a man and handed him 5000 kroner, and the man smiled and laid a box on the table, showing how it works.

  • Every single birthday since 1958, he would get a flower, minus 1967, the year where she was missing.

  • Salander would break into Armansky’s office and place the papers exactly where it was before on the dawn on the night after Christmas.

  • The contract that Blomkvist was shown that his contractual obligations would only require for him to give it his all.

  • Blomkvist was given an offer he could not refuse. Blackmail on Wennerstrom that would change the tides of the ongoing court case that destroyed Blomkvist just months prior.

Chapter 7

  • Blomkvist would head for Hedestad by train, leaving the Millenium.

  • Blomkvist attempted to convince that it was a good idea.

  • They fear that Blomkvist may not come back, and they are considering firing Blomkvist.

  • The investigation on Wennerstrom was out of the blue dropped.

  • Blomkvist’s odd habits of current law events made them very suspicious of his activity.

  • Fourty-six percent of the women in Sweden have been subjected to violence by a man.

Ch. 8-11

  • Blomkvist would be alighted from his train in Hedestad, and would not be picked up.

  • Blomkvist took a taxi to Vangerś courtyard, where he would live.

  • He would live in his guest house, where his parents lived in 1963.

  • Blomkvist would be in a small enclosed space for his tenure.

  • A man named Gunnar also lives within these enclosures, this man; used to have a romantic interest in Harriet and would come under close scrutiny.

  • Isabella Vanger was the mother of Harriet, and is the only person to talk to Harald, the outcast of the family.

  • Blomkvist was not confident in his abilities to find her, but that did not matter.

  • On the first day, not much news was made except for a Liberal senator investing in the family firm.

  • On the second day, he met up with the locals, the Nillssons were very relaxed with Blomkvist.

  • He was reading slowly into the binder of the details of the disappearance.

  • The log would show that the last known appearance of Harriet to be 1:42 PM, with Gustaf Morell taking over the investigation

  • The investigation was focused on interviewing direct family members.

  • The first search party 014 was the first to do so in daylight.

  • It was difficult to bring in further people for the search party due to the prior accident at the bridge.

  • Three days after the incident, the search was called off.

  • Negative theories surrounding the disappearance became more relevant, and the years of Henrik Vanger’s torment would begin.

Chapter 9

  • Mikael Blomkvist ekpt reading until the small hours and would not get up until late.

  • Blomkvist was all over Sweden because of his court case.

  • There were rumors that the Millennium is on the verge of collapse.

  • Salander was fearless, and Salander has been under social and psychiatric guardianship for 12 years.

  • She would be socially backwater, as she would not initiate conversation with anyone.

  • Lisbeth Salander would be eased back into a foster family at 15 after being declared not to be violent.

  • By the age of seventeen, Salander was arrested by the police because of narcotics and intoxication.

  • She was charged with battery after she beat someone because she was groped in a train station.

  • Due to her psychiatric past, an re-evaluation was demanded. She was also charged with battery.

  • Salander earned over 160,000 kroner per year and double that by working full time, however, despite her apartment being 2,000 kroner, she had 90 thousand kroner in savings, which she could not access.

  • The Vanger family had so much skeletons in their closet.

  • Vanger was convinced that Harriet was murdered and a family member was responsible.

  • The family was consisted of hundreds of individuals when you count the cousins.

  • The Vanger family would have heavy connection to the steel industry.

  • Inheritence would be based on the stock shares the family owns.

  • When Gottfried Vanger died, the lineage ended.

  • Johan Vanger was the genius of the family, training as an engineer, and developed the manufacturing industry.

  • Most people who were at the meetup were already dead.

  • Suspects like the parents could be eliminated.

  • Blomkvist believes that the disappearance of Hariet was not connected to a family member.

  • Most of the family members would have a long life span.

  • No Vanger was divorced or re-married, Cecilia Vanger would be seperated from her husband but they were still married.

  • There was no rock solid motive, theories like Harriet had something that could harm the company were prevelant.

  • Henrik Vanger’s father was a very cold figure, and would barely see his children.

  • Richard Vanger would rebel against his father and would eventually go the route of national socialism. Interestingly, Harald would also follow suit.

  • Harald Vanger would co-author a book advocating for eugenics of people who did not fit his image of a perfect Swedish race, such as handicapped, Saami, Jews, women etc.

  • Richard Vanger would live out his last years hating is last brother.

  • Lobach Vanger, a Nazi, met a Jewish woman, and married her. Fathering a Jewish child.

  • His father was mad because Vanger married a “filthy Jewish whore.”

Chapter 10

  • The month he resided in was the coldest winter on record since the year of 1942.

  • Blomkvist would begin familiarizing himself with the locals, meeting Eva, who was a dentist.

  • Martin Vanger was a very close minded person, only sharing two things about his personal life: his love of music and his love of cooking.

  • Blomkvist was hired to write a family chronicle, but did not approach Martin Vanger regarding the disappearance.

  • Blomkvist would meet Cecilia Vanger and learn shes the headmistress of the Hedestad prepatory school.

  • Henrik Vanger was obsessive regarding the case, almost manic about it.

  • Isabella Vanger told Blomkvist to not snoop around into family affairs.

  • Harriet would go to Henrik’s room wanting to speak to him, and Henrik would be talking to someone else, however, Magmus Sjogren and two of Haralds children would be in the room instead.

  • Hypothetically, there was a chance that Harriet may have blackmail.

  • Three people in the Vanger family would live in the hedeby Island, Harald, Alexander and Nilsson.

  • The publication Blomkvist worked for lost 2/3 of their advertizers.

