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How does book ten begin?
Council of the gods
What is the purpose of the council of the gods?
Shows that the decisions and acts done by mortals are only partly their own decision
What does Jupiter say in his first speech?
"there will be a time for pillaging, and for hate to vie with hate. But now let it be."
What does Venus say about Ascanius and Aeneas?
"allow me to take Ascanius safely out of the war...As for Aeneas, let him be tossed by storms..."
What does Juno respond that is pretty much a complete lie?
"Neither man nor god compelled Aeneas to choses the ways of war...was it a god that drove him to dishonesty?"
How does Jupiter end the council of the gods?
"...this day let each man face his own fortune...Trojan and Rutulian I shall treat alike."
What is the situation at the Trojan camp?
"no hope of escape"
What similes describe Iulus at the beginning of book ten? (2)
"like a gem," "like glowing ivory,"
Where is Aeneas at the start of the book?
With Evander
Which king (other than Evander) joined forces with Aeneas?
How is Pallas characterised when we first see him in book ten?
Innocent, adoring, at Aeneas' side
Who came up to Aeneas mid-voyage?
Who leads the nymphs?
Why does Cymodocea and her Nymphs declare allegiance to Aeneas?
They hate Mezentius
What do the Nymphs tell Aeneas?
That Iulus is trapped, to take up his shield
What does Cymodocea do to Aeneas' boat?
Pushed Aeneas' boat away with her hand and the ship flew through the waves faster than a javelin
Who is Phoebe?
Moon goddess
Who is Cybele?
Kindly mother goddess
Who is Cymodocea?
Sea nymph
Who is "the treacherous Rutulian?"
What is the purpose of Cymodocea's speech to Aeneas?
Brings him up to speed
What is Aeneas' reaction to the speech of Cymodocea?
"struck dumb with bewilderment,"
In lines 261/262, Aeneas raises his shield to make it flash. What does this recall?
8.270-271, when Virgil describes Aeneas's shield, decorated with an image of Augustus sailing to victory at Actium
Which quote shows fire reoccurring as a theme, when Aeneas holds his shield?
"on the head of Aeneas there blazed a tongue of fire, baleful flames poured from the top of his crest..."
Which quote shows the Trojans being compared to cranes?
"Trojans...like cranes from the river Strymon in Thrace giving out their signals..."
Why are the Trojans compared to Cranes?
Cranes are birds that essentially act as spears
How does Turnus rally his men?
"Each of you must now think of his own wife and his own home and remember the great deeds which brought glory to our fathers..."
Which quote best describes Tarchon's characterisation?
"suddenly swung his ship round and appealed to his comrades...You ran aground on a shoal and hung there see-sawing on a dangerous ridge..."
Who is Tarchon the king of?
How many men does Aeneas kill in quick succession?
How is Lichas' death by Aeneas seen as pitiful?
"Little good it do the baby to escape the hazard of steel at birth."
How can we see that Virgil has pity for the men Aeneas kills?
"Nothing could help them now."
How can be pity Alcanor when he is killed by Aeneas?
"Alcanor came to help him as he fell, a brother's right hand to support a brother."
What simile links the Trojans and the Latins?
"Trojans and Latins were battling...like opposing winds...equal in strength."
In which quote does Pallas mention himself to encourage his men?
"your proud fatherland requires you and your leader Pallas to go"
How does Pallas encourage bravery in his men?
"These are not gods who are pressing you so hard; they are mortals pursing mortals."
How does Pallas make his men see that the battle is evenly matched?
· "Like us they have two hands, and like us they have one life to lose."
In which quote does Pallas point out to his men that they've no choice but to fight?
"Look about you!...there is no more land to run to...Shall we set course for Troy?"
In his aristeia section, how many men does Pallas kill?
How does Virgil make Lagus' death by Pallas sympathetic?
"Drawn there by an unkindly fate, was Lagus"
How does Virgil make Hisbo's death by Pallas sympathetic?
"Hisbo...made reckless by the cruel death of his comrade."
How is the personification of Larides' hand grim?
"It groped for its owner and the fingers twitches, still half alive."
In the end, what spurs the Arcadians to fighting?
"The Arcadians were stung by Pallas' reproaches, and as they watched his glorious feats, remorse and shame armed them against their enemies."
