Alloys are a mixture that contains at least one metal.
Alloying increases strength and hardness
Alloying reduces malleability and ductility, of alloys compared to pure metals.
This is due to the presence of “foreign” atoms which interfere with the movements of atoms in the crystals during plastic deformation
Oxidation is the interaction between oxygen and different substances when they make contact, such as rust Fe2O3
Oxidation resistance is the ability of a material to resist the direct and indirect attack of oxygen (oxidation) and degradation.
Tensile Strength: The tensile strength of natural timber is greater along the grain than across the grain.
Resistance to damp environments: is very resistant.
Longevity: Hardwoods very good. Softwoods good.
Aesthetic properties: natural colours range (red, purple, cream and brown). The grain can add to its aesthetics.
Tensile strength: depends on the man-made timber
Plywood – high tensile strength in all directions
Particle board and MDF – very low
Resistance to damp environments: depends on the man-made timber.
Exterior plywood – excellent.
Interior plywoods very low
Particle board and MDF – very low
Plywood is high
Particle board and MDF is low to medium
Aesthetic properties:
Plywood if the top layer is of a nice timber like Beech will be good
Particle board and MDF requires finishing or a sheet of lamination (see previous section)
Reducing attack by insects, fungus and marine borers by making the wood poisonous
Creosote: A material that penetrates the timber fibers protecting the integrity of the wood from attack from borer, wood lice and fungal attack.
Protection from the weather
Protection from Dry rot.
Where timber is subjected to decay and attack by fungus.
Improving chemical resistance
Enhancing aesthetic properties
Modifying other properties
Transparency, allows light to pass through thus allowing you to see the contents of a jar or through a window.
Colour, colour can de deigned in my adding chemicals
Strength – low tensile strength but high compressive strength
Brittleness, it has a low impact strength and thus will shatter easily (low toughness).
Hardness, high hardness and wont scratch readily.
Un-reactivity – is chemically inert so leaching of acid based contents is not a problem.
Non-Toxic due to its un-reactivity therefore suitable for food storage.
Non-porous, thus will hold liquids or stop moisture seeping from outside.
100% recyclable and is continuously recyclable
Recycled glass is known as cullet which is added to new raw materials to make new glass.
It reduces the energy required thus the costs in producing new glass.
When recycled the glass is separated into the same colours groups (due to chemical compounds) then are crushed .
lowest density of thermoplastics
good toughness
resistant to fats
high resistance to temperature
good fatigue resistance
low stiffness (semi-rigid, flexible)
high toughness
commonly HDPE and LDPE
high strength
thermal resistant
high impact resistance
high toughness
dimensional stability
good stiffness
good workability properties
versatile material
repayable – not all centres will receive it.
easy of fabrication
high impact strength
good aesthetics-various colours
low cost
dimensional stability
good workability properties
Can be stiff or flexible (when a plastizeer is added)
good aesthetics – colours
low cast
It can be hard like fibreglass or soft and spongy
wide range of hardness
good tensile and compressive strength
toughness – impact resistant
good electrical resistivity
good bonding properties
good resistant to damp environments
high (surface) hardness
high tensile strength
electrical resistivity
low resistance to damp environments
deterioration of indoor are quality
high hardness (one of the highest)
high chemical resistance resin
medium fire and heat resistant (will decompose under great heat)
resistant to moisture (damp environments)
high thermal resistance
high chemical resistance
high toughness
Nearly all plastics can be recycled it mostly depends on economic, technical and logistical factors
Thermoplastics can be easily recycled.
come in a range of chemical compounds and therefore need to be sorted for recycling
Thermosets not so easy (and expensive to do so)
need to be ground into a powder which adds time and costs.
Often get sent to landfill
Materials produced by plants or animals that can be spun into a thread, rope or filament.\
Common examples include:
Absorbency – is very high
Strength – low tensile strength
Elasticity – not very elastic
Effect of temperature – will burn but does not melt.
Absorbency – is very low
Strength – high tensile strength
Elasticity – highly elastic (like stockings, socks etc)
Effect of temperature – will burn and melt.