  • Bjurnman continues asking questions about Salander’s sex life.

Chapter 11

  • Berger knew about the financial situation of the Millenium.

  • They had six months to keep each other aboard.

  • Berger would help the Millenium’s continued existence if Mikael Blomkvist would resume his duties.

  • The placement of Blomkvist back into his former position would send a signal to the old fat man.

  • Frode would set up a company owned by Vanger, and this company would invest in money for the Millenium, coming from the assets that he owned over a span of 4 years.

  • In Harriet’s diary there were five names and telephone numbers, with two sets of initials. All from Hedestad.

  • Lisbeth Salander’s laptop would be destroyed in a biking accident.

  • She would try to buy a state of the ark laptop, but was short of money, she decided to call her guardian.

  • Cecilia Vanger made sexual advances towards Blomkvist. (i hate this book like u would not believe.)

  • Salander got S.A’d by her legal guardian, and could only get 2 years max.


Ch. 12-15

Chapter 12

  • Due to her status as it stands, Salander was legally incompetent, and she could not report her rape.

  • Salander could not control her own assets due to her guardianship.

  • Salander knew the law rudimentarily, it was not an option to report to police as her story seemed not plausible added onto her past history.

  • Salander’s nature was naturally violent, whenever someone bullied her she would return violently.

  • Cecila Vanger and Blomkvist would spend the night together, having an affair.

  • Harriet would be wildly inconsistent with her behavior.

  • The Vanger family were very distant with one another.

  • Salander saw sex as somethign with a loose group of friends, a literal circlejerk, accepted because she knew a whore named Cilla.

  • Salander had no one to turn to except her old circle jerk, thankfully they listened before, right?

  • Salander took matters into her own hands.

Chapter 13

  • Salander would begin her own private investigation into the man who raped her.

  • Advokat Bjurnman regularly would act as a supervisor for youths before becoming Salander’s guardians.

  • Salander would contact all people that Bjurnman would have been associated with, however, nothing would come out of it.

  • Alexander and Birger Vanger would still be maried, however, the relationship would go cold.

  • Salander was considering killing her rapist.

  • Salander decided to poison her assailant, using hydrocyanic acid.

  • As the case progressed, there was no evidence that a crime was even commited.

  • Salander would call Bjurnman that she needed more money.

  • More advances would be made against Lisbeth in attempt to extort her for money.

  • Lisbeth was cuffed hands and legs to a bed. She was anally raped.

Chapter 14

  • Bjurnman was a pure sadist on a power trip.

  • Salander would get another tattoo to remind her of the pain she went through.

  • Salander would lead her captor to the bed to put a tazer up his armpit and electrocute him (SLAY)

  • Cecilia Vanger was ashamed of her affair, she liked Blomkvist too much.

  • Salander would use the tazer to knock out her rapist, and would blackmail her captor using footage of the alleged sexual assaults against her to set her free from contractual obligations.

Chapter 15

  • Blomkvist was sent to prison and released after 3 months, in this time, the Millennium’s profits were steadily increasing.

  • Wennerstrom organized an protest against the Millennium.

  • The last photo of Erika shows her photographed in a photogenic outfit.

  • Cecilia Vanger developed a very large longing for Blomkvist, and suffered major seperation anxiety when he left, resulting in her kicking Blomkvist off.

  • Erika and Blomkvist would move in.

  • The Millennium was expanding very well, most of said subscribers being middle class women.

  • Blomkvist has reached the chapter regarding Harriet.

  • Blomkvist would move into his very own cabin to himself, however, he would have no electricity.

  • In the cabin, he found a Bible, simply with the name of harriet Vanger.

  • Harriet is believed to have frequented the place where Blomkvist resided.

  • Cecilia Vanger decided to break up any romantic relations with Blomkvist when he visited.

Ch. 16-19

Chapter 16

  • Blomkvist would make the observation that in the one photo of Harriet before her disappearance, she looked very frightened.

  • The shot also appeared to be from a higher elevation.

  • The classmates who were interviewed were hanging out until before 2 PM when Harriet suddenly told them they had to go home.

  • Blomkvist requested the photographic archive from the Hedestad Courier.

  • He would ask Madeline Blomberg from the Hedestad Courier and would explain he was working on the autobiography of the Vangers.

  • From 3:10 to 3:15 pm, the window opened and there was a photo of a figure, albeit blurry, opening the window.

  • Playing around in photoshop revealed that it was a diserning figure with lighter hair color than of Harriet Vanger’s.

  • Harriet would out of nowhere, despite looking happy prior would look angry, shocked and or confused.

  • Another advancement was in one of the photos, a woman is photographed taking a photo.

  • There was a woman with the codes “ac3” and a text “NORSJO SNICKERIFABRIK” followed by a telephone number.

Chapter 17

  • Everyone knew about the sex affair between Cecila Vanger and Blomkvist.

  • Vanger was shown the new info and was shocked.

  • Pernilla Abrahamsson would stay the night with Vanger.

  • Blomkvist and Pernilla would have some father-daughter bonding time.

  • Looking at the note that Harriet had, there was numbers and initials like her journal.

  • In said book, there was a fire victim named RJ who was raped and then cut into pieces.

  • Henrik Vanger would be asked about the information, and when asked to report back, he would suddenly have a heart attack around 1 AM.

  • Henrik Vanger would survive, however, in meddling condition.

  • Rebecca Jacobson would work for the family, and the Bible verse would mention fire.

  • Frode gave Blomkvist Lisbeth Salander’s almost 80 page long documentary on him.

  • Salander hacked Blomkvist’s computer to obtain extra information.