How does Pallas kill Rhoetus?
"Pallas put a spear through Rhoeteus as he fled past on his two-horse chariot."
How are Pallas and his men characterised through a simile?
"...as a shepherd fires a wood at different points...just so, Pallas, did the valour of your men all come together in one."
Who is Lausus?
Mezentius' son
How are Pallas and Lausus seen as similar?
"Equal in their leaders and in their strength"
What does Turnus initially say about Pallas?
"Pallas is mine."
How does Pallas react to seeing Turnus for the first time?
"...stood amazed at the sight of Turnus, running his eyes all over that mighty body,"
How does Virgil make it seem that Turnus has an unfair advantage over Pallas?
"...like a lion which has seen from some high vantage point..."
Which hero does Pallas pray to as he fights Turnus?
What is Hercules' response to Pallas' prayer?
"groan rising from the depths of his heart and the helpless tears streamed from his eyes."
How does Jupiter console Hercules?
"Each man has his allotted day. All life is brief..."
Which quote shows Pallas' ineffectual strike?
"But Pallas hurled his spear with all his strength...The spear flew and fell where the armour stood,"
How does Virgil make Pallas' death pathetic?
"Pallas tore the warm blade out of the wound, and blood and life came out...his bleeding mouth bit the soil of his enemies."
After Pallas' death, what is Turnus reaction?
"I am sending him back the Pallas he deserves....and any comfort he finds in burying him, these I gladly give him."
What does Turnus take from Pallas' body?
His baldric
What is Virgil's intervention after Pallas' death?
"O Pallas, a great grief and a great glory are coming home to your father!"
How is the slaughter of Magus by Aeneas made particularly brutal?
"bending back his neck when he was still begging for mercy, he drove the sword home to the hilt."
What quote shows Aeneas' furor before hearing about Pallas' death?
"While he was still begging for mercy, and still had much to say, Aeneas smashed his head to the ground."
Which monster is Aeneas compared to through a simile?
"Aeneas was like Aegaeon, who they say had a hundred arms and a hundred hands...so seemed Aeneas, raging victorious all over the plain."
In which quote does Aeneas bear similarities to Mezentius?
"Aeneas cut short his appeal...'Die now.'"
In his dealing death, Aeneas is compared to what?
"...Trojan leader deal out death all over the plain like a raging torrent of water."
How can Aeneas be seen as cruel, unsympathetic and unlikeable, when mentioning his victim's mother?
"Your good mother will not bury you in the earth,"
What juxtaposition describes Aeneas' fighting?
"Good Aeneas addressed these bitter words to him."
How does Juno manipulate Jupiter in the latter divine intervention in book ten?
"If your love for me had that power which once it had, you who can do all things should not be refusing me this"
What does Jupiter permit Juno to do in the second divine intervention?
Rescue Turnus
How does Juno save Turnus?
Makes an effigy of Aeneas, Turnus followed it with his sword dispersing winds
What simile describes Mezentius as unwavering, strong and impenetrable?
"He stood like a rock jutting out into the ocean wastes...unmoved"
What animal is Mezentius first compared to as he fights?
"Like the wild boar..."
How does Mezentius brutally kill Palmus?
"Cut the hamstrings of Palmus,"
What is a second animal that Mezentius is compared to?
"Just as a ravening lion scouring the deepest lairs...just so did Mezentius charge,"
What quote of Mezentius' is similar to Aeneas?
"Half-smiling, half in anger, Mezentius replied 'Die now.'"
Which quote gives us the impression that Mezentius is huge and unbeatable?
"Mezentius held his ground, unafraid, and the huge bulk of him stood fast,"
Which quote shows that Mezentius is at risk?
"Mezentius was falling back, defenceless and encumbered,"
What does Mezentius ask Lausus' corpse?
"Have you died so that I might live?"
Which quote best shows that Mezentius has given up?
"I have come here to die"
What is Mezentius' final plea?
"let me lie in the grave with my son"
How does Lausus react to Mezentius in trouble?
"Lausus moan bitterly...tears rolled down his face."
How could Lausus' fighting be seen as impulsive?
"Lausus kept forward and threw himself between them,"
What does Aeneas say to Lausus?
"You are too rash."
Which quote best illustrates that Lausus has lost control?
"Lausus was in full cry and his madness knew no check."