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Automatically collected events
Events collected when you set up Google Analytics on your website/app
Average engagement time
represents the average amount of time users engage with a website/app, in minutes or seconds
Data stream
flow of data from a customer touchpoint (e.g., app, website) to Analytics.
Default reporting entity
How you track and report on users. (Ex. User ID, Google signals and device, or by device only)
Engaged sessions
10s+ session, has a conversion event, or at least 2 page/screenviews.
Engagement rate
% of engaged sessions on your website/mobile app. (Formula: Total number content interaction/your total followers x 100%)
Engaged sessions per user
calculated automatically via data from the web pages + app screens (Formula: # of engaged sessions/total users on site)
Enhanced measurement
measure content interactions by sending options (events) in the Google Analytics interface
An event allows you to measure a specific interaction or occurrence on your website or app.
Event count
Refers to the number of times an event is triggered on your website or app. An event is a user's specific action on your site, such as clicking a button, playing a video, or submitting a form.
Event parameter
lets you capture information about an event, written as key-value pairs (left = event parameter name, right = event parameter value)
collection of advanced techniques that go beyond standard reports to help you uncover customer behaviour
Life cycle
understand how people use your website/ app, from acquisition → retention.
Measurement ID
An identifier for a web data stream (e.g., G-12345)
pre-made overview report that summarizes your revenue data
event where a user buys a product/service within an app/website.
period of time where the user interacts with your website/app.
Traffic acquisition Report
pre-made detail report that's designed to help you understand where your website and app visitors are coming from.
individual who interacts with an app/website, identified by a unique user ID
User acquisition Report
pre-made detailed report with insights into how first time users find your website/app