Chapter 18

  • Salander did not give a shit about labels, but she liked both sides.

  • Blomkvist would visit Salander.

  • Both were in a rather awkward state.

  • Armansky wants to talk to Blomkvist.

  • Salander knew nigh everything about Blomvkist.

  • Blomkvist would explain his situation, and how his assignment was to find a msising girl.

  • Salander would agree to take the job if he would sign some paperwork for Armansky.

  • Blomkvist would return to the Milennium then return to hedeby.

  • People suspect Dahlmann to be a mole for the leak of the information, and Blomkvist returns to Hedeby to find that someone ravaged through his shit.

Chapter 19

  • Blomkvist would visit Vanger in the hospital, he wasn’t doing so well.

  • When attempting to confront Cecilia Vanger in the hospital alleyway, however she got mad when attempting to contact her.

  • The family was beginning to loathe Blomkvist as he was nosy as fuck about their family affairs.

  • Blomkvist has kept his ideas about Cecilia Vanger being suspicious secret.

  • Blomkvist was attempting to identify cars with AC plates.

  • Salander would make some inferences, connecting the murders of two other cases, from 1949 and 1960.

  • Blomkvist travels to Norjso to find the photographer who has the additional photos.

  • Blomkvist is given the additional photos, and the photos reveal an unidentifiable figure behind a clown.

Ch. 20-23

Chapter 20

  • Vanger’s condition is improving steadily.

  • In the case of Vanger’s death, Martin will take over the seat that Vanger once possesed in the representation of the company.

  • Martin would not return to the Millennium until Blomkvist is finished.

  • Blomkvist seemed torn between his loyalties to Henrik and the magazine, and would accept the answer.

  • Isabella intends to stir up anti-Blomkvist sentiments in hopes that he will leave Hedeby.

  • Salander reports that Harriet’s death may have been connected to these grizzly murders.

  • Salander was let go, but she was stern in remaining in the case, and was hired as a researcher.

Chapter 21

  • Martin wants to fire a reporter who is slandering Blomkvist.

  • Blomkvist and Martin meet a settlement.

  • Salander appears to be warming up hard to Blomkvist, complimenting him.

  • Salander would appear to be more and more like an enigma to Blomkvist.

  • Salander and Blomkvist would spend the next few days attempting to crack the case wide open.

  • Salander was getting suspicious that the killer was a priest, as a pastor would have a very special life, and he was the last person to talk to Harriet.

  • However, the priest has been cleared due to his allibi.

  • Salander would attempt to initiate sex with Blomkvist. It works. They have sex.

  • Blomkvist’s stray cat was flayed and dismembered at the porch.

Chapter 22

  • The animal sacrifice was in the style of 1954 and 1960, the only suspects are people on the Vanger side.

  • They decided to question Otto Falk, who was in a much more severe mental state than Vanger, as he was diagnosed with alzheimers.

  • Falk however, would remember Harriet Vanger very well, describing her as charming.

  • When questioned further he would begin talking about vague religious connotations and how she is “looking for the forbidden truth”

  • The scripture was to mean to “read the bible” as translated by a pastor.

  • Pastor Falk was talking that the person, her being, Harriet was enthralled by esoteric sources like the Apocrypha.

  • After two hours of reading the banned book, he was left fruitless.

  • He began to question rather, if Harriet was religious, but if she was actually investigating crimes.

  • To get his mind off the Apocrypha, he goes for a jog, and an assailant fucking shoots him.

  • A shot barely missed his head, and his temple was draining with blood.

  • Salander would heavily fortify their fortress after that.

Chapter 23

  • If Harriet realized there was a serial killer, it was someone she knew, and there was at least 24 possible people.

  • This derailed the case because no person alive in the 1950s could be enough to be shooting 93.

  • When Salander was told she had a photographic memory, she got pissed.

  • They made up thankfully.

  • They venture off to the Vanger crypt and find the site of the death of the cat.

  • When they got access to the Vanger archives, Salander would research the holdings of the Vanger companies.

  • Blomkvist would study the photographs in privacy of the guest house, and the face in the window would belong to Anita Vanger, Cecilia’s sister.

  • The person who caused her distress, was Martin vanger.

  • Martin awaits his arrival to his house, and forced him into a makeshift dungeon below his cabit, and grizzly beats him.

  • Martin intends to also get Salander once she leaves the archives.

Ch. 24-27

Chapter 24

  • Martin reveals he has been killing women, and how it doesn’t matter because women disappear all the time according to him.

  • Martin brags and gloats about he’s a serial rapist.

  • Analyzing the security footage, Salander knows Blomkvist was kidnapped by martin Vanger.

  • Blomkvist, however, found out that Martin didn’t kill Harriet.

  • Martin Vanger reveals he was sexually abused by his father.

  • Martin Vanger attempts to initiate gay sex.

  • Salander, golf club wielding, she would strike Martin in the ribs, knocking the pistol out his hands.

  • Salander frees Blomkvist, saving him from untimely suffocation.

  • Thankfully, Martin Vanger attempts to escape then crashes into a truck and dies.

  • Salander returns to the cabin to tell Blomkvist the good news.

Chapter 25

  • Martin’s victims were often immigrants and people of color, people who got off.

  • The Vanger Corporation was not well off financially.

  • Salander found two polaroid pictures, both of a barely clothed teenage girl, of which she destroys.

  • Martin was a repressed boy who was cowed by his father, the Nazi.

  • The theory is that Harriet was coarced into having sex with a family member and almost to kill. She would not follow through.

  • Vanger would be refrained from being told anything.

