obstacles for henry
Anne Boleyn already engaged to heir of title of Earl of Northumberland
H8 attraction to AB
came from French courts to British Courts - stands out
potential for male heir
Problems for wolsey
by destroying the marriage to Percy, made himself an enemy in Anne.
ANNULMENT WITH CoA - scripture
tried to use bible to justify annulment (Leviticus 20:21 - if a man marries brothers wife, dishonoured his brother, shall be childless)
Catherine argued against this, used Deuteronomy 25:5 (if a husband dies, duty of brother to marry widow)
ANNULMENT WITH CoA - diplomacy
pope captured - Charles V (CoA nephew). could not make decision in favour of H - would put him in danger
wolsey tried to ally with France to war against Charles but failed
ANNULMENT WITH CoA - legal moves
pope sent Campeggio to delay hearings - took 6 months to arrive
Campeggio + wolsey meant two papal legates - causes stalemate in hearings
when court finally met CoA refused to recognise it - appealed to pope to move it to rome - agreed, insisted english court stop proceedings