  • Blomkvist and Salander would meet up to meet some hacker friends who would need some help tapping some phone lines.

  • Salander is forced to leave due to the passing of her mother.

Chapter 26


  • She asked help from a girl named Anita Cochran to escape from hedeby, and was smuggled out to Italy.

  • In italy, she fell in love, and move in with him.

  • Martin and Gottfried would molest Harriet, and in 1965, Gottfried tried to drunkenly kill her.

  • In fear for her life, she fled and then pushed him into the water with an oar and held him under until he drowned.

  • After seeing Gottfried get killed, Martin raped her, when Martin left and return, Harriet decided to flee at last.

Chapter 27

  • Blomkvist and Armansky attend the funeral of Mrs. Salander.

  • Blomkvist drops Salander out at Hedeby, and Salander gets pissed at harriet.

  • Henrik Vanger was given a rose because he was the only family member she really trusted.

  • Salander admits she enjoys the company of Blomkvist.

  • Frode returns with two pieces of bad news, Henrik Vanger dropped Blomkvist, and the Wennerstrom blackmail is worthless.

  • Salander as a form of compensation, demands Frode attempt to identify the dead women, and the Vangers donate yearly.

  • Salander brings up the entirety of Wennerstrom’s harddrive, proving his gang ties.

Ch. 28-29

Chapter 28

  • Blomkvist goes through all the information on Salander’s computer.

  • When Salander hacks into Dahlmann’s computer and confirms him to be the mole at Millennium, Blomkvist calls a meeting of the magazine staff and asks them to pretend that Millennium is on the verge of collapse in order to trick Dahlmann.

  • Though Berger seems wary of his methodology and feels unhappy being left out of his doings, she trusts Blomkvist and allows him to do what he feels necessary.

  • In order to assuage her fears and reveal the explosive new information about Wennerström, Blomkvist introduces Salander to Berger and the two women share an awkward exchange.

  • Though they both agree that hacking is unethical, Blomkvist and Berger desire to use the illegal information and acknowledge only that it comes from an anonymous source.

  • Blomkvist sets about writing an expose and admits to Berger that he doesn’t yet feel able to speak about the events that occurred in Hedeby.

Chapter 29

  • Salander occupies herself with learning about Wennerström’s financial affairs.

  • She asks to borrow a significant sum of money from Blomkvist and then flies to Zurich with a fake passport that identifies her as Irene Nesser.

  • There, she purchases material for an elaborate disguise and books a room under the second assumed name of Monica Sholes.

  • She makes a deliberate spectacle of herself during the trip and flirts, tips, and behaves outrageously.

  • Then, under the assumed identity, she systematically drains money from Wennerström’s private, hidden accounts for her own use.

Girl With A Dragon Tattoo (Entire book)


warning: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! literally everything

Ch. 1-3

  • Kalle Blomkvist is a Swedish journalist who reports news.

  • Blomkvist chanced upon a gang which pulled off 5 bank robberies over the past 2 years, with striking similarities which connected all of them together

  • He saw some body builders, with suspicious cargo, of which contained the military rifle, AK4.

  • Afterwards, the police would find the criminals, and the Bear Gang would fall.

  • The court ruled that Blomkvist has libelled and defamed Wennerstrom, and the case was closed with no appeal.

  • His reputation was severely damaged, with peers turning on him. His sentence was 90 days in gaol for aggravated libel of Wennerstrom, and to pay 150,000 SEK (14,000 US dollars)

  • It was a light crime, but financially it was difficult to pull funds, as that would wipe out his safety.

  • The Wennerstrom affair had started out very well, a few days of relaxation in the archapelego.

  • Robert Lindberg and Blomkvist used to be very good friends, but eventually drifted apart, but they would become very interested in one another, and would study each others every move.

  • Lindberg encouraged Blomkvist to start researching into Wennerstrom.

  • The AIA programme was an assistance programme to help Eastern Bloc countries get back on their feet.

  • Half of the money from this would be from big Swedish firms, and the rest from the government.

  • Wennerstrom is the jocker in the pack, he has no background in heavy industry, but has amassed some wealth from the stock market, manipulating the market.

  • Wennerstrom would walk out with 60 million Swedish kroner. (5.930 million)

  • Wennerstrom was given a loan of 60 million and his companies were expected to pay it.

  • The factories Wennerstrom would supply such as Minos would have at most low employees and majority of them were old women.

  • The Wennerstrom group is sitting on over 2 billion Kroner.

  • In 1993 interest rates were unfathomably high, and every speculator was struggling.

Ch. 2

  • Armansky was born in Croatia 56 years ago to an Armenian Jew and a Bosnian Muslim.

  • Armansky would take hold of his education, holding it to a very high regard.

  • Armansky was fascinated with the security business, and would become the CEO of Milton Security.

  • Operations would be divided into 3 areas, security consultations, fire alarms and thiefs, and personal info.

  • Armansky would have his time eaten up by private problems.

  • There was a 24 year old colleague named Salander, and she could sniff out everything from a company.

  • Salander was very close minded and introverted, often not revealing information about herself.

  • A private investigator hired by Armansky was revealed to have beaten his girlfriend and copied work from Salander.

  • Salander was very anti-social, and would not get along with her co workers well. In another vain, she will not allow Armansky to help her.

  • Salander once approached Armansky and confronted him about his attraction and approached it as she felt as it was mutual. (WE GET IT, YOU LIKE KIDS)

  • Salander would drop a file on the Swedish journalist, Blomkvist.

  • Blomkvist was shown to be low income and that he was a freelancer.

  • The information regarding the Bear gang was revealed to be false.

  • Blomkvist was shown to be disloyal to his wife.

Ch. 3

  • Chister Malm is the art director of the Millenium, and owner of the magazine with Blomkvist.

  • Malm was forced to take over in midst of the Blomkvist scandal.

  • The Millennium began losing credibility amidst the scandal.

  • Blomkvist had a very struggled family life, often being very promiscious.

  • Often time, would cheat on his wife without her knowing with Erika Berger, despite Blomkvist not knowing Erika outside of work.

  • Erika Berger was polyamorous, meaning she loved two men at once.

  • Erika and Blomkvist would form the Millennium newspaper together, as a joint expidition.

  • Erika would convince an eccentric gay celebrity, Christer Malm, to buy into the magazine.

  • Malm was also a professional photographer.

  • Blomkvist would be let go from the Millennium to prevent further scandal.

Ch. 4-7

  • Blomkvist was contacted by a lawyer that Henrik Vanger, an industrialist would like to contact him in person.

  • Vanger would like to discuss (in-person) the potential opportunity that Blomkvist may have of a job.

  • Salander bought expensive gifts for her mother on Christmas.

  • On Christmas Day, Blomkvist promised to head to Headstead for this job directly after Christmas day.

  • Vanger was looking for washed-up journalists.

  • Wennerstrom was a juggernaut in the court room, this was not the first journalist that had their name slandered by Blomkvist.

  • Supposedly, Vanger has invited his father to this same room before.

  • Blomkvist was asked for help in closing accounts.

  • Vanger was going to show two truths, one about his family, and one about the general hidden truth.

  • The Vanger Corporation is on the ropes because of short-termism and greed, and the family went to torpedo the firm.

  • One of the Vangers, Richard Vanger in 1924 was a nazi and anti-semite.

  • Richard Vanger would enlist and made his way through the Nazi groups in the country.

  • Richard Vanger was killed in the Swedish army in 1940, and would become a martyr and national socialites would still honor him.

  • Gottfried was the son of Richard, he would be beaten.

  • Harriet Vanger was murdered by one of her family members supposedly.

Chapter 5

  • September, 24, 1966, Harriet was sixteen, it was a Children’s Day parade.

  • 2:15 PM, an incident at the bridge occured where a car crashed head on.

  • The road would be closed for 24 hours.

  • After the accident happened, Harriet was nowhere to be seen.

  • She couldn’t have left the area, it was a gated community.

  • Drowning was a very rare possibility, Harriet would not go swimming in the midst of all this.

  • Blomkvist was a financial reporter as well, though, not seeing himself as one as he saw some financial reporters as not real reporters.

Chapter 6

  • Normally, there was only 25 occupants on the islands at one time, however during that time, there was sixty occupants.

  • Harriet went missing at around 3:00, where she was last seen by Pastor Falk, there was no photos containing her.

  • Fourty five minutes following the last appearance of Harriet, the window of her bedroom window was suspiciously open.

  • Salander did not own a vehicle of her own.

  • She talked to a man and handed him 5000 kroner, and the man smiled and laid a box on the table, showing how it works.

  • Every single birthday since 1958, he would get a flower, minus 1967, the year where she was missing.

  • Salander would break into Armansky’s office and place the papers exactly where it was before on the dawn on the night after Christmas.

  • The contract that Blomkvist was shown that his contractual obligations would only require for him to give it his all.

  • Blomkvist was given an offer he could not refuse. Blackmail on Wennerstrom that would change the tides of the ongoing court case that destroyed Blomkvist just months prior.

Chapter 7

  • Blomkvist would head for Hedestad by train, leaving the Millenium.

  • Blomkvist attempted to convince that it was a good idea.

  • They fear that Blomkvist may not come back, and they are considering firing Blomkvist.

  • The investigation on Wennerstrom was out of the blue dropped.

  • Blomkvist’s odd habits of current law events made them very suspicious of his activity.

  • Fourty-six percent of the women in Sweden have been subjected to violence by a man.

Ch. 8-11

  • Blomkvist would be alighted from his train in Hedestad, and would not be picked up.

  • Blomkvist took a taxi to Vangerś courtyard, where he would live.

  • He would live in his guest house, where his parents lived in 1963.

  • Blomkvist would be in a small enclosed space for his tenure.

  • A man named Gunnar also lives within these enclosures, this man; used to have a romantic interest in Harriet and would come under close scrutiny.

  • Isabella Vanger was the mother of Harriet, and is the only person to talk to Harald, the outcast of the family.

  • Blomkvist was not confident in his abilities to find her, but that did not matter.

  • On the first day, not much news was made except for a Liberal senator investing in the family firm.

  • On the second day, he met up with the locals, the Nillssons were very relaxed with Blomkvist.

  • He was reading slowly into the binder of the details of the disappearance.

  • The log would show that the last known appearance of Harriet to be 1:42 PM, with Gustaf Morell taking over the investigation

  • The investigation was focused on interviewing direct family members.

  • The first search party 014 was the first to do so in daylight.

  • It was difficult to bring in further people for the search party due to the prior accident at the bridge.

  • Three days after the incident, the search was called off.

  • Negative theories surrounding the disappearance became more relevant, and the years of Henrik Vanger’s torment would begin.

Chapter 9

  • Mikael Blomkvist ekpt reading until the small hours and would not get up until late.

  • Blomkvist was all over Sweden because of his court case.

  • There were rumors that the Millennium is on the verge of collapse.

  • Salander was fearless, and Salander has been under social and psychiatric guardianship for 12 years.

  • She would be socially backwater, as she would not initiate conversation with anyone.

  • Lisbeth Salander would be eased back into a foster family at 15 after being declared not to be violent.

  • By the age of seventeen, Salander was arrested by the police because of narcotics and intoxication.

  • She was charged with battery after she beat someone because she was groped in a train station.

  • Due to her psychiatric past, an re-evaluation was demanded. She was also charged with battery.

  • Salander earned over 160,000 kroner per year and double that by working full time, however, despite her apartment being 2,000 kroner, she had 90 thousand kroner in savings, which she could not access.

  • The Vanger family had so much skeletons in their closet.

  • Vanger was convinced that Harriet was murdered and a family member was responsible.

  • The family was consisted of hundreds of individuals when you count the cousins.

  • The Vanger family would have heavy connection to the steel industry.

  • Inheritence would be based on the stock shares the family owns.

  • When Gottfried Vanger died, the lineage ended.

  • Johan Vanger was the genius of the family, training as an engineer, and developed the manufacturing industry.

  • Most people who were at the meetup were already dead.

  • Suspects like the parents could be eliminated.

  • Blomkvist believes that the disappearance of Hariet was not connected to a family member.

  • Most of the family members would have a long life span.

  • No Vanger was divorced or re-married, Cecilia Vanger would be seperated from her husband but they were still married.

  • There was no rock solid motive, theories like Harriet had something that could harm the company were prevelant.

  • Henrik Vanger’s father was a very cold figure, and would barely see his children.

  • Richard Vanger would rebel against his father and would eventually go the route of national socialism. Interestingly, Harald would also follow suit.

  • Harald Vanger would co-author a book advocating for eugenics of people who did not fit his image of a perfect Swedish race, such as handicapped, Saami, Jews, women etc.

  • Richard Vanger would live out his last years hating is last brother.

  • Lobach Vanger, a Nazi, met a Jewish woman, and married her. Fathering a Jewish child.

  • His father was mad because Vanger married a “filthy Jewish whore.”

Chapter 10

  • The month he resided in was the coldest winter on record since the year of 1942.

  • Blomkvist would begin familiarizing himself with the locals, meeting Eva, who was a dentist.

  • Martin Vanger was a very close minded person, only sharing two things about his personal life: his love of music and his love of cooking.

  • Blomkvist was hired to write a family chronicle, but did not approach Martin Vanger regarding the disappearance.

  • Blomkvist would meet Cecilia Vanger and learn shes the headmistress of the Hedestad prepatory school.

  • Henrik Vanger was obsessive regarding the case, almost manic about it.

  • Isabella Vanger told Blomkvist to not snoop around into family affairs.

  • Harriet would go to Henrik’s room wanting to speak to him, and Henrik would be talking to someone else, however, Magmus Sjogren and two of Haralds children would be in the room instead.

  • Hypothetically, there was a chance that Harriet may have blackmail.

  • Three people in the Vanger family would live in the hedeby Island, Harald, Alexander and Nilsson.

  • The publication Blomkvist worked for lost 2/3 of their advertizers.

  • Bjurnman continues asking questions about Salander’s sex life.

Chapter 11

  • Berger knew about the financial situation of the Millenium.

  • They had six months to keep each other aboard.

  • Berger would help the Millenium’s continued existence if Mikael Blomkvist would resume his duties.

  • The placement of Blomkvist back into his former position would send a signal to the old fat man.

  • Frode would set up a company owned by Vanger, and this company would invest in money for the Millenium, coming from the assets that he owned over a span of 4 years.

  • In Harriet’s diary there were five names and telephone numbers, with two sets of initials. All from Hedestad.

  • Lisbeth Salander’s laptop would be destroyed in a biking accident.

  • She would try to buy a state of the ark laptop, but was short of money, she decided to call her guardian.

  • Cecilia Vanger made sexual advances towards Blomkvist. (i hate this book like u would not believe.)

  • Salander got S.A’d by her legal guardian, and could only get 2 years max.


Ch. 12-15

Chapter 12

  • Due to her status as it stands, Salander was legally incompetent, and she could not report her rape.

  • Salander could not control her own assets due to her guardianship.

  • Salander knew the law rudimentarily, it was not an option to report to police as her story seemed not plausible added onto her past history.

  • Salander’s nature was naturally violent, whenever someone bullied her she would return violently.

  • Cecila Vanger and Blomkvist would spend the night together, having an affair.

  • Harriet would be wildly inconsistent with her behavior.

  • The Vanger family were very distant with one another.

  • Salander saw sex as somethign with a loose group of friends, a literal circlejerk, accepted because she knew a whore named Cilla.

  • Salander had no one to turn to except her old circle jerk, thankfully they listened before, right?

  • Salander took matters into her own hands.

Chapter 13

  • Salander would begin her own private investigation into the man who raped her.

  • Advokat Bjurnman regularly would act as a supervisor for youths before becoming Salander’s guardians.

  • Salander would contact all people that Bjurnman would have been associated with, however, nothing would come out of it.

  • Alexander and Birger Vanger would still be maried, however, the relationship would go cold.

  • Salander was considering killing her rapist.

  • Salander decided to poison her assailant, using hydrocyanic acid.

  • As the case progressed, there was no evidence that a crime was even commited.

  • Salander would call Bjurnman that she needed more money.

  • More advances would be made against Lisbeth in attempt to extort her for money.

  • Lisbeth was cuffed hands and legs to a bed. She was anally raped.

Chapter 14

  • Bjurnman was a pure sadist on a power trip.

  • Salander would get another tattoo to remind her of the pain she went through.

  • Salander would lead her captor to the bed to put a tazer up his armpit and electrocute him (SLAY)

  • Cecilia Vanger was ashamed of her affair, she liked Blomkvist too much.

  • Salander would use the tazer to knock out her rapist, and would blackmail her captor using footage of the alleged sexual assaults against her to set her free from contractual obligations.

Chapter 15

  • Blomkvist was sent to prison and released after 3 months, in this time, the Millennium’s profits were steadily increasing.

  • Wennerstrom organized an protest against the Millennium.

  • The last photo of Erika shows her photographed in a photogenic outfit.

  • Cecilia Vanger developed a very large longing for Blomkvist, and suffered major seperation anxiety when he left, resulting in her kicking Blomkvist off.

  • Erika and Blomkvist would move in.

  • The Millennium was expanding very well, most of said subscribers being middle class women.

  • Blomkvist has reached the chapter regarding Harriet.

  • Blomkvist would move into his very own cabin to himself, however, he would have no electricity.

  • In the cabin, he found a Bible, simply with the name of harriet Vanger.

  • Harriet is believed to have frequented the place where Blomkvist resided.

  • Cecilia Vanger decided to break up any romantic relations with Blomkvist when he visited.

Ch. 16-19

Chapter 16

  • Blomkvist would make the observation that in the one photo of Harriet before her disappearance, she looked very frightened.

  • The shot also appeared to be from a higher elevation.

  • The classmates who were interviewed were hanging out until before 2 PM when Harriet suddenly told them they had to go home.

  • Blomkvist requested the photographic archive from the Hedestad Courier.

  • He would ask Madeline Blomberg from the Hedestad Courier and would explain he was working on the autobiography of the Vangers.

  • From 3:10 to 3:15 pm, the window opened and there was a photo of a figure, albeit blurry, opening the window.

  • Playing around in photoshop revealed that it was a diserning figure with lighter hair color than of Harriet Vanger’s.

  • Harriet would out of nowhere, despite looking happy prior would look angry, shocked and or confused.

  • Another advancement was in one of the photos, a woman is photographed taking a photo.

  • There was a woman with the codes “ac3” and a text “NORSJO SNICKERIFABRIK” followed by a telephone number.

Chapter 17

  • Everyone knew about the sex affair between Cecila Vanger and Blomkvist.

  • Vanger was shown the new info and was shocked.

  • Pernilla Abrahamsson would stay the night with Vanger.

  • Blomkvist and Pernilla would have some father-daughter bonding time.

  • Looking at the note that Harriet had, there was numbers and initials like her journal.

  • In said book, there was a fire victim named RJ who was raped and then cut into pieces.

  • Henrik Vanger would be asked about the information, and when asked to report back, he would suddenly have a heart attack around 1 AM.

  • Henrik Vanger would survive, however, in meddling condition.

  • Rebecca Jacobson would work for the family, and the Bible verse would mention fire.

  • Frode gave Blomkvist Lisbeth Salander’s almost 80 page long documentary on him.

  • Salander hacked Blomkvist’s computer to obtain extra information.

Chapter 18

  • Salander did not give a shit about labels, but she liked both sides.

  • Blomkvist would visit Salander.

  • Both were in a rather awkward state.

  • Armansky wants to talk to Blomkvist.

  • Salander knew nigh everything about Blomvkist.

  • Blomkvist would explain his situation, and how his assignment was to find a msising girl.

  • Salander would agree to take the job if he would sign some paperwork for Armansky.

  • Blomkvist would return to the Milennium then return to hedeby.

  • People suspect Dahlmann to be a mole for the leak of the information, and Blomkvist returns to Hedeby to find that someone ravaged through his shit.

Chapter 19

  • Blomkvist would visit Vanger in the hospital, he wasn’t doing so well.

  • When attempting to confront Cecilia Vanger in the hospital alleyway, however she got mad when attempting to contact her.

  • The family was beginning to loathe Blomkvist as he was nosy as fuck about their family affairs.

  • Blomkvist has kept his ideas about Cecilia Vanger being suspicious secret.

  • Blomkvist was attempting to identify cars with AC plates.

  • Salander would make some inferences, connecting the murders of two other cases, from 1949 and 1960.

  • Blomkvist travels to Norjso to find the photographer who has the additional photos.

  • Blomkvist is given the additional photos, and the photos reveal an unidentifiable figure behind a clown.

Ch. 20-23

Chapter 20

  • Vanger’s condition is improving steadily.

  • In the case of Vanger’s death, Martin will take over the seat that Vanger once possesed in the representation of the company.

  • Martin would not return to the Millennium until Blomkvist is finished.

  • Blomkvist seemed torn between his loyalties to Henrik and the magazine, and would accept the answer.

  • Isabella intends to stir up anti-Blomkvist sentiments in hopes that he will leave Hedeby.

  • Salander reports that Harriet’s death may have been connected to these grizzly murders.

  • Salander was let go, but she was stern in remaining in the case, and was hired as a researcher.

Chapter 21

  • Martin wants to fire a reporter who is slandering Blomkvist.

  • Blomkvist and Martin meet a settlement.

  • Salander appears to be warming up hard to Blomkvist, complimenting him.

  • Salander would appear to be more and more like an enigma to Blomkvist.

  • Salander and Blomkvist would spend the next few days attempting to crack the case wide open.

  • Salander was getting suspicious that the killer was a priest, as a pastor would have a very special life, and he was the last person to talk to Harriet.

  • However, the priest has been cleared due to his allibi.

  • Salander would attempt to initiate sex with Blomkvist. It works. They have sex.

  • Blomkvist’s stray cat was flayed and dismembered at the porch.

Chapter 22

  • The animal sacrifice was in the style of 1954 and 1960, the only suspects are people on the Vanger side.

  • They decided to question Otto Falk, who was in a much more severe mental state than Vanger, as he was diagnosed with alzheimers.

  • Falk however, would remember Harriet Vanger very well, describing her as charming.

  • When questioned further he would begin talking about vague religious connotations and how she is “looking for the forbidden truth”

  • The scripture was to mean to “read the bible” as translated by a pastor.

  • Pastor Falk was talking that the person, her being, Harriet was enthralled by esoteric sources like the Apocrypha.

  • After two hours of reading the banned book, he was left fruitless.

  • He began to question rather, if Harriet was religious, but if she was actually investigating crimes.

  • To get his mind off the Apocrypha, he goes for a jog, and an assailant fucking shoots him.

  • A shot barely missed his head, and his temple was draining with blood.

  • Salander would heavily fortify their fortress after that.

Chapter 23

  • If Harriet realized there was a serial killer, it was someone she knew, and there was at least 24 possible people.

  • This derailed the case because no person alive in the 1950s could be enough to be shooting 93.

  • When Salander was told she had a photographic memory, she got pissed.

  • They made up thankfully.

  • They venture off to the Vanger crypt and find the site of the death of the cat.

  • When they got access to the Vanger archives, Salander would research the holdings of the Vanger companies.

  • Blomkvist would study the photographs in privacy of the guest house, and the face in the window would belong to Anita Vanger, Cecilia’s sister.

  • The person who caused her distress, was Martin vanger.

  • Martin awaits his arrival to his house, and forced him into a makeshift dungeon below his cabit, and grizzly beats him.

  • Martin intends to also get Salander once she leaves the archives.

Ch. 24-27

Chapter 24

  • Martin reveals he has been killing women, and how it doesn’t matter because women disappear all the time according to him.

  • Martin brags and gloats about he’s a serial rapist.

  • Analyzing the security footage, Salander knows Blomkvist was kidnapped by martin Vanger.

  • Blomkvist, however, found out that Martin didn’t kill Harriet.

  • Martin Vanger reveals he was sexually abused by his father.

  • Martin Vanger attempts to initiate gay sex.

  • Salander, golf club wielding, she would strike Martin in the ribs, knocking the pistol out his hands.

  • Salander frees Blomkvist, saving him from untimely suffocation.

  • Thankfully, Martin Vanger attempts to escape then crashes into a truck and dies.

  • Salander returns to the cabin to tell Blomkvist the good news.

Chapter 25

  • Martin’s victims were often immigrants and people of color, people who got off.

  • The Vanger Corporation was not well off financially.

  • Salander found two polaroid pictures, both of a barely clothed teenage girl, of which she destroys.

  • Martin was a repressed boy who was cowed by his father, the Nazi.

  • The theory is that Harriet was coarced into having sex with a family member and almost to kill. She would not follow through.

  • Vanger would be refrained from being told anything.

  • Blomkvist and Salander would meet up to meet some hacker friends who would need some help tapping some phone lines.

  • Salander is forced to leave due to the passing of her mother.

Chapter 26


  • She asked help from a girl named Anita Cochran to escape from hedeby, and was smuggled out to Italy.

  • In italy, she fell in love, and move in with him.

  • Martin and Gottfried would molest Harriet, and in 1965, Gottfried tried to drunkenly kill her.

  • In fear for her life, she fled and then pushed him into the water with an oar and held him under until he drowned.

  • After seeing Gottfried get killed, Martin raped her, when Martin left and return, Harriet decided to flee at last.

Chapter 27

  • Blomkvist and Armansky attend the funeral of Mrs. Salander.

  • Blomkvist drops Salander out at Hedeby, and Salander gets pissed at harriet.

  • Henrik Vanger was given a rose because he was the only family member she really trusted.

  • Salander admits she enjoys the company of Blomkvist.

  • Frode returns with two pieces of bad news, Henrik Vanger dropped Blomkvist, and the Wennerstrom blackmail is worthless.

  • Salander as a form of compensation, demands Frode attempt to identify the dead women, and the Vangers donate yearly.

  • Salander brings up the entirety of Wennerstrom’s harddrive, proving his gang ties.

Ch. 28-29

Chapter 28

  • Blomkvist goes through all the information on Salander’s computer.

  • When Salander hacks into Dahlmann’s computer and confirms him to be the mole at Millennium, Blomkvist calls a meeting of the magazine staff and asks them to pretend that Millennium is on the verge of collapse in order to trick Dahlmann.

  • Though Berger seems wary of his methodology and feels unhappy being left out of his doings, she trusts Blomkvist and allows him to do what he feels necessary.

  • In order to assuage her fears and reveal the explosive new information about Wennerström, Blomkvist introduces Salander to Berger and the two women share an awkward exchange.

  • Though they both agree that hacking is unethical, Blomkvist and Berger desire to use the illegal information and acknowledge only that it comes from an anonymous source.

  • Blomkvist sets about writing an expose and admits to Berger that he doesn’t yet feel able to speak about the events that occurred in Hedeby.

Chapter 29

  • Salander occupies herself with learning about Wennerström’s financial affairs.

  • She asks to borrow a significant sum of money from Blomkvist and then flies to Zurich with a fake passport that identifies her as Irene Nesser.

  • There, she purchases material for an elaborate disguise and books a room under the second assumed name of Monica Sholes.

  • She makes a deliberate spectacle of herself during the trip and flirts, tips, and behaves outrageously.

  • Then, under the assumed identity, she systematically drains money from Wennerström’s private, hidden accounts for her own use.
